MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 541: Final stage

Gu Shu's body went directly to the top of the hall, and his huge body alone took up a large part of the hall.

And unlike ordinary old trees, his body grew a lot of vines, and started to agitate like his arms.

Just like a monster with countless tentacles, following the swing of a vine.

A red light was caught by his tentacles.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that there will be blood strength left after the bones are gone. Let me absorb and confine your blood." The body of the ancient tree leader is really too huge, and so many tentacles, densely packed, completely impossible Dodge, they basically did no harm when attacking the ancient tree.

Ying Wu Kuang said with a pale face: "Impossible, is there something wrong with the data? Why do I see the sixty-level camp leader."

At this time, the group members were also stunned. The 60th-level leaders, no wonder the damage was so low, they originally thought they had the armor of the gods.

"How do we defeat this?" The dumb Tongtong looked at Li Yao.

Li Yao shook his head and said: "Stop it all. This is just a plot. It is impossible for us to deal with such a powerful monster at this stage. I should almost do it when I conquer the Hydra."

Hearing Li Yao said that he had encountered such a situation, everyone was relieved, and began to sit on the ground and constantly recover their blood and blue levels.

"No, what is this? You are so weak that you can curse me." Then everyone saw the red light covering the entire ancient tree.

A red light flashed, and an illusory shadow appeared.

"My son, thank you for letting me get free. My son really didn't look at the wrong person." The phantom was exactly like the old centaur Khan; "I used the power of the blood to induce the power of the **** to weaken him, and the rest is It's up to you. Kill him, and my bloodline power will reappear. Then I will guide you how to completely activate the gods and destroy the nightmare projection of the nightmare god."

"No, **** it, you actually use your life to calculate me." The ancient tree leader roared.

The old centaur Khan’s soul sneered and said: “I naturally don’t believe that the **** of nightmare will be fooled by this little trick. He wants to use his tricks, how could I not know. He believes that he still puts his nightmare projection altar on Here, I thought I could control me perfectly, so as to control my tribe,"

"How did you do it?" the ancient tree leader said unwillingly.

"Hahaha, of course you don’t know that when every Khan of the Clefthoof tribe succeeds, the **** of nature can infuse the seed of divine power through the idol. This is a secret that only the Khan knows. Although I will get lost, there are Neither the seed of divine power nor the **** of nightmare can completely control me." The old Khan laughed.

"So you pretend to be completely controlled, but you sacrificed yourself to lure me into the bait?" The head of the ancient tree is getting weaker and weaker, and the nightmare vines surrounding him have become less and less.

"Yes, you guy has always wanted to gain control of the Nightmare Altar. Don’t think I don’t know. You are not loyal to the Nightmare God at all. You just want to be the Nightmare and escape from the ancient tree. If I don’t pretend to be controlled , How can you be so cunning like a fox?" The old Khan laughed loudly: "A little nightmare projection wants to control me, it's so naive."

"Impossible, you have been completely controlled." The ancient tree leader still couldn't believe it.

"I said, we all have the seed of divine power. After I want him to control, the soul can escape. In fact, hehe." The old Khan's eyes flashed red: "You are trying to subvert my tribe. It’s the constant cruelty and enslavement of my people, and we are bound to make you pay the price."

"Just rely on these ants?" The ancient tree leader was disdainful.

The old Khan ignored him and said to Li Yao: "Children, they are betrayed by the natural demigods, but their divine power is not worth mentioning without the power of the natural demigods. The rest is up to you. Kill. If you die, my bloodline power will reappear, but I want to remind you that you can't fight for more than two hours, or my bloodline power will quickly melt away."

"I understand." Li Yao saluted and said, "Kill!"

Then everyone's attack violently bombarded the ancient tree leader.

At this time everyone discovered that their injuries had become normal.

"Even if I only have Tier 2, it is not something you ants can deal with." The remaining nightmare vines of the ancient tree leader continued to dance.

Frantic dance!

The vines danced wildly, like a whip, and the whole hall was full of the sound of the whip.

The people of Xinghuo began to constantly flip and move to avoid these pesky vines.

Although the vines are much less, they are still very dense, it is very difficult to hide, and it is too chaotic, and the people of Xinghuo are constantly losing staff.

Finally destroyed the group again...

"This guy is too perverted and can't avoid it. The people from Xinghuo are a bit frustrated. After trying twice in a row, they have successfully reached the third stage, but this vine just can't make it through.

"It's too late today. Today everyone is resting. I just want to find a way." Li Yao went offline after speaking, and he was too tired.

Let alone other people, especially Hitomi, whose eyes couldn't open, but they kept holding on.

After all, the last boss is very exhausting in several stages, even if it can pass, it is not light.

The next day, everyone gathered again. As soon as Li Yao went online, the guardian angel asked, "How is it, I can't think of a way."

Li Yao said: "Let's talk about your views first."

Then everyone started to talk about their own thoughts. Li Yao finally said: "Very well, many people can grasp the essence. Now I make a plan to guard a long-range profession in close combat. The vines can be cut and broken. Blocking and parrying, so the responsibility of melee combat is to cut off the blocking vines while slowly cutting off the vines."

Then the land reclamation began, and everyone reached the third stage smoothly. They had to be cautious because this was their last invincible scroll. If they fail again, then they will give up their previous efforts.

The ancient war tree would naturally not give them such an invincible scroll, so they would be stuck in the second stage, and the first kill would naturally be indefinitely.

As the battle begins, the melees keep on parrying the vine's attacks, and as the number of slashes increases, the vines will be cut off.

The test at this stage is also cooperation, and it is small-scale cooperation.

As the battle continued, the leader of the ancient tree had been killed to become a bald.

There are no leaves on his body. With the disappearance of the vines, he is completely a big bald, just like a big dead tree...

(To be continued.)

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