The newcomer Muzi was speechless and said, "Boss, you have to teach me anyway. I don't want to bear this single stake anymore. It's really terrifying."

Thinking of everyone's face on the boss's single stake, this rogue skill is really a jerk.

Although the injury is fixed, the real pain is very real.

"Yes, President, you can't hide your privates." Babe Babe was killed by a single stake just now, and there is still a shadow now.

Others joked. Although Li Yao said it was a butterfly step, the butterfly step is not a secret. You can find all kinds of great butterfly steps on the Internet.

But it was the first time they saw the butterfly step that Li Yao reached the summit, and it was the real butterfly.

The reason why this step is called the butterfly step is because they can see that it is a dancing butterfly after fast-forwarding and playing the video, and Li Yao can reach this point without fast-forwarding, which is indeed unique.

So they naturally think that Li Yao has a unique method.

Li Yao smiled and said: "This is naturally no problem. Actually, this boss follows the test of the butterfly step. You have also seen it. Waiting for the next CD, I won't come. You play this boss several times to ensure you butterfly. A lot of progress."

"I rely on it, don't it, do you want to be so vicious, don't you just want you to teach a little skill." The guardian angel hurts when he thinks of the single stake.

"If there is no threat, how can your potential burst out? That's it. The next CD you will all have to practice. If whoever trains the butterfly step to a small level first, then I will have a mysterious reward and promise not to let you Disappointment is enough." Li Yao said with a smile.

Everyone's eyes brightened suddenly, and Li Yao said that rewards are naturally not about money, and everyone is not lacking. They must be related to the game and can improve their strength.

Peerless Demon Ji asked: "What is the degree of Xiaocheng Butterfly Step you mentioned."

Li Yao stretched out a finger and said: "You can have the beauty of dancing with double acceleration. This is the realm of Xiaocheng."

"Fuck, this is obviously a great success." The guardian angel was speechless.

"Then what kind of me is, okay, don't talk nonsense, let's do it, I will provide rewards for the first three who reach Xiaocheng." Li Yao said after finishing, "That's it, Hitomi, go and touch the corpse. Well, you can’t wait to see you."

"Hey, I was discovered by my big brother." Hitomi made a grimace at everyone, and said: "You guys, you have to pester your big brother and say these are useless. You can't find the good things you use for a while. Blame me."

Everyone immediately turned their attention to the corpse, and all began to jokingly please Hitomi.

Hitomi fumbled for a long time before saying, "Hahaha, weapons."

Nightmare·Dream Slash

Quality: Purple Epic

Type: Two-handed sword

Attack: 63-72

Strength: 65

Agility: 63

Stamina: 62

Cut dreams: send out a nightmare ball, slash it with energy, cause a lot of shadow damage, and fear the opponent for 1 second, the CD time is 5 seconds.

Equipment requirements: fighters, knights, death knights, hunters

Equipment level: 20

Li Yao picked up the big sword and said, "A super short CD control and damage magical skill, which can be feared once in five seconds, which is equivalent to an extra interruption skill. This sword is a pk artifact. You need to bid. ."

Then there was an auction, and finally the death knight of the team bid for the great sword.

"Tongtong, the next one." Li Yao said.

Everyone was looking forward to it. The first thing is often the worst thing. As a result, the first thing is a weapon, and the rest is definitely better.

"Good." Hitomi touched the corpse again. Although she didn't use it, she was still very happy when she found good things.

Nightmare·Like a Dream

Quality: Purple Epic

Category: Earrings

Limited: Female

Spell power: 12-18

Intelligence: 45

Stamina: 45

Spirit: 45

Rumeng: The wearer can release a nightmare projection of the body. The projection has 50% of the wearer's attributes and all skills. It lasts for 5 minutes and has a cooling time of one hour.

Suddenly like a dream: Escape into a dream within 3 seconds of activating the hand, immune to all attacks, cooling time of 10 minutes.

Equipment level: 20

Li Yao nodded and said, "This accessory is a special accessory. It is not a regular equipment slot. If it has extra equipment, the attributes need not be mentioned. Whether it is output or treatment, it can greatly increase its strength, whether it is a copy or pk is very useful. What's more, there is also a three-second little invincible. This accessory, all legal systems can be rolled. Everyone can roll. If no one can beat Sister Li and Fengyi, use points to calculate ."

Qin Fengyi and Sister Li have no guild points, one is the executive vice president and the other is the wife of the president, and both have the authority of the guild warehouse.

Qin Fengyi shook his head and said, "Although I am from the law system, this resounding is not suitable for me, so I gave up."

Sister Li shook her head and said, "I won't be humbly with this necklace. Come on, all female law systems will roll points. If anyone exceeds my points, I will abstain."

As a result, Sister Li was eighty-nine o'clock, which made many people desperate ~ In the end, Variety Baby and Da Vinci were both ninety-five.

"Well, it seems that this equipment has no relationship with me." Sister Li shook her head and said, "Now points bidding."

In the end, Variety Baby didn't know how to convince Da Vinci, so Da Vinci gave up the earring. Wearing earrings, the ever-changing baby is shrouded in a hazy light, adding a dreamy hazy beauty.

"Sure enough, it's a boutique, whether it's attributes or appearance." Li Yao sighed and said, "Next."

Summon Nightmare

Quality: Purple Epic

Skill Book: Obtain the nightmare summoning skill after learning.

Effect: Summon a three-star Silver Ying Nightmare to fight.

The Nightmare Beast has a Nightmare Aura, which allows everyone on the team to get 10% evasion and increase the healing effect by 5%.

Learning requirements: Dark department summoning profession

Note: This is a sub-skill book for summoning the **** of nightmare distraction, ten nightmare skill books can be combined into a legendary skill.

"Sister Fengyi is very lucky." Tongtong said happily.

Peerless Demon Ji said: "It's luck for all of us. Feng Yi doesn't lack a Silver Ying Summoner, but this aura skill is very awesome, which benefits the team a lot."

The others also nodded, only to make up ten books, what a joke, I really don't know the year of the monkey.

Li Yao nodded and said, "It's a great help to the team, Fengyi's."

"Tongtong is really a little red hand. Weapon and jewelry skill books are all top-quality things. Are there any more?" Baibianbao asked.

Hitomi raised her head and said, "Naturally there is one. Look at this one, it's still a weapon, big brother, thank me very much."

Li Yao smiled and said, "If it's a good thing, you can thank you whatever you want."

Everyone became curious too, and they urged Hitomi to take it out as soon as possible, not to sell it...

(To be continued.)

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