MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 553: Thunderstorm

In fact, Li Yao didn't like this kind of duel. It was too difficult for him to find a serious opponent.

But there are always self-righteous people who feel that they can challenge themselves. Li Yao’s consciousness of rebirth is the clearest. Even if he only uses a low-level weapon and removes all his equipment, there are not many who can fight himself with his own technology. , Not to mention the luxurious equipment he is wearing now.

As for the tricks of playing live broadcasts, I just want to step on his superior colleagues to beat him. Li Yao has always dismissed this method. In his opinion, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and trickery are It is in vain.

Seeing the proud and confident face of this madly cool little whirlwind, other people in Xinghuo can also see that this guy must rely on something.

You must know that before the dungeon opened up wasteland, Li Yao had so many masters, who didn't know Li Yao's strength, so confident, there must be some special means waiting for Li Yao.

"Be careful, it seems that the visitor is not kind." Sister Li reminded.

Peerless Demon Ji also said: "I thought they just wanted to delay time, but I didn't expect them to spend such a capital. I feel very familiar with this guy. He should be a top expert. It seems that the one who wants to deal with Xinghuo is not a union, otherwise there is no This kind of energy, I am afraid that this time, there will be plenty of backhands."

Sister Li was taken aback and said, "You mean, this has been renamed?"

The Peerless Demon Girl nodded and said: "The name, appearance and even race have probably changed. You know, this game does not lack such props."

Li Yao waved his hand indifferently and said, "No matter what means they have, we will just let him change and I will break it with one blow."

"Why don't you come yet? I'm afraid?" Xiaoxuanfeng yelled at Li Yao.

Li Yao walked towards the other side in exchange, and said lightly: "You know that I will not easily pk with you, so it is with good intentions to use this method. But I still want to make it clear, I don't want to pk with you. It’s not that I’m afraid of losing, but I’m not going to burn my blood with your pk. Killing you is like killing a chicken. There is really no sense of accomplishment."

"You are very strong, but you are not invincible. Today I will end you. I don't think you can burn at that time." Little Whirlwind is not to be outdone.

Li Yao chuckled and said, "Really, then I really look forward to it. If you can force me to use a pet, you will win."

"Damn it, you are looking for death." Xiaoxuanfeng was going to send a challenge, but when he saw Li Yao look down on him like this, he didn't care, and rushed directly to Li Yao.

Li Yao had grabbed the two crossbows with both hands in place, and then gently brought them together.

A huge anger appeared in Li Yao's hand, and then slowly reloaded the crossbow arrows, as if the small whirlwind that charged quickly did not exist.


The small whirlwind directly launched a charge, and the big sword in his hand flashed with a blue arc.

Li Yao didn't even have a second to chase after aiming, and pulled the trigger at will.

A dark red crossbow arrow shot out. Although it missed a hit, everyone knew that Li Yao was aiming at his throat. It was everyone who summed up Li Yao’s shooting habits. Some people who wanted to sum up Li Yao’s murder video said Discovered Li Yao's attacking habits. That is the human throat, and most people are killed by Li Yao hitting the throat with one arrow.

I don't know how this came out, but most of them have accepted it anyway, especially those masters who seem to have grasped Li Yao's weakness.


The small whirlwind in the charge directly slashed his sword across the front of his throat.

He blocked the crossbow arrow, but in the same way, Li Yao's current strength is not something they can contend, even if he is a fighter.

"But so." Xiaoxuanfeng said coldly, rushing towards Li Yao who was less than 30 yards away.

"Another Thunder Fight, unfortunately, a bit worse than God of War." Li Yao shook his head and continued to reload the crossbow arrows.

Little Whirlwind's complexion changed. He didn't expect to be seen through with just one charge, and he did challenge the God of War after his great increase in strength. Although he was very strong, he could not defeat the God of War in the end.

"You are also worthy to be compared with the God of War, scum, you are looking for death."

When Li Yao was more than ten yards away, his body suddenly stagnated, the big sword in his hand turned into lightning, and his IQ suddenly fell on the ground.


Along with the sputtering of this arc, a blue sword light rushed towards Li Yao.

"Dead!" Little Whirlwind raised his sword and rushed towards Li Yao again.

Li Yao's reaction was extremely swift, and he avoided the sword light when he moved sideways, and the extremely quick sword light brushed Li Yao's body, directly talking about the stone burst behind Li Yao.

At the same time, while Li Yao moved sideways, the crossbow arrows fired again.


Little Tornado once again blocked Li Yao's crossbow arrows, but was also shaken back by two steps by the huge force, and his expression was shocked.

In the charge just now, he didn't feel his power. Only then did he realize that Li Yao's crossbow arrow was so powerful that his hands trembled a little.

The onlookers Although the match between the two was short and seemingly nothing surprising, it was actually a thrilling must. Anyone who made a mistake would be killed in seconds.

Coupled with the civet cat's commentary, ordinary players can also understand the subtleties, and the audience is hooked.

Limao concluded: "As expected, he is the first person to be hailed as the professional king in this game. This kind of extreme battle is still playing. How terrible he would be if he were serious."

Everyone was speechless at once, knowing that Li Yaodao didn't use all his strength now. Many players don't believe it. After all, this high-level battle, but the next words of the small whirlwind confirmed the words of Tanuki.

"Asshole, you are so slow without a pet, you are too arrogant, you won't have a chance if you don't try your best." Xiaoxuanfeng said coldly.

Li Yao still reloaded the crossbow arrows slowly, and said lightly: "If I were serious, you would have fallen down long ago, wouldn't the lore you prepared for it have no chance to come out? You are disappointed, I am also disappointed, I still want to see you What special methods have I prepared to deal with?"

"You look at yourself too high." A surprised look flashed in Xiaoxuanfeng's eyes, but it was fleeting, and then he said: "Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

"Tornado Thunderstorm, kill!"

Following the words of the small whirlwind, his body quickly spun, and then a dark cloud appeared above his head, followed by lightning and thunder.

Blue lightning fell on him with a crackle, and in a moment he became an electric man.

As he rotated, Su Luan's sword qi sputtered, and small arcs appeared on the ground and flied in private.

Everyone looked at Li Yao. Now the two are too close, it is not easy to completely dodge attacks from two directions...

(To be continued.)

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