MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 564: 8 wind and rain

? Seeing Li Yao's serious expression, everyone stopped talking and got serious.


Li Yao nodded intentionally, and said: "First of all, I will open the group ban. Except for the team and team channels, no one can speak in other channels or private chats, and after I finish talking about the plan, no one can download. Line, everyone knows the reason, I won’t say more. So, before the battle begins, you have ten minutes to prepare and take care of other things. If you can’t do it, or if you have something important, you can find it now. The vice chairman explained. You have one minute to choose."


   After a minute, there were only three or five people who said there was an emergency. Sister Li learned about it and let them offline.


"Very good. Those who just left have things at home. They didn't escape, so everyone should not have any thoughts about them." Li Yao explained, "Then I will go on to say the second and most important thing. One, that is to obey the order. You only need to complete the assigned tasks. Don’t ask what other teams are doing. Don’t ask, don’t care, complete your own tasks and things. As long as we work together, we will surely win. Let Sister Li Let’s assign the team and tasks. As for the reward and punishment rules, Sister Li will explain in detail when you assign tasks."


Sister Li stood up and said loudly: "Did some people feel a little harsh? What I want to say is, it's not harsh at all. You just know that you have to obey orders, and you don't think it is necessary. But you don't know how the enemy is this time. Strong, I don’t even know. When the resident was built, the guild leader returned to the Undercity to open up the relationship and purchase supplies. Do you know how much money was spent? The guild leader didn’t let you say it, but I think it’s necessary to tell you three. Thousands of gold coins, three thousand gold coins, just to win this battle and keep our place. Everyone is sensible. Do you know the exchange rate between gold coins and credit points? You should imagine that this is a huge sum of money."




The members are not calm at once, your sister, three thousand gold coins. Now they are so-called masters. In a guild such as Spark welfare, dozens of silver coins are already very powerful. Those who have more than one gold coin are either Good at making money, or be one or two members of the guild.


   Now the game coins are all counted in silver coins, three thousand gold coins all at once, it is terrifying.


   Some people did feel a little uncomfortable at first, but they were immediately balanced when they heard that the president spent so much money for this battle. At the same time, they were full of confidence and guess that spending so much money must be fully prepared.


"According to the president's plan and orders, the commander-in-chief of this battle is me, and I am in charge of commanding and dispatching. Below are the persons in charge of the other four aspects." Sister Li looked at Peerless Demon Ji and said: "Demon Ji is responsible for the front The command and dispatch of the battlefield, that is, the south, leads the numbered team members from 1-1000. The guardian angel is responsible for the command and dispatch of the east, and leads the numbered members. The fruit knight is responsible for the command and dispatch of the west, and leads the defense work in the direction of 2001-2700 The president himself is in charge of the north. As for the team, it is the rest. Now look at your own number and go to the corresponding direction in the hall to combine. The president and I will naturally assign each team leader's tasks. The specific tasks are up to you. The head conveyed."


Li Yao explained his plan again, and finally said: "You all know the plan. The current situation is that the most difficult thing may not be the player’s attack, but the monster, especially on the side of Demon Ji. The monster is at least twenty. Those who are above level five, so be extra careful and careful."


   "I know." Peerless Demon Ji nodded.


Li Yao said with a smile: "Although this battle is difficult, as long as we succeed, not only will that guy be able to steal the chicken, but it will also allow our guild to be upgraded to two or more levels. While the guild is settled, We once again dominate the ranking list."


   Several people laughed, and then each went to their own place, while Li Yao went to the north alone and disappeared into the night.


   The terrain on the side of Xinghuo is very complicated. There is a big river on the left. There is a guild camped by the river.


   To the south is the forest landscape, full of big trees and forests. The most complex in the west, mainly a sandy beach with golden light, called the Gold Coast.


  Of course, this is the main one. The terrain of the sandbank is complicated, and the main terrain is still swamps. Players will fall into it accidentally, and there are many swamp monsters living here.


   It’s just that the few guilds that want to limit Spark are all under construction, because Li Yao has delayed a lot of time. The other four guilds have already built the infrastructure and are building wooden fence walls.


   In this case, Xinghuo applied for territory, then the monsters in the square would regard Xinghuo as a target, and the guilds blocking the surrounding area would inevitably suffer the disaster of the fish pond.


   The monsters in the Quartet have already assembled and rioted, but these guilds have been in full swing to create guilds, and they have not noticed this abnormal situation.


  Of course, they are also the sandbars that came here today. Naturally, they don't know what the monsters here usually look like. Even if someone notices, they will think that the monsters here are just like this, and they won't attract attention. No one would have thought that Xinghuo would apply for territory and plant the Guild Undead Battle Standard without even a city wall. This is something normal people would not do.


   Many players from the bright camp have swarmed from all directions, and the guilds that built the garrison saw them passing by, as if these people did not exist, and ignored them.


   The two sides obviously reached a tacit understanding, and these bright camp players also ignored the dark camp and went straight to the location of the Starfire Guild.


  They have got the guild hall of the Spark Guild has been built, and now the private chat is cut off, and they are not allowed to go offline. The eyeliner they arranged can't pass the news at all.


   There are only a few who would rather be exposed and go offline. They just know that Spark has a plan to deal with it, and Liaoyuan has also spent a lot of gold to buy things. As for what to buy and the specific plan, they don't know anything.


   After receiving this kind of news, he originally thought of waiting for Xinghuo to build the infrastructure before attacking, and the idea of ​​causing Xinghuo to lose more has disappeared, so he immediately dispatched the prepared personnel and rushed directly to the location of Xinghuo.


   Now they can see that Xinghuo's determination to take root here, so they pay more attention to this plan, and break the Xinghuo Guild in one fell swoop, then Xinghuo can only watch it within a month.


   "It's the Misty Scroll again. It seems that Liaoyuan is out of skill. He used the Misty Scroll to let him take advantage of the hole in the last war. This time I want to use this. It's really ridiculous. I thought we weren't prepared."


The human warrior headed by    sneered at the mist ahead...


   (To be continued.)

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