MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 567: Brilliant victory

The Xinghuo hunting stickers directly climbed to the top, focusing many people's eyes on this side. There have been a lot of incidents surrounding Xinghuo, and each time it is vigorous.


   This time Xinghuo established a resident, and then someone wanted to destroy it, not to mention people in the e-sports circle, even ordinary players also saw that it was unusual.


   Liaoyuan's words in the post are also very arrogant.


   Said that Xinghuo already knew which **** was hiding behind to calculate Xinghuo, and immediately posted it again, expressing that he would post the dog-killing video here for him to appreciate it.


   even said that when the **** are resolved, the main messenger will taste the guild’s resident being attacked.


   allows players to see the arrogance and indomitable Liaoyuan has always been, followed by the video of being hunted.


   The Western River Beach hunted and killed 1,358 mobs headed by the Crazy Guild, as evidenced by the video, the Spark Guild West Dough Fighting Group casualties 0


   The Eastern Coast hunted and killed 1258 mobs headed by the Tiange Guild, as evidenced by the video. Starfire Guild Eastern Combat Team casualties 0


   The southern forest hunted and killed 1523 people headed by the Occupy Guild. Video as evidence, the Spark Guild Southern Combat Group casualties 0


   The North Coast’s fleeting guild suffered a monster attack and killed 3586 people. The video is proof. The Spark Guild’s Northern Life Professional Players Group casualties have 0


   The blood-red text and the video made the players who saw it out of enthusiasm, but also felt a great shock.


   The first three videos are almost the same, almost the Spark Guild is constantly looking for suitable locations to bombard and kill these so-called coalition forces.


   At the beginning, they still wanted to fight back, but the result was that they were directly submerged in the swamp, waiting for them to gather their long-range careers, well, they disappeared directly, and they would never confront you.


Then retreated out of range, boarded the carriage, and walked away. Finally, I chose a suitable position and started bombarding, killing these invading guilds and crying fathers and mothers. There is no way, wait for their remote team to come. Now, another place will make these people miserable.


   clearly knew that Xinghuo was going to delay time and consume them, but there was no way.


   What makes people more speechless is the video of the north. The beginning of the scene is that Li Yao directly held a bonfire party in a clearing, and a group of life players ate and drank with him.


  Yes, that’s right, many of them are less than 20th level, and there are even a lot of them. Not to mention the equipment, they are all clothes that represent a certain life and occupation.


   Then they saw Li Yao turned into a controlled fire eagle shooting in the sky,


   As a result, they were attacked by frogmen and poison dart frogs. These guys are just like fish in the swamp, and they're supernatural.


   After all, the player can't tell where the land is and the swamp is at all. The frogman makes the players who hang the rope suffer.


   They are also the worst. Poison dart frogs and frogmen can jump out of the swamp directly, plus they are more than 20 silver eagles and leaders, making this team miserable and directly wanting to scold their mother.


   But the audience laughed. If they were killed by the people of Spark, it would be fine. After all, there are misty scrolls and swamps, and dead people are too normal.


   But he was attacked by the Starfire Guild and was killed by a monster.


  Of course, some wise players also know that Liaoyuan is so calm, and frogmen hide in the swamp made by Spark, like people, to attack the invading guild. It must be Liaoyuan’s method.


   But they couldn't think of how Liaoyuan controlled so many monsters to attack players, and like the Spark team, it also had zero casualties, which is simply too weird.


   As time passed, Xinghuo’s battle videos were continuously posted online, and the players who were talking and laughing were shocked by the videos.


At two o’clock in the middle of the game, Li Yao personally released a video and summarized it, saying: “The battle lasted for four hours. The total number of enemies eliminated was 45,237, and the total number of casualties was 587. Over time, most of them have now been resurrected. 124 people lost their combat power on the board, and now the Xinghuo fighters with less than 3,000 people are ready to meet the final attack of the rabble."


   The players are really windy this time. They didn't think about it after looking at the reports, but when they saw the final summary, they were really shocked.


   Nearly 80,000 people came to attack Xinghuo Guild, but before seeing the location of Xinghuo Guild, they lost more than half of them.


   Xinghuo only killed a few hundred people, plus the resurrection, actually lost more than a hundred people.


   As the comparison figures spread, everyone was in an uproar.


  Many anchors also came to this swamp through various relationships, and as a result, many unlucky people died here. They directly broadcasted the swamp and returned to the main city.


   Only a limited number of anchors arrived at the scene, watching the upcoming battle from a distance.


   "Oh, let me go, what kind of coalition is this, it's too miserable."


   "Hahaha, I laughed so hard, these people must be beggars."


   "Everyone's eyes are red. It's not demonized."


   Many viewers were watching the live broadcast, and they laughed when they saw the situation of the coalition forces, and then they laughed.


   There is no way, the current situation of the so-called coalition forces of the four major guilds is really not very good, and most people are full of foul-smelling mud.


   There is really no way, the body is covered with mud, and searching for the road again is simply looking for death, no matter how many people can not be pulled up, they can only take turns to search for the road, this is caused, these people are all dirty.


   The swamp is very wet, and the mud can’t get down, making these players crazy.


   looks like a group of beggars at the moment, of course it is not as good as beggars in some respects.


   They went crazy and violent. They came to the distance. What they saw was that the people of Xinghuo raised countless bonfires and then barbecued here. Some people were singing and dancing. It was so lively.


  Where is your sister like a trade union battle, as if waiting for them to have a bonfire party together.


   Seeing this situation, and thinking about their experience, the lungs of most people were blown up.


   " Hello, so good..." The crazy runaway is just mad.


Li Yao was sitting on a large chair holding a wine glass and motioning to him, smiling and saying: "I was very bad. I heard that 80,000 people were going to attack our station. We were all scared to pee. As a result, we couldn't wait. I don’t come, it’s really boring, I can only have a bonfire party, eating and drinking to pass the time, but that’s how I can’t be sleepy anymore, do you think I can be fine.”


"I'm your uncle." Crazy and violent, staring at Li Yao firmly, said: "Even if we have suffered heavy losses, we still have more than 30,000 elites. What do you have left, more than 2,000, I really think you can It's really ridiculous to take one for ten."


   Li Yaosi didn't take it seriously, and still said slowly: "My Spark Guild will naturally not be so arrogant that I can beat ten elite players, but I believe that there is no problem with ten beggars. What do you think?"




   Xinghuo directly laughed, and the audience who watched the live broadcast couldn’t laugh. Li Yao was so irritating...


   (To be continued.)

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