MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 603: 1 game of chess

Although Li Yao had been fighting alone in his last life, he had seen a lot of various strategies, and the methods of soliciting NPCs were various.

As long as these people are in their own territory, they are treated better, and then they can figure out their context and prescribe the right medicine to the problem. There is no need to keep them.

After all, a guild resident is not enough to rely on players alone. NPCs are indispensable as a powerful factor for a guild.

But if you go to the main city to find it, it would be too bad, after all, the current guild residence is the lowest-level village.

But the current president is only second-order, and he is too insecure.

Li Yao had this plan when he first came, but he didn't have much confidence.

After all, these soldiers are not weak, they are all elite silver and British existence, and the centurion has the qualifications to become a boss.

With the upgrading of the guild and the upgrading of the guild's functional buildings, they can also follow the progress and growth.

These soldiers were originally soldiers of the maritime kingdom, and they were all masters in land and sea warfare.

It is definitely more than enough to train recruits and sailors in the territory to form a guard team.

As for these civilians, that would be easier. There are a lot of fertile fields outside the residence, and it is not realistic to expect guild life players to cultivate.

Moreover, these ordinary players still have a lot of good hands in life and occupation, and various shops in the guild's residence can also be opened.

In this way, the guild residence can be regarded as a real atmosphere, which is a good start.

The so-called everything is difficult at the beginning, everything is getting started, other NPCs are naturally easier to handle when they see such a lively, and the herd mentality is still working here.

Li Yao directly found a tent to rest, and his mood was very good.

It is those super guilds. Now the resident has become small town level, but they are all functional buildings upgraded. Outside of their guilds, a few NPCs are not bad.

According to Li Yao's estimation, there are no fewer than hundreds of NPCs here, and the presence of such a group of people is really helpful to the guild's premises.

Li Yao told Sister Li about this matter, and Sister Li was also very happy.

"It turns out that you had planned for a long time, but those houses are still under construction and they are not going to end so soon." Sister Li pondered and said: "If so, I can shift the focus and tilt the center of gravity a little bit here."

"Well, although it will take a while to pass, it won't take long. Just get it right soon, and a group of people will not be idlers in the past." Li Yao explained: "Their home is destroyed, and there is no specific purpose. Land, it’s a group of refugees, they want to survive, and they must work. So we’ve got their residences ready, when they type in, you can post tasks or something, so they can survive, our guild is built It can also be faster."

"Well, this method is good. I'll plan it out. Farmland, workshops, and logging yards are all operating in the same way now. When the time comes, these people will not stop when they come." Sister Li also understood. The benefits brought by npc immediately began to look forward to.

Li Yao nodded and said, "Yes, there are two more points you should pay attention to. Remember to make a hotel and a tavern. The tavern serves as the guild’s commissioned release point. By the way, remember to buy some fishing boats. It is estimated that many people who survive at sea are fishing."

"It's still as thoughtful as you think. We have worked so hard and sincerely, and we will definitely be able to keep them all by then." Sister Li looked at the time and said: "Well, I won't talk to you, I will continue to be busy, Guild The people here are very enthusiastic and refuse to rest at night."

"Okay, you are busy." Li Yao hung up the communication, and finally felt relieved. If you want to keep these people, the first step is to arrange it, and it depends on the future methods. If there are not many, it will be the future. For the time being Don't think about it.

Li Yao slept for a few hours, and when he woke up bored, he opened the forum.

I found that the forum went crazy because of the news I made. Now players are discussing the artifact.

After going through this copy of the mainline, now players are no strangers to the God of Nightmare.

The memorial ceremony held by such a large tribe is certainly not simple. Although it may not be the artifact that NPC said, it is just gold or dark gold equipment that is enough to make them crazy.

Now forums are discussing where this specific location is. Of course, there is also a lot of scolding on the Internet.

Your sister, you have posted the video, you must know the specific place, you can't say it, you have to cover it up.

But there is no way, that person has no more news after posting the video. Many people have private chats and text messages in the game, but they are just like sinking into the sea. There is no news at all.

Everyone had to analyze the video. As a result, the toy analyzed the place of the ogre from the style of the building and the appearance of the cage.

Then everyone analyzed, the level must be below 30, otherwise, the current toys can't handle this kind of task, right.

Then the players began to rush into the library frantically, and then everyone analyzed and concluded that there were at least 20 ogre territories below level 30, which were located in different areas of the two continents.

The players are almost crying, so many places are really of the players have given up. Isn’t it an artifact? If you find the wrong place, don’t cry. died.

"You're making such a mess, and even Demon Ji can't help it anymore. Only after discussing this with me did you know that it was you." Sister Li smiled bitterly.

Li Yao smiled and said: "The so-called artifact is actually part of the Touch of Darkness. If it weren't for me to handle it and wouldn't play it like this, don't tell the members, just say that guild construction is important."

"Well, there must be people who don't want to say so, I think about a way." Sister Li hung up the communication again.

Seeing that the sky was about to dawn, Li Yao didn't rush to the ogre's side. Instead, he came to the place where the ogre was being tried. He started looking for scattered ogres and tyrannosaurus, and started leveling with peace of mind.

After the twenty-fifth level, the experience needed has changed a lot, and Li Yao also began to get serious.

Going to the ogre city is too dangerous now. Anyway, there is no way to succeed by one person. Fortunately, he gave up and waited for the players to arrive.

In this way, two days passed quickly, and Li Yao was almost at the 26th level.

The number of players in the two days has really increased, and with the guild's exploration, it was found that the imprisoned NPC, plus the rescue mission issued by the northern sentry.

The players who came here affirmed their own judgments. They were extremely excited, and they all remained silent very tacitly, and did not post their judgments on the Internet.

Everyone wants to get the so-called divine weapon. It hurts if you miss one person. Everyone is not a fool. These people are still watching the jokes of other people.

Many of these people confidently prevented the manpower from attacking the ogre city, and they all suffered heavy losses as a result.

Li Yao has been enjoying the upgrade, waiting for the opportunity...

(To be continued.)

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