MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 638: That's horrible

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   Although it is known that today's monster siege is a conspiracy, it seems to the people of Shengshi that it is today, and the other party has not mobilized manpower to attack their station at all.


   After all, if the manpower is mobilized, it is the best time to break the city when the monsters are the densest. Since it does not appear, it means it is only a small means.


   It must be the people behind that think that Warcraft can destroy their residence, but they underestimate their strength.


   As the blood volume of the two bosses dropped to half blood, not only ordinary players but also three commanders became happy.


  Because there is not much loss in today's architecture, if two bosses are taken, it will be a chance for them to flourish.


   However, it was in such a happy time that the three Beast Whisperers got the news.


   The player who was guarding the lobby was killed by a player in a few seconds, and now he has entered the guild lobby.


   But before they could digest the news, the whole earth trembled.


   Many people stood unstable and fell directly to the ground, their formation was in chaos.


   "What's going on." Sheng Shi Kuang Shao shouted, he was casting a spell just now, and a dog came to eat shit, but when he was about to stand up, the shaking of the earth became more intense, and he fell to the ground again.


   It is more than him now, and more people fall to the ground.


   And those hidden in the dark, especially those live broadcast at the top of the building, are even more unlucky.


   These buildings are very tall, and the civet cat is the worst. He is at least 40 yards from the top of the building.


   almost fell to death is second, but the image of falling down this time is too bad.


   "Could it be an earthquake, but how is it possible?" The Beast Whisperer also got up and leaned on the side of the building with difficulty to prevent it from falling down again.


   What surprised them even more, the fierce horned eagle beasts all made a slightly panicked cry. And all the horned eagle beasts, including the two bosses, flew up high, although they refused to leave, they did not dare to come down.


   boom, boom...


   With two loud bangs, countless stones splashed, and a white light appeared from the prosperous player's front that had been stumbling.


   Numerous players' corpses flew with the splashed stones, and more white light continued to flicker. The darkness before dawn was illuminated by the white light of the soul, and the entire resident was like daylight.


  Splashing stones are not easy to provoke. Players who are impacted simply cannot withstand this power. Large swaths of white light are still spreading with the shock wave of the boulder.


   Just this time, I don't know how many players in the golden age died tragically.


   Although tonight has been surprised enough, everyone was still stunned by this huge change.


   Seeing Shengshi can see hope, killing two bosses can save the situation, but reality once again gave Shengshi a heavy blow.


   The cruelest thing in the world is nothing more. Every time I see hope, but when I succeed, I lose my credit.


   "Fuck your uncle."


  Prosperous young man yelled, when did he suffer from this kind of loss, when he was killed by a boulder just now, he was really too aggrieved.




   With the roar, two huge bugs rushed into the sky from the two caves.


   Two huge figures fell like two giants in the eyes of those remaining prosperous players.


   boom, boom...


   Accompanied by a loud noise, I don't know how many players in the Heyday were smashed into meat sauce.


   "It turned out to be a monster, the whole team, attack." The beast whisperer saw that it was actually two monsters, and immediately ordered an attack.


   He thought it was an irresistible natural disaster. Since it was a monster, he might die in battle. Even two Warcraft bosses can be killed by them. What can these bugs do?


   Anyway, the level is twentieth, and those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes.


   Unknowingly, the horned eagle beast that was still hovering at a low altitude looked at the two insects and fled with the remaining horned eagle beasts at the moment, what heirs, and where to escape is so much.


  The overwhelming spell fell on the two insects, and then everyone was stunned.




   Countless misses, and occasionally I can see a forced -1 number. As for the blood volume, no one knows.


   "How can this be possible with your sister, the sixtieth level senior boss of Warcraft." Cousin Shengshi is about to cry, this is your sister's play.


   "This, this,..." The beast whisperer was also dumbfounded, and he didn't know what to do now.


   Continue to attack, stop making trouble, I can’t even see how much blood it is, I guess they’re not hitting enough blood


   Although the attack was not very good, their attack angered the two insects.


   The two insects opened their mouths and spewed a large amount of magma, a large white light flashing, and a large magma floor on the ground. Faced with a boss attack, the players of the prosperous world are just like paper.


   Although the two huge pets are huge, they are extremely fast, like a dragon, swimming continuously.


  The only players in front of them are crushed into meat sauce, and their tails are like long whips, and a large number of players are slaughtered in the swing.


   "It's terrible, is this a high-level boss."


   All the audience was shocked, staring at the scene in front of them blankly.


   But the people of the prosperous age don't think it is wonderful, they don't know what to do at all.


   "Escape, escape into the building."


   Beast Whisperer also died, he was sweating on the channel.


   In the end, only a small number of players escaped to various buildings, most of the players in the prosperous age died, and their souls returned to the cemetery.


But they dare not resurrect. This kind of boss is too desperate. When facing the Warcraft Although they have died wave after wave, they can at least see the hope of victory, but facing Can they win this kind of boss?


   Finally, the players in the building did not dare to come out, and the souls that ran near the corpse did not dare to resurrect.


   "It's too miserable." Tanuki murmured to himself in the corner, he could feel the confusion and helplessness of the players in Shengshi.


   The two bugs saw the players all run away, and they wandered directly into the lobby regardless of the players hiding in the building.


   But their size was too big, and seeing the monster coming, the players of Sheng Shi quickly closed the door of the hall, opened the defensive barrier, and a light shrouded the hall.


   Boom, boom, boom...


   The attacks of the two insects landed on the shield formed by the magic circle, breathing and crashing.


In less than a minute, the magic circle was broken, and the attacks of two insects fell on the hall. The entire guild hall began to oscillate, and the durability began to decline. Whether it was a stone or a building, even each part had its own durability. Exceeding the strength will cause loss.


   "What the **** is going on?" The Beast Whisperer's face went dark. If the guild hall was gone, the guild resident would basically be abandoned.


   "Fuck, there are two glowing eggs here." Finally, a player saw the eggs.


  Cousin Shengshi's eyes went dark, thinking of the team that had just been destroyed, a player entered the lobby...


   (To be continued.)

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