MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 653: encounter

This is a war, and the players are treated as a game.


   After two hours, the battle can be described as tragic. Tens of millions of teams are now eliminated by more than half.


   The vast majority of them were destroyed by monsters, and some were destroyed by the player team when the two teams met.


   As the progress of each team gradually approaches 100%, there are more and more opportunities for players to meet.


  The commentators are also dry-mouthed, but each is extremely excited.


   In the course of the game, they saw a lot of powerful players and professions, these people were originally unknown.


   acted low-key, but showed a sharp edge without knowing it.


   Some powerful players lead the team to advance continuously by their own strength, but some powerful players are unwilling to fall in the face of other teams because their teammates are too weak.


  For example, Tie Niu Xian, his skills are gorgeous and powerful.


   If it is just talking about special effects, it is undoubtedly the most gorgeous job.


   The comparison between Li Yao's skills and his is nothing short of scum. The viewing and program effects alone surpassed Li Yao.


  Especially his kind of close combat sense of blows, smashing into a pile of monsters is like entering no one's land, accompanied by the golden dragon shadow flying, one by one monsters fly out like rag bags.


   Even when facing the boss, his dragon flash is even more bizarre, and the playing boss turns around. Although his people wanted to be much worse than him, because of the toughness of Tie Niuxian, he led the team all the way forward.


   is also one of the few teams that can kill, kill, and kill directly all the way without getting stuck.


   Seeing the strength of Tie Niuxian, they found a few dragon monks' teams, but although they are strong, they are not far or near in comparison with Tie Niuxian.


   Harry commented: "The dragon monk is the most gorgeous and splendid profession I have ever seen, and it is not one of them. But there is a premise, then this dragon monk is the iron cow fairy."


   The other commentators nodded, and Tie Niu Xian also became famous.


   In contrast, although Spark progresses fast and extremely powerful, it is far worse in terms of program effects.


   But Li Yao doesn't care about the effect of the show, because it is too boring, as the war continues.


   The characteristics of Li Yao's dark ranger have been brought into play, becoming Yinying, and the bones he summoned have become undead between one star and three stars of the shadow.


   Although Li Yao could not directly summon the boss in his imagination, the number of summons has also increased, and the number of Yinying has become a terrifying 300.


   is like cheating here, he can crush all the way with just three hundred shadow bones.


   Naturally, pushing flat all the way, there is no program effect.


   Among the idle players, there are many amazing characters.


   Such as Thor, he is the only one left in the entire team.


   But he has sparks and lightning all the way, killing a bunch of monsters gorgeously, unless he encounters a particularly powerful and immune to lightning to make him retreat, otherwise he will be rampant all the way.


   There is also a hunter who can go alone.


   This hunter can actually be transformed into a Goron giant, and he is also very powerful, and his huge body can crush ordinary monsters.


   are the top guilds. Although they are eye-catching, they are just like Li Yao and others. They fight steadily and have a degree of advance and retreat.


   With the transition of the picture, the audience is really excited and dizzy.


   It is true that there are too many masters, and I don’t even know who to look at.


   Harry said suddenly, "Aha, this time the good luck of the Hunter King is over, and I finally ran into an opponent."


   "Yes, I actually met the Scorpion King team. The output of this team is too strong." Gent said: "In this way, the bones of the Hunter King don't seem to be an advantage."


"It's still hard to say, neither side is weak." Ozawa did not make a final conclusion either. The Scorpion King No. 2 team, two perverted fire methods, let them also sing along the way. Although not as fast as Spark, they must also be with other teams. It's fast, already ranked in the top five hundred.


   There are tens of millions of teams, and the top five hundred are already quite scary.


"Turn left and there is a blessing altar. Let's go over." Li Yao asked the fire eagle to explore the way in the air, and he could see a very far place: "Huh? Pay attention to it. They seem to have discovered the altar and we too. Look. It's time to fight."


   "The altar, is that spot of light in the distance?" The dumb Tongtong was on the caveman's body, but he could see farther away.


"Well, let you ignore the rules. The altar is a buff that is refreshed randomly, or experience buff, or drop without paying, or increase sensitivity, blood volume, etc., what buff you can get depends on luck. But when you get the buff, More can last for several days, if you get the buff, it will be cool in the arena." The guardian angel said excitedly.


   "We seem to be unlucky. The people on the opposite side have golden light on their heads. Obviously, we have already received the blessing of an altar." Li Yao said.


   "Can you see the effect?" Peerless Demon Ji asked.


   "The golden full moon should be of offensive attributes, so be careful." Li Yao adjusted his formation and quickly ran towards the altar.


   The Scorpion King No. 2 team has the effect of an altar. Obviously, it understands the benefits of the altar and rushes over like the wind.


   "The Scorpion King Guild is one of the top guilds, don't be careless."


   If you want to know about guilds and teams around the world, it is none other than the peerless enchantress in Spark.


   "People come to a halt, this altar belongs to our Scorpion King. If you don't want to die, get out of the way." Lion Scorpion said loudly from afar.


"You are late, this altar is obviously our Xinghuo, you can leave it to me." The guardian angel became even more arrogant, and rushed towards their formation together behind Li Yao's skeleton: "It's yours when you meet us. Unfortunately blame you for your bad luck."


   "Looking for death." Lion and Scorpion's complexion changed, as the conductor said loudly: "Don't give him a chance to rush over and kill them."


   The two wizards behind him, wearing two strange fire wizard robes, burst into flames.


   The two raised their hands high, and the sky became fiery red.


   "It's actually a combined attack by the two." Li Yao saw it at a glance: "It's interesting."


   Do not move the barrier!


   The guardian angel looks arrogant, but not reckless at all.


   At the same time, support from the rear has arrived. The small match that sells mushroom cool is directly a holy light shield, and Tianxiang is a finger.


   A spinning red umbrella flew out and floated directly above the guardian angel's head. As the umbrella rotated, countless flying peach blossoms protected the guardian angel.




   A series of huge fireballs poured out from the fire clouds in the sky.


   Meteor fire rain!


   Boom, boom, boom, boom...


   The fireball fell like raindrops, countless peach blossoms were flying, and his holy light shield was shattered.


   But the guardian angel activated the immovable barrier, and despite the constant rain of fire, his golden barrier was only rippling...


   (To be continued.)

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