MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 768: Key node

The key nodes of the seventh and sixth chapters of the main text

Li Yao didn't mean to talk nonsense with them. He directly handed over the task and then turned and left, without even thinking about dealing with them. Fastest update

The strength of this group of people is not bad, in fact, if he is commanded, it may not be able to defeat the lizardman team.

But these people Li Yao didn't like it. He just played a game. He really didn't understand what the so-called master could be proud of.

Many people can't play games well, but it doesn't mean that they are bad. Everyone has their own specialties.

Moreover, in Li Yao’s view, their so-called masters are just playing a lot of games and playing for a long time. Not to mention talented players, but ordinary players can reach their heights as long as they have a long time. Nothing great.

Zijin Liuhuo and the hunter tried to keep Li Yao several times, but seeing Li Yao's firm attitude, they didn't say anything.

They sighed secretly, they were really offended before, and now they want to say something good.

In fact, they thought too much, and Li Yao had forgotten them after he left. Li Yao didn't have the heart to think about these hurried visitors.

Li Yao looked up at the sky. This was the first time that he had approached the plane channel so close. The memory of the previous life was a bit blurred, and his impression of the plane channel was not very deep.

Of course, human players in the previous life were completely defeated and were directly crushed by alien players from various plane channels. Although the battle of plane channels broke out in various places, it was unified called the battle of shame.

Human players didn't have the slightest power to fight back. In the previous life, the main forces of each main city were there, so they could cope.

But the problem is that in this lifetime, the Eastern Continent is extremely empty. If you let them see it, I'm afraid there will be a big battle.

In the previous life, the NPCs of both sides fought tentatively for several wars. The alien NPCs naturally retreated when they saw that they could not get any advantage. But this NPC saw that it was impossible to expel them, so they strengthened their defenses and started. The real battle, and at this time, the npc began to provide real support to the guild station.

After all, after all kinds of wars and disasters, the strength of each main city can control two or three maps near the main city even if it is powerful, and the rest of the territory is only the range of influence.

It turned out that those monsters had limited intelligence and did not expand their minds, but these alien civilizations were different. After the plane channel, various guilds really began to develop and grow.

It's just that the Lone Ranger Li Yao didn't pay much attention to these in the last life.

But this life is different. He has Xinghuo, and the NPC power of the ancient **** of Shazhou is too weak, Xinghuo will face very huge pressure.

Coupled with the emptiness of troops, Xinghuo basically won't get the support of the queen. After all, the undead city is now facing a huge crisis, but the alien NPC forces have not yet found out the reality of the ancient gods.

But this is something sooner or later, and Li Yao certainly knows that the queen must have many methods to destroy the arrival of the main city, and she is just a **** laid by the queen at will.

He didn't even return any hope, but Li Yao seized this opportunity, not for the so-called two skill rewards, but because it was an opportunity that truly made the queen treat each other with admiration. It is also an opportunity to get into the core of the undead, as long as this thing is completed.

He no longer speaks as an apprentice, but as a person of real weight.

Even in this camp, it was still very far from the plane channel, but Li Yao could feel as if the sky was about to collapse.

The huge vortex seemed to cover the entire sky, and the turbid black clouds rolled wantonly, as if to tear everything apart, and in the sky, a corner of a huge and simple city appeared.

Around the vortex, there are extremely thick black chains, which are said to be chains, but each chain is like a towering tower, and countless chains penetrate into the earth to stabilize this plane channel.

And under each chain is a lizardman camp, their role is to guard the chain and prevent people from the ancient gods from causing damage to the chain.

Their appearance made the ancient **** Lizardmen, who had been guarding themselves, cross the map to come here, as if they recognized their ancestors.

Although the queen sent all the Batriders to stop the lizardmen who came from everywhere, the undead had too few troops.

Because of the constant joining of the ancient **** lizardmen, the plane channel of the lizardmen is guarded like an iron link, and it is almost impossible to destroy it.

Now the main city of the undead, like all main cities, is madly encouraging players, that is, recruits in their eyes to enter the battlefield and form a large army to attack here when the number is right.

When Li Yao arrived, a large army gathered here, and the camp on the player's side was also overcrowded, and this was just a camp situation.

In an area, these camps are like stars.

A large colonel received Li Yao and said: "There are millions of recruits here, and they are still gathering all the time."

"Is this going to fight a battle, but I can't help much." Although Li Yao was reborn, he was no more than a lone ranger in his last command of the trade union war was a little reluctant, not to mention this. Kind of legionary battle.

"No, what we need is intelligence." The colonel stopped on a map and said, "Look at these chains, they look messy, but they are actually a huge circle. This kind of circle is very powerful. If it is completely stable, then this one The face channel will allow the lizardman’s main city to be teleported over."

Li Yao looked at the red line he had trained, and it seemed that it was indeed a regular formation.

"This kind of magic circle is not familiar to us on this plane. Even the high elf's great magister said that it would take at least one month to find the key node in order to crack this magic circle. But we don't have this time, up to five days. If this circle cannot be destroyed within the day, the opponent’s main city will come. You are a disciple of Her Majesty the Queen, and you must know the current situation in the main city. If that is the case, our capital city will be in danger." The colonel looked at Li with burning eyes. Shining.

"Then what can I do?" Li Yao said.

"You are the queen's fancy, there must be something extraordinary. We need to know the key nodes. We don't need to have many. As long as three, we know the three nodes, and the Great Magister can infer in a short time. At that time, we only need to concentrate our forces. Destroy the opponent's as many nodes as possible, so that the opponent's main city cannot come, in order to preserve the capital."

The colonel continued: "These are three inscription stones that I have treasured. They are regarded as deposits. Whether it is made or not, it is yours. As long as you find three nodes, there will be a big reward."

The colonel said to salute Li Yao, holding the inscription stone in both hands.

"My lord really can count on me." Li Yao smiled bitterly.

"You are a man of miracles. I have witnessed your growth. Many impossible things have been accomplished by you. I believe it will be the same this time." The colonel said with piercing eyes: "We sent many people and failed. I believe You can."……

(To be continued...)

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