MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 771: 30 games

Li Yao was directly teleported to the second scene. This time he appeared in a magma-like boulder. The two of them were on solid red rocks.

And they are surrounded by bubbling lava, and the surrounding temperature is very high. Li Yao knew that after the game, if they were not prepared to drink or drink cold, they would continue to lose blood.

"Give up." An elf paladin opposite, said the moment he saw Li Yao.

Li Yao was taken aback: "What did you say?"

The elf paladin shook his head slightly and said, "I told you to admit defeat. Whether you want something in the game or credits, you set a price."

Li Yao finally understood what he meant. He didn't expect to meet a local tyrant, but he was not interested: "Sorry, I want to win and defeat me. I am not interested in what you said."

"Hehe, I really don't know good or bad, how many credits you can earn in a month, two thousand or three thousand." Looking at Li Yao madly and coolly, "I'll give you this number."

As he said, he held out a finger.

"One thousand?" Li Yao saw that there were still ten seconds left, and he asked casually anyway.

"It's really ignorant, you just have the courage, you are embarrassed to ask, I am embarrassed to give it, one hundred thousand, as long as you admit defeat, I will give you one hundred thousand credits." madly and coolly said with a smile: "If not Satisfied, we can talk more."

"My buddy, you are very rich. Your equipment is so good. Let's not talk about your tactics. Your equipment alone can crush many masters. Why bother." Li Yao puzzled.

"Poor ghost, what do you know, my skills are average, in case you are a master, besides, one hundred thousand is nothing but a meal, that is, you poor ghosts fancy credit. I want Be sure to be foolproof." Kuangyiu Kuxuan continued: "The time is almost up, I will give you 200,000, and let me win."

"You are right, the time is up, then it will start." Li Yao could not understand the thoughts of these people at all, and he did not want to understand. His ultimate goal is to be number one, not just number one in the competition.

Although hanging up once does not affect the ranking, Li Yao likes perfection.

At the beginning of the game, Li Yao directly attacked. This time Li Yao used a sniper rifle. He wanted a quick fight.

With the sound of gunshots, a yellow bullet hit the paladin. Li Yao could see through the eyes of the Titan that he was equipped with equipment above +10. Not to mention the attributes, the enhanced attributes can make him armed. Into a humanoid tank.

Li Yao’s shot can kill a tank in seconds, but the bombardment on the opponent’s neck only knocked out one-third of the opponent’s HP. You must know that the neck is the deadly key. If it is in other armor parts, it is estimated to be less .

"Hi, brother, you are looking for death."

The Paladin raised the shield directly, and the wound on his neck suddenly returned to its full value with a golden light.

Then he rushed to Li Yao quickly, and Li Yao fired again, but this time the bombardment was on the Paladin’s shield. The Paladin was instantly repelled by great power for several steps, and because of the super defense of the +13 shield, The damage Li Yao caused was just over a hundred.

Li Yao retreated dexterously and shot one by one.

"It's worthy of the local tyrant's equipment, it's really amazing." Li Yao figured out the comparison between the opponent's data and his own.

"Little **** smash, give you a shame, you will be able to enter my attack range in six seconds, now you have seen my super defense, let you see my super attack, kill you little crispy skin in seconds, You can't get a dime." Kuangyiao Cool Diao was originally attacked by Li Yao.

After all, he has tested it after possessing the local tyrants equipment, and it is not easy to break the defense, and he has never encountered one third of his blood volume at once.

Now that there is a shield that hurts the opponent so little, it is simply drizzle to him.

"Haha, is the local tyrant's equipment great."

Li Yao pulled the trigger again, but this time it was not his shield, but his feet.

The Paladin's left foot just lifted, and then the bullet hit his right foot.

The paladin's body suddenly lost its balance, and fell directly to the ground, rolling a few times and fell directly into the magma in his exclamation.

Suddenly his blood volume began to drop continuously.

"Nima's, despicable." The Paladin cursed.

But he could no longer lift his shield in the magma, and there was no barrier to the point. One shot directly took away one-third of his health, followed by the second shot.

The Paladin directly used Invincible, and said quickly: "I'm damned, I will give you 500,000 credits and let me win."

While speaking, he was still crawling towards the shore, but although Li Yao's bullet could not break the invincibility, his strength was still very strong, and he couldn't get to the shore at all.

Li Yao is not talking to him anymore. Li Yao knows very well that he will inevitably meet the local tyrant in the future, so he wasted time to test and see his current attribute gap.

Now that the data is clear, Li Yao doesn’t even have the thought of talking nonsense with him. Although Li Yao doesn’t have a lot of money now, it’s not bad for his money. Even if he doesn’t have money, there are some ways he makes money. There is no need to cheat. Method.

Soon, the effect of his Holy Shield technique disappeared, and Li Yao ended the game with a shot against the **** As for the paladin, he would go to Li Yao to settle the account when he made a ruthless remark. Take a look. In the game, he is not afraid of anyone. In reality, he is now the key test subject of those old professors, and he has a military rank. Whoever wants to move him must weigh it.

Then came the third, fourth, and fifth games, and until the thirty games, Li Yao didn't meet a decent opponent.

Of course, it is the audition stage after all, there are too many players, the chance of encountering a master is not high, and in Li Yao's view, the so-called master is no different from ordinary players.

So basically it was shot by Li Yao, there was no suspense at all, those opponents could only admit that they were unlucky.

In fact, two of them were good, but it was a pity that I met Li Yao and wasted a chance of death.

This is the meaning of the chance of death. For example, a contestant who could have made it to the World Championships, but met Li Yao, if it were a chance, he would be eliminated directly.

That's why there is this kind of three resurrection opportunities, and then you can continue to rank, if you can go to the end, the number of deaths will not affect the ranking.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Yao gave up qualifying. Alice came in after a while and said that the transmission device was ready.

Klobber directly gave Li Yao a slapped beacon and said: "My lord, it has been done and the teleportation array has been established. However, due to the space shock, you can only use it once, so you should use it carefully and the number of calls. There are also restrictions, so you try to find important nodes before contacting me."

Li Yao nodded and said, "Okay, then you just stand by here, waiting for my news."

After Li Yao left the camp, his body turned into a faint blood shadow and rushed towards the lizardman base camp...

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