MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 782: Three v three

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The team competition audit stage is also a game of victory and defeat, this is to save time, of course, like the individual competition, there are three chances of failure.

This is absolutely random. The system will not avoid matching the strong team because the team is weak, nor will the system set the audition not to meet because the two teams are strong.

Therefore, there are often collisions between strong teams, and the competition must be won or lost. Naturally, the chance of resurrection is very important.

What's more, the format of the team competition is different, because it is the first time this format of competition, everyone is in the familiarity and acceptance stage, three resurrection opportunities, whether it is a strong team or a weak team, can be carried out normally.

Moreover, the team competition in the trial field is also fully opened as the game starts, and the eliminated teams can also engage in ladder battles or random battles.

The ladder battle is the so-called ranking battle, but now the ranking is just an attempt. Only the rank ladder, the real ladder ranking will not really start until the end of this competition.

Random battles are random battles. Single players can also fight in teams, but they will not enter the rankings.

Now the team battle is very hot, and I don’t know how many teams are fighting for a while, that is, the old gods server, the original mastermind is estimated to have long been scrapped.

Team battles are divided into 3v3, 5v5, 10v10, and each battle scene and rules are different.

Li Yao and the others opened the row directly, and after a few seconds they were prompted to enter the row.

Ten people entered a virtual space.

"System: Team matching is complete, Team Xinghuo vs. Team Mohai."

"System: Match the battle mode below, please wait..."

"System: The battle mode is randomly generated, 3v3 arena battle."

"System: 3v3 battle rules. Both teams will assign three combatants, and then enter the arena in random scenes to fight. The victory condition is to eliminate the opposing team."

"System: Both parties please appoint combatants."

Then there was a 90-second countdown in front of them, apparently they had a minute and a half to choose.

A comparison box appeared in the virtual space of the two teams, and one party could choose three players to fight.

"President, you can assign it." Peerless Demon Ji said.

Li Yao nodded and said: "In the audition stage, the chance of encountering a master is too small and too small. Everyone is relaxed. Of course, we can't take it lightly. We must end the battle as soon as possible while ensuring victory, and strive to fight for a few more games tonight."

Everyone was convinced, and Mengtong said, "Then choose me, big brother, I am stuck in the arena all day, and I have been delayed and upgraded. Now is a good time to test my combat effectiveness."

Li Yao patted her shoulder: "That is natural. I can see the hard work of Tongtong. This time the people are Tongtong, Muzi and Fruit."

Everyone nodded and approved this combination. There is no doubt about Hitomi's strength. Although he is young, he is unambiguous in the nightclub after fighting.

This is a small fighting frenzy. Except for Sister Li and Peerless Demon Girl in the guild, everyone else in the guild will lose more and win less against Hitomi, including the guardian angel.

"Hahaha, big brother is really nice, I won't let you down." Tongtong was extremely excited.

"Is the president not going to play?" The newcomer Muzi was a little nervous. He didn't expect that he would be sent to the court for the first time, so excited.

"In the audition stage, the chance of encountering the top team is too small. It is a good time to train the players, and the president loses the meaning of training when he goes up." Peerless Demon Ji said.

Li Yao nodded. Li Yao has decided that unless there are more than five people fighting, he will not play in the audition. Moreover, the chance of three failures will have no effect even if a powerful team loses once or twice. Being eliminated more than three times, losing does not affect the record, and it is not a points battle.

The rookie Muzi's elite career is very powerful, erupting in horror, and it is very suitable for three-on-three battles. Moreover, the rookie Muzi is too old. Although he wants to participate in regular competitions, he lacks confidence because of his age.

But only Li Yao knew that ancient gods were different from other games. As long as their brains and mental power could keep up, age would not have much effect. In the following many years, many old people also called fighting madman because of this title. They could not keep up with their reactions in reality, but they were very powerful in the ancient gods.

At this stage, due to the influence of the younger age of e-sports, many people have not reacted.

Although Muzi is excited, but also nervous, so he needs exercise.

As for the fruit knight, it has always been mt. A meat shield becomes incapable. Fighting with players and pulling monsters are still very different. So Li Yao is going to take turns to let mt and Li Yao take the stage to exercise. Of course, Li Yao has to take a look. Whether they have the potential to become team members.

After all, the dungeon is good, and pk is not necessarily good. On the contrary, the dungeon is not good, not necessarily pk.

With one minute left, the opponent also selected a team, and an illusory arena appeared.

Blood Arena!

This is a simulated scene based on an arena of an ogre. The arena is characterized by a solid and flat ground. The only thing that stands out is that the entire arena is an indoor scene with several huge pillars.

Don't underestimate a few For a master, a few pillars can play an important role.

The six players on both sides of the battle were teleported inside, but the players could not see each other through the fence, but they could already know the true face of each other.

Xinghuo's lineup is riding Fassa, while the opponent's team is very traditional, tactical and animal husbandry.

The basic occupations of the opponent's warriors are weapon warfare, demonism, and holy priest, with a standard configuration of one melee, one long-range and one healing.

Soon, the countdown ended, and both sides rushed out of the fence and appeared in the arena.

The fruit knight and the opponent's fighters are in front of their respective teams, but the long range of the two teams are hiding behind the pillars, not giving the opponent a chance to charge.

The two sides started to use the technique without pain or itchy temptation, but the other side has treatment, and the other side wants to consume it, because this kind of attacking warrior can completely support it under the blessing of treatment.

And seeing the other person's true face, especially when Hitomi is only Elemental Sa, rather than Healing Sa, they even hope to fight attrition.

"Don't consume it, make a quick battle, you follow my orders." The Fruit Knight said and rushed directly. Although she also has the healing ability, she is a physics profession after all, the blue amount is limited, it is impossible to fight and consume, and the pupils are similar. Although the treatment ability is also good, it is much worse than the real treatment. The original level is low, and there are few bad ones.

With the formation of various occupations, the ability of Pupil who is not a treatment occupation is not so prominent.

The opposite weapon warfare world saw the fruit knight running over, showing a sneer. The paladin is a famous short leg.

Although hard to kill, but the attack is average, this is a punishment knight, let alone a defensive knight, he did not take it seriously.

So seeing the Fruit Knight rushing over, he directly launched a charge...

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