Li Yao nodded and said, "Since this mode is divided into different professions, let's have one person for each type of profession. The tank profession let the nightstand and the assassin let the demon girl go, heal this time on the Tianxiang, output Let me come. Auxiliary position, come Fengyi."

The others nodded in agreement, and soon five people showed up a selection interface.

"President, there are several treatment professions, how do I choose?" Tianxiang said.

Li Yaozhuang glanced at each profession, and said: "Although your profession is treatment, it is inclined towards combat. The monk is most suitable for your role and should be able to apply well."

The monk is a golden Buddha sitting cross-legged, attacking, healing and assisting together, very much in line with Tianxiang's original professional positioning.

"Okay, I'll study the skills of a few monks." Tianxiang chose the monk directly after speaking, and then began to study a few skills. In fact, the monk's skills are not much like his heroes.

One is a normal attack, which is to shoot the Buddha beads and cause damage to the enemy, which is a healing effect.

The second is an auxiliary skill, which is also a dual-sex skill. It increases the damage received by the enemy when it is applied to the enemy, and the effect is to increase the healing effect received by the teammate.

Then there is the monk's ultimate move. When you attack, you can accumulate the profound meaning, and you can release it to 100%. That is, the Buddha will come, you can make yourself invincible, and then quickly restore the blood of your teammates.

"Hehe, then I choose a sledgehammer, this one suits me." said the guardian angel.

Li Yao nodded and said, "Yes, this one really suits you."

The profession chosen by the Guardian Angel is called Heart of Stone. It looks like a burly warrior made up of rocks, which is shaped by the creation of the King of the Dwarf Hill.

Holding a warhammer, the skills are also limited.

A normal attack is an attack with a hammer and then a ground collision, similar to a charge, but it can hit the enemy against the wall to cause damage.

Then there was a flame slash, similar to an air-blade attack.

The last is to make a big move, slash the ground, swing the warhammer, and create a stun effect in the front fan-shaped area.

The key is that there is a stone shield to hold up a yellow magic shield to resist damage.

The heart of the stone has 500 health. This large shield can absorb two thousand. It is extremely terrifying and very suitable for guardian angels.

"This is very suitable for me, Genji." Peerless Demon Girl frowned: "But there are a few more auxiliary classes, should I choose one?"

Li Yao shook his head and said: "No, now everyone is in the groping stage, just find what you are good at. It is too early to say what lineup is now."

"Well, this hero is really good." Yao Ji directly chose Genji.

Genji, whose background is a thief transformed by the blood of an ancient god, carries a knife on his back and a dart in his hand.

His skills are very simple, they are dart, flash, shadow, and slash.

The dart, as its name implies, is a dart, which is a common attack method and a long-range method. Similar to shuriken, enchantress is definitely playing this kind of royal.

Flash can block various long-range attacks in a short time, and bounce back, of course, it can also block melee.

Shadow, dash forward and use the slasher to cause damage, if it kills the opponent, it restores the CD time.

Slash is a profound skill that uses a katana to cause a lot of damage.

Peerless Enchantress is very satisfied with the hero she chose.

Qin Fengyi said: "I didn't expect that there will be a Necromancer here, so I will be a Necromancer."

Necromancer, supporting profession.

The normal attack is a bone spear, which can be thrown to cause corresponding damage.

The curse aura reduces the attack speed and a certain speed of the enemy within the range, and increases the attack and movement speed of the enemy.

Summon the undead, you can resurrect the dead teammates or enemies for ten seconds and transform into the undead form to join the battle.

Upanishad, resurrected from the dead, you can resurrect yourself after death.

"What do you choose?" Qin Fengyi asked.

They know that Li Yao is good at bows and arrows and all kinds of firearms, and there are many professions in it.

"I choose Hanzo." Li Yao chose Hanzo.

Hanzo is a vicissitudes of life, holding a bow.

Ordinary attack wind is actually archery, but it can attack all enemies in the field of vision and shoot at super long distances.

Sound, similar to a sonic boom arrow, has a probing function.

Scattering is actually a combination of technical ejection and scattering, and the scattered arrows can be ejected.

Electricity, summons the soul of the dragon, can cause a lot of damage to enemies in a straight line.

The character is confirmed and enter the scene. Five people appeared in a metal house, which is the typical style of a dwarf. The houses are all made of metal.

The true face of the other party chose an angel, a powerful professional hero.

Auxiliary is a fortress and a terrifying fort occupation.

The mecha chosen by the defense profession is a product of the dwarf, with high defense and extremely flexible, but the attack is relatively close.

The output is a super soldier, using an assault rifle.

There is also a Junkrat, which can release cannonballs at very long distances.

As the countdown counted down, several people from Xinghuo were quickly looking at the skills of the opposite professions.

"System: Randomly generate offensive and defensive positions. In the first round, Spark is the **** team, and Blue Fire prevents them from being escorted."

When the countdown is about to end the system prompts again.

"Team goal, occupy the **** goal, countdown three minutes."

Then the metal door opened and everyone saw a blue line on the road. Li Yao immediately said: "Go, follow the blue line. We only have three minutes to occupy the **** target."

Everyone is running fast, this is a goblin city, all kinds of metal buildings, connected to all metal casting.

Ten seconds later, everyone saw the **** target in the distance, a huge transportation vehicle.

But then there was gunfire from the other party, and everyone in Xinghuo immediately hid behind the house.

"They are on the second floor." Yao Ji said.

"You wait for a while." Li Yao directly bent his bow and shot an arrow.


Li Yao shot the arrow out, and then everyone could see a few red figures through the coins, as if the house had been blurred.

"That's easy." The nightstand opened the shield, and the others followed him and attacked frontally.

"What about you," Qin Fengyi asked.

"I'm going upstairs." Li Yao said, climbing up the wall like a monkey in the surprised eyes of several people: "Except for the superficial skills, every hero has some hidden characteristics, you can slowly discover them. ."

The guardian angel opened the shield directly, and a huge shield of three yards and six yards high appeared, resisting all long-range attacks.

Qin Fengyi and Tianxiang followed directly behind the shield, and then began to fight back.

Li Yao climbed directly to the second floor and found a suitable location.

He hasn't played this mode for a long time, and he has missed it very much.

This mode is one of Li Yao’s favorite modes. It’s very enjoyable and quick to fight...

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