MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 790: Descendants of Vampires

Up to this point, the other party has basically given up. Not only is the economic and equipment gap, but more importantly, they have no morale.

At this point, the opponent's jungler had not dared to approach the jungle area. Later, they fought back and killed the crispy shadow dance, but they could no longer affect the situation.

Under Li Yao's control, the opponent's wild area has been occupied, and then it has been continuously eroded.

Xinghuo pushed forward step by step, and after another wave of extinction on the high ground, it finally pushed to the high ground, and then was directly destroyed the astrologer crystal.

The other party didn't want to greet Li Yao and they directly chose to quit. It was too embarrassing for your sister. They only got one head from beginning to end, and none of the defensive towers were pushed down.

"This mode is also very fun, and some will play in the future." The cute pupil was full of excitement.

Li Yao smiled and said: "It seems that Tongtong will develop towards fighting madness in the future."

"Well, there are too many combat modes in the ancient gods, not monotonous at all, and there are too many modes, and it takes too much time to play. So in the future, I will reduce unnecessary PVE activities and focus on PVP. Hitomi said earnestly.

"It's okay, people's energy is always limited." Li Yao nodded and confirmed: "After this game, our team will be established. You must think about it."

"Well, we will consider it carefully, after all, it is related to the future focus." said the fruit knight.

Li Yao nodded: "We have been procrastinating for a long time, so we can clearly divide the work after this game."

"I will do the statistics." Sister Li said.

"Well, let's continue." Li Yao started the next game.

Then Xinghuo continued to fight, but Li Yao didn't play much after playing a few games. The other Xinghuo players continued to train and familiarize themselves with the various game modes.

The chance of encountering a master in the audition stage is really too small, so Xinghuo went very smoothly along the way. In this case, a few hours passed quickly.

The Xinghuo team was mentally exhausted from the constant fighting.

Li Yao took a look at the time and said, "I have done another game. Let's stop here today. I need to complete a task."

"Well, in three days of audition, we probably won a lot." Sister Li nodded.

"I haven't finished enjoying it yet, so why not go to the trial field and continue playing." The cute and adorable Tongtong was obviously a little bit unhappy.

"I'm still going to sort out all kinds of information, so many game modes have been opened all at once, I have to sort it out." Peerless Demon Ji said.

Qin Fengyi nodded and said, "Well, don't forget to organize all the information together, and we will put it together."

"That's fine, I'll retire first," Li Yao said.

"Okay, let's play again tomorrow." Although Dumbong Tongtong is not happy, she knows that it is very important to organize the data of various modes. This is a must, and the data that she has compiled can understand more deeply.

Li Yao directly withdrew from the team, he reappeared on the tree, and then looked up at the sky.

The entire sky was shrouded by a huge whirlpool, and the world was dark. Although in the woods, Li Yao could not even hear the sounds of other animals.

Li Yao turned into a blood shadow, and then quickly ran towards the nearest lizardman camp.

Li Yao originally wanted to pass by during the day, but because he couldn't solve the alarm problem, he couldn't spy.

But Li Yao thought of the special talent of vampires, which is to develop descendants.

After a quarter of an hour, I saw the camp in the distance.

Although it was dark outside, some dark night creatures could still see clearly under the starlight.

Li Yao was in the shadow of blood, as if he did not exist in the night.

Soon, Li Yao's eyes lit up and he saw a single lizardman.

Li Yao followed quietly. After leaving the camp, Li Yao suddenly appeared from behind the lizard man, and bit on the lizard man's neck when he grabbed the lizard man.

Li Yao's blood volume dropped suddenly and rapidly. The lizardman was going to struggle, but he stiffened as if he had been anesthetized.

When Li Yao's blood volume dropped to half, he stopped.

"Go to the camp and bring me a leader-level np," Li Yao ordered.

The lizardman stared at Li Yao blankly, then bowed and walked quickly towards the camp.

Li Yao sat on the ground to recover his blood volume, calculating in his heart, I wonder if he can control a boss-level boss now.

But now there is only this way. If it is just to explore this camp, then Li Yaoda can become a hunter and go directly in. After all, the leader of this camp, Li Yao is not too concerned.

The key point is that he is not sure where the key node is. If it is because of probing an absolute point, it is basically impossible to detect the stronghold behind.

Li Yao waited for a while in the dark, and then saw two figures.

Li Yao's body melted into the darkness.

"Is there really a rare beast here that can be used as a pet?" A hoarse voice came into Li Yao's is naturally true. What I saw with my own eyes was a flame spider with a body shape. It's huge, and it's at the leader level. I heard that the adult has released a mission to find rare pets, and I told the adult as soon as I saw it. "This voice is a little strange, it is the descendant of Li Yao's development.

"Hmph, I hope what you said is true, otherwise you know what it is to deceive me." The hoarse voice continued, "How far is it?"

The descendant of the vampire said quickly: "Come on, it's in the woods over there."

"Very well, you...damn..." The lizardman hunter was about to pat the shoulders of the descendants of the vampires and suddenly felt their feet sink, as if they were in a mire.

The descendants of vampires suddenly saved the lizardman hunter. The hunter was already in the quagmire below his waist. He shouldn't have been so careless, but his pet was torn apart by space and his strength declined. He urgently needed a new pet. I heard it was a flame spider. Very much looking forward to and anxious, plus the descendants of vampires walking side by side with him, he didn't have any defense at all.

"My lord, hurry up." The vampire descendant hugged the lizardman hunter tightly, not allowing him to take out the bow and arrow.

When Li Yao pounced on the lizardman hunter, he poured a bottle of slow recovery potion, and then drank a bottle of potion that increased the upper limit of blood volume.

With this hand, he had grabbed the shoulder of the vampire hunter, and then bit his neck fiercely.

Li Yao's blood volume suddenly began to drop, and his blood volume was still declining.

There was a trace of surprise in Li Yao's eyes. He was ready to let go at any time. In just five seconds, his blood volume was less than one-third.

Just when Li Yao thought he was going to fail and let go, he finally felt the blood volume stop flowing.

Li Yao was so weak that he fell to the ground and gasped, but he still looked at the lizardman hunter...

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