MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 796: capture

Li Yao didn't know, they have received much attention now, and he led a crazy Mercedes.

Many players already know that the people of Xinghuo must have received some special task. I don't know how many people are envious and jealous. This is a task issued by the Super World boss.

Being able to have such a good relationship with the world boss, especially the queen who controls a quarter of the continent, is really too important for a guild.

Many people in Xinghuo also knew that it was broadcast live, and many people kept their formation tightly, wanting outsiders to see Xinghuo's elite teachers.

The camp with the law formation was in the middle of the passage, Li Yao and everyone rushed, and the Batrider in the sky opened the way, and the road was extremely smooth.

The target camp of Xinghuo has also been surrounded, but because this camp is too important, many of the NPs here are advanced. Although the number is small, their attacks are not affordable for ordinary players at all. This camp is very difficult to attack. .

But the players here are already struggling to ride a tiger, and now the back line will collapse.

"Send a command from Captain Liaoyuan to clear the way."

A Batrider shouted from the front,

Blocking the front is a large guild called Lihuo with more than 10,000 people. They have suffered heavy losses in the short time of engagement.

Pentium's horseshoe and Batrider made them think they were NP's troops, and suddenly gave way.

The people of Xinghuo had adjusted their formation on the road long ago and rushed directly to the gap.

Guardian angels, fruit knights, I want to take the lead quietly, they are all super tanks, they are covered by various states and auras.

"Everyone dismounts collectively."

Everyone disbanded the horses because they were still running fast because of inertia.

Xinghuo's shield battle immediately launched a direct charge, blocking the lizardmen who wanted to pass through the passage.

"Fuck, they are players, not np, they are fooled."

"My day, I have a guild badge on me, **** liar."

"Get out, this is the camp we are looking for."

The people leaving the Fire Guild were unhappy at once, and they quarreled. If the queen hadn't explained the rules in advance, all rewards would be cancelled if the allies were killed, they would have done it a long time ago.

"You can use a few more spells if you have a crooked skill." Li Yao said loudly.

Alice also shouted loudly from the bat: "Don't mess up, everyone on the scene must obey the command of Captain Liaoyuan, or cancel all rewards and will be regarded as a traitor to the Undercity."

There was an uproar in the crowd, your sister, let them follow a player's order, how is this possible.

"I have written down your guild. Whoever dares to run away and become a deserter, the entire guild will suffer the punishment of the queen."

Following Alice's words, people in all directions were confused, and they didn't want to follow a player's orders.

But Alice has seen their guild logo, and if she escapes, she will be severely punished.

The ancient gods have been open for so long, and so many things have happened during the period, which made them realize the difference between the ancient gods and other online games.

If their guild was really punished, then the dark camp would not be able to mix in, and some guilds who wanted to retreat were suddenly afraid to retreat.

The punishment for running away is too serious, there is no reward, but punishment is still needed, so it's a fart.

"Unfair, why can he command us."

"Your uncle, I am not convinced."

"What kind of bird game is this, let me obey orders, and why?"

"What if he asks us to die."

Li Yao forcibly pulled them into a regional war channel, which is a function of military rank.

"I don't care what you think, but now you shut up and fight well. To let you die, you don't even have the qualifications for cannon fodder. But I can tell you that you chose this camp very wisely. Military merits are not comparable to ordinary camps. Now I give you a chance to follow me to win this opportunity to get several times the military merits of ordinary strongholds, or to disobey my orders or escape to accept sanctions from Undercity.

Everyone was silent. Hearing several times the military merits, although they did not respond, they had already acquiesced, several times, no wonder this stronghold was difficult.

After Li Yao finished speaking, he ignored them and directly ordered: "Alice, you can kill those high-level units, the wizards, follow me and break their defenses."


Alice waved her hand, all the Batriders dispersed, and then started to kill those high-level NPCs inside the camp.

Li Yao directly summoned his pet. The Hydra and Spider Tank stood at the forefront to endure a lot of firepower, and the output pet began to release magic continuously.

Li Yao's blood volume suddenly decreased, and his attack suddenly soared.

"Mage group, break through their defense." Following Li Yao's words, thirty mages and Li Yao began to attack frantically.

You know, the queen's guards are all sixty-level high-level np, and the royal mage group is enough to face 30-level np and lizardman players to cause absolute crush.

It was just a round of spells, and the lizardmen at the forefront collapsed in close combat, and a huge gap appeared.

"All charge. All the long-range release speed gains, all other melee classes stabilize the front line with the fighters." Li Yao said over and over again, harvesting the lives of lizardmen.

Following Li Yao's order, the tanks without charge skills gave way.

More than three hundred warriors directly launched a charge, and the Paladin and Death Knight were also subjected to various speed increases and then rushed into the opponent's front madly.

Without the barriers of melee occupations, the long-range and healing inside were lambs to be slaughtered, and the lizard people's front was suddenly chaotic.

"Everyone's guild notice, the first direction to the south of the Lizardman camp has been broken. Stabilizing the front line is victory."

Many guilds that had been upset because of Li Yao and the others had already begun to wait in a passive manner. Even though they had gained more military service, they heard that the Southern Front had broken through, and their morale was immediately boosted.

After all, you can get multiple military merits, and it seems that you will be able to win this camp soon.

Players in other directions immediately began to work hard, and the firepower became apparently fierce.

Xinghuo had already rushed into the opponent's line, and began to slaughter wildly.

"The Mage Group dealt with all the melee defenses on both sides separately, allowing other guilds to attack."

The wizards separated and began to use spells to cover the melee defense lines on both sides of the Starfire Guild. After a while, the lizardman defense lines on both sides of the Starfire Guild were also broken.

Originally, Lihuo Guild was a little dissatisfied with Xinghuo, but now that he enjoyed the benefits, he immediately forgot the unpleasantness just now.

Lihuo Guild also joined the slaughter. The Starfire Guild brought high-level NPs that were beyond the expectations of the lizardmen. In addition, their limited high-level NPs were continuously killed by the air force. It was only less than a quarter of an hour. The defense line of the camp was already Total collapse...

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