MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 801: Opportunity

The reason why the melee charge unscrupulously is because of the ancient gods' war mode.

In previous games, in battles, the calculation of military merit was based on the human head.

In the ancient gods, if there is no special situation in a battle, if you hang up, you can't participate in this battle. If you use the original mechanism, you will feel afraid to fight.

In this way, mt suffers too much, after all, the charge is ahead, basically it is dead.

When the ancient gods enter the war mode, they basically count military merits based on their goals, and complete a military goal to obtain overall military merits.

Players who died before can also get the same military merit, and of course individuals with special contributions will also be compensated.

Under this mechanism, because it cannot be resurrected, the army in hand is the most critical. If it is exhausted, there is basically no possibility of replenishment.

Therefore, it seems that there are a lot of people attacking the city, but in fact, the Undercity side is still a lot worse than the Lizardmen. Normally, it is basically impossible to win, especially when the opponent is still defending the city. .

In addition to the opponent's players, countless players are manipulating artillery and trebuchets, coupled with the corrections of the veterans, and the dense display, causing a lot of losses to the Undercity side.

At this moment, a lot of players have fallen down in the open space below the east city wall, and the whole world is reverberating with a burst of roar, and the world seems to be illuminated.

Countless players rushed to the city wall, this is their first real war.

It was too real and too shocking. Countless viewers were originally in the game or the monster upgrade, and basically stopped what they were doing to watch the live broadcast here.

Many people began to regret not participating in this large-scale war.

The battle can be said to be fierce. The opponent's wooden city wall is very high and independent, capable of defensive inside and outside, and doesn't know what is poured. It doesn't want to burn like ordinary wood and is extremely strong.

Suppose the players climbed up the ladder desperately, but under the rolling logs and various boiling grease, countless players screamed and fell.

The two sides launched a fierce battle for the wall, which shocked countless people.

Players from other directions can't see that far. Through the live broadcast, they feel their blood is boiling, because they will also participate in the next battle.

"It takes three hours for the wall to be completely stabilized. That is to say, within three hours, the altar must be destroyed, otherwise the city will completely descend into our world." Standing on the heights, the queen's eyes were full of cold light: "Yours I have written down the heroic battle. Whether you succeed or fail, you will be strong."

The queen didn't expect these recruits to be so brave and not afraid of death, it was beyond her expectations.

As the first players rushed to the wall, the humans and the lizardmen players began another confrontation. Their military achievements began to soar continuously, making players in other places anxious.


Within a quarter of an hour, the Xicheng District landed, both of which were blank areas, and the city in the sky was also missing two corners, which was split like a building block.

The players in the Xicheng District couldn't wait to launch a charge, and the players in the other two districts looked ugly, so they would waste a lot of time.

It is really a very uncomfortable thing just to watch people's overall points continue to soar.

Half an hour later, all four urban areas had already landed, and the main city in the mirror looked like a giant spider, centered on the altar, surrounded by spider legs.

There are also some small areas that fly into the mirror surface as an altar.

"Big brother, everyone else has gone up, why are we still still? The military merits have been robbed." The cute pupil asked everyone's heart.

Had it not been for Li Yao to take them to get a lot of military merit, they would have trusted Li Yao a lot, I am afraid they would have rushed to fight by this time.

"Because the timing is not yet ripe, what are these military exploits? It is too difficult to conquer the city wall, and it has no effect if we go up. My principle has always been to play the big game if you want to play, or not to play." Leah's voice Full of confidence.

The 200,000 players who were already ready to move immediately began to wait patiently, and they were already attached to Li Yao's command. It was even more difficult to get military merits if they left.

Pop, pop, pop...

Some huge urban fragments also rushed out, but they did not connect to the four urban areas, but floated in the air. These fragments are much smaller than the four urban areas, but they are also not to be underestimated. The lizard people above are the same. Start attacking.

These fragments once again disrupted the attack rhythm of the Undercity side, causing the players to suffer heavy casualties.

"What's going on? Why aren't the fragments of these cities combined with the four districts?" Tianxiang asked in confusion.

Li Yao smiled and explained: "It's very simple. We broke all the chains. This time they forcibly crossed the plane. Although there was an altar of flesh and blood, there were still some shortcomings. Teleporting the four districts has consumed most of the power of sacrifice. ."

Just as Li Yao analyzed, the fragments of those cities are falling at an extreme speed, and the flesh and blood altar in the middle has With the roar of the central high priest, some lizardmen even They began to commit suicide, and as their blood was injected, the blood on the altar slowly brightened again.

"The time has come, we are ready to set off." Li Yao stared at the flying fragments of the city and said. Although they are fragments, the fragments are very large, and the dense spots occupy 100,000 people. It is more than enough: "You are on standby, ready to fight, Sister Li Stay in command."

Everyone was very puzzled, and then they saw that a mage raised his hands and rushed to disappear suddenly.

Then they saw that the firepower disappeared from a fragment above their heads, and then there was the sound of fighting.

Li Yao and the others disappeared and appeared directly on the debris.

"Damn, how did they come up, turn the artillery and bombard them." A commander shouted loudly.

But he yelled and felt a tingling in his chest. He lowered his head to see that two of his paws had penetrated his chest, and one had pierced his abdomen.

"Why!" The lizardman commander's eyes were full of disbelief. He really didn't expect why their kin would suddenly kill him.

"The master wants you to die, you must die." A **** light flashed in a lizard-men's eyes, and with a mangling, the lizard-men commander's heart was torn out.

The lizardman commander looked at the beating heart and opened his mouth, but his mouth was full of blood. He never said anything, and then fell to the ground.

This sudden change stunned all the lizardmen, watching the dozens of lizardmen guarding the killer who killed the commander, they were also full of confusion.

How did these humans come up, how could they buy the same race...

(To be continued...)

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