MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 818: Divine blood

   Although the gods are extremely powerful, they are not omnipotent, especially the demigods. Although they ignite the sacred fire and possess the priesthood, they do not condense the godhead and are not true gods.

   Cross-plane combat is basically impossible, but it is not without a solution.

   For example, sacrifice, which is a relatively common method by absorbing the blood and soul of creatures to condense divine power or descend across planes.

   Even the ancient gods are like this, so is the nightmare god, and so is the so-called dragon **** of nature.

   Even though all planes now descend on the ancient gods, no demigod dares to descend on the ancient gods at this stage.

   You must know that for various reasons, it is impossible for those small planes to produce real deities, and the demigods are their top.

   What is the main plane, besides containing the star soul, a more important sign is the ability to produce various gods.

  The greater plane is the ability to produce true gods. You must know that not all star souls can become true gods.

  The ancient **** world produced three star souls, one of which was a true god, and the star soul that was being contained was stronger. This kind of plane is very rare even in the universe.

Although most of the true gods of the ancient gods have disappeared or disappeared, not all gods have disappeared. For example, the true **** Moon God said that it does not interfere with things in this world, but does it really matter at all? Will not become the **** of faith for the ancient elves.

   There are many other demigods. Although many deities and demigods were killed in the War of the Ancients, there are still too many.

   That's why, the passages of each plane are opened, and none of the demigods of each plane dare to enter the plane of the ancient gods.

  Whoever dares to make the first bird will be beaten.

  The competition of gods is also cruel. If the priesthood is repeated, the world law will not allow the repeated gods to coexist, and one will inevitably fall.

   It's just that at this critical time, the high priest can no longer take care of it, and neither can the demigod take care of it.

   The lizardman is the source of his faith. If the lizardman cannot gain a foothold, he will be worried in the future.

   So, the black dragon demigod took action.

  As the blood mist condensed, a huge black shadow gradually appeared in the plane channel.

   Li Yao originally thought it was a real black dragon, but after seeing his face, he was slightly relieved.

   This is just a dragon man at all, but his body is huge and boundless, like a small city. Powerful,

   is actually similar to a centaur, except that the dragon is more sturdy, full of scales, with dragon scales on the arms, the head is also a dragon, and the huge bend is like a crescent moon.

   This is not an ordinary dragon man, because in the ancient gods, only the purest bloodline of the dragon king can open the corners.

   "The power is not enough." A mighty voice spread to everyone's ears, and everyone could feel the monstrous pressure even across the plane, and everyone could hardly breathe.


   The high priest waved his hand again, and countless sacrifices were killed, and even many lizardmen committed suicide.

   The eyes of the giant dragon demigod flickered with cold light, ripples appeared in the plane channel, and one leg of the dragon demigod was about to step out.

   Everyone is nervous, your sister, I'm still playing with Nima, this kind of monster, shameless. The Lizardmen cheered, and the scale of victory was pouring out.

   The cloak behind the queen is hunting. She is not afraid of the pressure of a demigod. In fact, as a world-class leader, if it is true combat effectiveness, it may not be impossible to fight. Of course, winning or losing is the same.

   "The demigods of the ancient gods are all dead. If we don't take action again, we will immediately withdraw our troops, and we will only move the capital." The queen's voice was still so cold.

"Hehehehe, when you are in a hurry, it's really rare to see it." A gentle voice seemed to be coming in the wind, ethereal and boundless, making people unable to trace: "Little dragon man, courageous, just like me. My little daughter wants to eat roasted dragon legs. Those dragon kings are not easy to mess with, but are you an outside guy who has the blood of the dragon king..."

  The players on the side of the ancient gods were full of weird faces. This gentle female voice sounded like a young woman. It was not lethal, and the mighty dragons were presumably powerful. They couldn't feel that this could really beat the demigod.

   However, the next scene deeply impressed everyone's mind.

   "Damn, there really is an ambush."

   Although this voice was gentle, it was like a winter wind in the ears of the dragon demigod, and everyone saw that the scales of his entire body were erected, as if hairs were standing upside down.

   "I want to run, it's late."

   With the gentle voice, everyone saw that the left leg of the dragon demigod stepped out suddenly burst, breaking suddenly from the position above the knee.

   The huge dragon legs directly separated from his body, and the space barrier suddenly solidified, and the dragon man crashed on it and made a noise, but there was no fluctuation.


   The dragon demigod screamed up to the sky, his eyes turned blood red in an instant.

   "Damn it, using the laws of the plane to hurt me is nothing. There is a way to let me out and let the whole world see who is the real **** of the wilderness."

   At this time, everyone finally saw a dreamlike figure, which was extremely vague, but everyone could feel her beauty in her grace.

   Everyone saw the huge dragon leg floating in front of her, but it was much smaller, otherwise the dragon leg would be like a stone pillar of the heavenly temple.

   "Hehehehe, the Mao God from the small plane really doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and you deserve to fight me too."

   The wild demigod waved his hand, and a spatter of blood flew upside down into the dragonman's legs.

   "Hey, funny little guy, haha."

   Following the gaze of the goddess of wilderness, everyone saw a huge flame bird. Behind it was a gleaming bottle. A large swath of crystal clear demigod blood was sucked in.

   Everyone is stunned, your sister, the blood of a demigod, anyone knows that this is a good thing.

   Many people at the scene didn't know who the fire eagle belonged to, but the audience knew that they all envy and hate each one. This is too courageous, and the demigod dared to **** the trophy.

   I don’t know how many players prayed for the demigod to pinch Li Yao to death, but watching the wilderness demigod doesn’t seem to care about one by one regrets, but there is no way, even if they don’t care about it, they are not prepared.

   Now all blood has been collected by the Wilderness Demigod, and a small portion has been collected by the Fire Eagle.

   "Okay, I have sealed off the space, this stupid man can't come, I'm going back to roast the dragon's legs, and I will leave the rest to you."

   With the soft laughter, the wilderness demigod disappeared.

   The queen looked at Li Yao with a smile and said, "Do you know who she is?"

   Li Yao nodded and said: "Wilder demigod, the ancestor of the centaur, dryad, and jungle guardian, the wife of Cenarius, and the daughter of the **** of nature."

   "I know a lot, the blood of the demigod divides me 70%, and I protect you." The queen said simply.

   Li Yao's face is full of black lines: "But the demigods of the wilderness don't care."

"But you definitely don't care about her descendants. Divide me half, talk nonsense, don't find me in trouble." The queen also became alive, this is the blood of a demigod, and she can't get this kind of thing. , And it is the blood of a demigod with the blood of the Dragon King.

   "Scum, I will kill you today." The Dragon Demigod also fixed his eyes on Li Yao.

   Li Yao directly cursed: "Fool, you won't be the illegitimate child of the black dragon king and the lizardman, you want to kill me, come on."

   Damn it, your sister is too fierce.

   Everyone was stunned...

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