MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 823: Galakrond

  In the ancient times, the Pantheon had not completely transformed the ancient gods, and the elements and ancient gods were also sealed. A group of powerful ethnic groups lived in the vast world, and they were called Yuanlong.

   These creatures are powerful but basically without wisdom, only the instinct of beasts.

   They were the predators of heaven and earth at that time, and their king was called Galakrond.

   This huge Yuanlong body is extremely huge, the huge body is tens of thousands of miles away, and any Yuanlong is extremely small in front of him.

   And with his predation, his body size became larger, and the other creatures in the world were too small to satisfy his appetite.

   He even began to prey on his Yuanlong, and because of the corrosion of the ancient gods, his sanity has become abnormal.

   The five dragon kings at that time united to organize Yuanlong and the father of Wanlong to start a earth-shattering battle.

   I don’t know how long this battle lasted. Although the five dragon kings at the time were wise and very powerful, they were only stronger than the other Yuanlongs, and I don’t know how far they were from Galakrond.

   Because of this war, the entire Yuanlong race has suffered heavy losses, and the five dragon kings are also scarred.

  At this time, the Titans of the Pantheon came for the second time. They saw this battle, and they gave their power to several dragon kings.

   Then, together with several dragon kings, he killed the father of ten thousand dragons, who was taller and stronger than the Titan.

   In the Dragonbone Wilderness, Galakrond’s spine spanned the entire map, and even built the Temple of Dragon Sleep to suppress Galakrond’s indomitable soul.

   Now Galakrond’s keel is still in the Dragonbone Wilderness, and it still stands tall even after hundreds of thousands of years.

   It's not that there is no idea of ​​a strong player to beat the keel, but the keel is too large and strong, and its strength is higher than any kind of metal and alloy in this world. Otherwise, there will be no change in the wind and sun for hundreds of thousands of years.

   The queen's bow is actually made of Galakrond bone, which is incredible.

   Along with the name, the detailed introduction of this bow also appeared in the light curtain.

   In the old days, the queen as a ranger general was killed by a magic weapon in order to protect the capital of the high elves and became the most powerful banshee.

   She lost her mind at the time, and was controlled by the magic artifact and the Lich King, and became the King of Banshee. All the Banshees who died in battle belonged to her.

Later, the Banshee King regained his mind because of the demon artifact. The Lich King recalled the death knight in charge of the demon artifact Frostmourne. The death knight and the Lich King were combined, but they could not move at all and could only lurch. Recover from injury.

   But the Scourge can't live without the strong, and as one of the strongest natural disasters at the time, the Banshee King appeared in the sight of the Lich King.

   The Lich King strengthened and refined the corpse of the Banshee King and returned it to her. The queen turned into a Banshee and took control of her body again.

  In this way, the Banshee King not only possesses the anti-sky magic power of the Banshee King, but also has the best archery skills in controlling the body.

In order for her to have matching abilities to become one of the powerful leaders of the natural disasters, the Lich King gathered all the resources of the natural disaster army and spent a year splitting a small piece of Galakrond bone, and then spent countless materials to use the blue dragon king. The back tendons cast this very powerful Galakrond bow.

   is also with this bow Banshee King to determine the status of the Scourge, which is why she raised her arms, countless undead followed her to rebel against the Scourge.

   Not only is the Lich King injured, but more importantly, the Queen is strong.

   It's just that part of the queen's soul has been completely cut and sealed in the magic artifact. It is not in a complete state now, otherwise the queen will be stronger.

   Li Yao took a deep breath. As a rebirth, Li Yao understood more from this simple information.

   First of all, the queen's strength is not shown on the surface. After all, part of the soul is sealed. It is for this reason that the queen cannot become a demigod unless it destroys the magic artifact.

  Secondly, even in the current crisis, the queen has not shown her full strength. Everyone was deceived by the queen, and everyone took it for granted that the queen had self

The magical ability of his body banshee disappeared, but the introduction of this bow made him understand, it must not be the case. The queen is clearly hiding herself.

   The queen itself is a combination of magic and martial arts, plus this extremely powerful artifact longbow, even the warchief is definitely not the queen's opponent, and it is far away. Even though the warchief holds the hammer of destruction in his hands.

   More importantly, Li Yao knew that he finally got the Queen’s approval and became her inheritor.

   Li Yao believes that there are probably no more than three people who know this secret, maybe only he knows besides the queen.

   Li Yao didn't look at the attributes of the bow, but at the queen, an inexplicable light flashed in her eyes.

   Obviously the queen has understood everything, Li Yao nodded slightly and looked at the attributes of the bow.

   Galakrond Bow

   Grade: artifact (seal state)

   Attack:? ? ? -? ? ?

   Power:? ? ?

   Intelligence:? ? ?

  Agile:? ? ?

   Spirit:? ? ?

   Endurance:? ? ?

   Almighty:? ? ?

  Proficient:? ? ?

   Supernatural power:? ? ?

   Cloud-piercing arrows, the arrows shot are invisible and innocent, ignoring any obstacles and attacking the target that the mind is locked in, regardless of distance.

   Dragon Father’s power, passive effect, all arrows are increased by 10000%. The active effect activates arrows with 50 times their own strength, consumes 15% of magic, and has a cooling time of 20 seconds.

  Tu Shenjian,? ? ? ? ? (seal)

   Wanlong worship,? ? ? ? (seal)

   One shot to kill the sky,? ? ? ? (seal)

  ? ? ?

  ? ? ?

  ? ? ?

  Equipment conditions: Dark Ranger (different ranks have different effects)

   Conditions of use: have a touch of darkness (suppress the blood of the violent father dragon)

Although he only saw some of the attributes, Li Yao still took a breath. To be honest, it was not that Li Yao had never seen the artifact in his last life, nor had he never seen the artifact longbow. After the failure, I also got an artifact bow, but to be honest, the attribute must be no worse than this.

   At the same time, Li Yao also confirmed his guess through the attributes of this bow, that the queen really is a double cultivation of magic and martial arts.

   Intelligence and spirit are only the characteristics of magic weapon or magic professional equipment. It can be said that the queen has shown it, only half of its strength, or even less than half, after all, this is not a number, not a simple accumulation of one plus one.

   Li Yao still has a bigger guess, whether his future Dark Ranger will also become a magic weapon double repair. Thinking of this, Li Yao's heart is hot.

   He couldn't help thinking of the drawing of the Thousand Chance Bow in his heart. He must find good materials to make a consumable bow.

   It’s a long time to speak, but these thoughts have only been a few breaths since Li Yao got the bow.

   Those guilds finally organized a formation. They didn't want Li Yao to be too strong, so when the queen gave Li Yao a bow and arrow, they brazenly launched an attack.

  The players who formed the formation have surrounded the reunited blood shadows.

   And many players have surrounded Li Yao, saying that they are protecting Li Yao, but in fact they don’t give Li Yao a chance to attack...

  Ps: The plot of this chapter is an important turning point...

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