MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 826: Hanakuchi

   Li Yaosi didn't care if they used the Holy Shield technique, and still started to attack continuously.

   As the arrows shot soaring, the Paladins hit by the arrows flew out like rag bags one by one, and then they smashed into the air. I don’t know how many players were hit.

   Even Li Yao can use his own bow to fly in their holy shield technique, not to mention ten times the strength of the divine bow.

   Li Yao's own strength is against the sky, ten times less, even if the blood shadow is attacked to a key part, it will be repelled, but Li Yao didn't do that.

   "Damn it, do you think you can live? See how much you can kill."

  The players who wanted to attack Li Yao were stunned, they finally saw the power of the Divine Bow.

   The attack of Li Yao, who possessed the divine bow, was simply against the sky. It was not something they could bear. No matter where he attacked, he was killed by an arrow.

   The Paladin couldn't get close to Li Yao before being knocked into the air by various means, and then fell involuntarily.

   However, these people who want to deal with Li Yao are determined and it is impossible to arrange this person.

   Before these people fell to the ground, Li Yao saw another blockbuster player leaving the legion and guild and rushing towards him.

   And this time there are a large number of remote players.

   "You want to keep me, you are still a little tender." Li Yao said that the dark touch around his body danced quickly.

   噗, 噗, 噗, 噗...

   Sure enough, there were several sneaking to Li Yao not far away, and even the thieves who used shadow attacks to attack Li Yao were attacked by the touch of darkness.

   Li Yao became Tier 6, especially the Brigadier General’s transformation, and Touch of Darkness also gained a lot of toughness.

   When the thieves were still in a daze, the darkness either penetrated their bodies, or entangled them immobile.

Li Yao knows that although he is now a brigadier general, he is now a Tier 6 boss, but if he is controlled by a thief, he can’t be beaten under the attention of the attack. He has so much combat experience, how could he be able to take advantage of him. The opportunity.

   Boom, boom, boom...

   The blockbuster skills fell on Li Yao, and Li Yao quickly rose into the sky as he attacked.

   With the shooting star-like arrows being killed by remote players one by one, Li Yao's blood volume has dropped, but because of his powerful blood-sucking ability, he has also grown rapidly.


   Li Yao's speed was too fast. The third wave of fighters charged Li Yao's original position. Li Yao had already flown, and they rushed to the touch of darkness.

   Each warrior was bound by tentacles, Li Yao's body was also very huge, and the countless black misty tentacles with their teeth and claws were like a peerless evil god.

   Li Yao, with his afterimage figure, raised hundreds of yards higher, avoiding blockbuster skills.

   Seeing Li Yao who was like a demon at this moment, everyone was stunned. At this moment, Li Yao's muscles were knotted, King Kong was glaring, and dozens of players entangled in countless tentacles, as if from the abyss of hell.

   "Fuck, is this just a player, how do you feel that you want a boss more than a boss?"

   "What's the matter, are the tentacles strange, but they are really handsome."

   "Too domineering."

   Countless viewers have no hope for rewards, so their perspective is basically on Li Yao’s side of the battle. Li Yao’s domineering performance is really magical.


   Those players who were bound by their shots were thrown out by countless tentacles, but everyone saw that they had been drained by their tentacles, and they were thrown into the sky like a few corpses.

   "Don't you want to kill me, go ahead, I see how many people you dare to let go." Li Yao floated high in the sky, looking down at the stunned crowd below.

   Those players who attacked Li Yao were also in agitated mood. Your sister's is too weird. What kind of ghost skill is that tentacle?

  Of course they know the Touch of Darkness, but the problem is that in their original understanding, the Touch of Darkness has no offensive ability. At most, it is an auxiliary effect. They did not expect to be so abnormal after the level increased.

   More importantly, all the players who are bound cannot break free at all, and even if they are directly drained of blood, the result is added to Li Yao's body. They attacked for a long time, Li Yaoxian

It was actually full of blood.

   A few brigadier generals are anxious, seeing that the boss's blood volume is about to bottom out, these people actually look at Li Yao dumbly, which really annoys them.

   "If you can't kill him, you have to entangle him."

   "Don't let him have time to attack the boss."

   "No matter the cost, stop."

   They no longer want to kill Li Yao, and this is not the key. The key is not to allow Li Yao to have time to attack the boss at this time. If it is not the boss that Li Yao killed, it does not matter if Li Yao is not dead.


   Now they can also fly, and suddenly a large group of players broke away from the large group and rushed to a higher sky to besiege Li Yao.

   How did Li Yao make them surrounded again? The fire eagle screamed and appeared at Li Yao's feet. Above the fire eagle, Li Yao was faster, and because of the touch of darkness, he didn't worry about stability at all.

   Li Yao directly started the rapid shooting, and the violent arrows continued to shoot, rushing to the players to fall one by one.

   Those without invincible skills hang up directly, and those with invincible skills are bombarded by force.

   Only some lucky long-range players can attack Li Yao, but Li Yao’s damage is too terrifying. If the attack is not too intensive, his attack can directly drain his blood.

   The players here are going crazy. There are so many of them who can't help Li Yao alone, which is really shameful.

   The queen looked at the crowd besieging Li Yao in the sky, with a gleam in her eyes.

   "Recruit, ha ha ha ha." The big pharmacist's eyes were full of disdain.

   "Scum." The Dreadlord didn't bother to look.

   "Prepare to help me destroy the altar." The queen said lightly.

   And at the most critical time on the other side, the boss's blood volume finally bottomed out.

   Not to mention the various, all the guilds are crazy. They agree on the position of dealing with Li Yao, but they are also enemies in the position of robbing the boss.

   They are already crazy, they are attacking the boss desperately. In this situation, all they have to do is luck. Two **** of flames leaped with the red lips and eyes, and she silently calculated the time and blood volume, her ultimate move was ready, just waiting for the last moment.

   In fact, it's not just her, everyone is waiting for the final moment to release the big move, so that there will be more opportunities to kill the boss.

   "Accumulate skills and prepare to receive the boss." Li Yao said in the guild channel.

   The people in Xinghuo, who were also preparing to fight, were suddenly taken aback when they heard Li Yao's words, what to accept the boss, and how to accept the boss.

   They were confused and didn't understand what Li Yao meant.

   "Don't be ready for the big move." Peerless Demon Ji said.

   "The formation is scattered, ready to dodge." Li Yao shouted.

   Although I don't know what Li Yao means, Xinghuo moves very fast.

   Although Li Yao is harvesting players, he also pays attention to the health of the boss.

  Boss's blood volume is getting less and less, all the guild bosses shouted: "It's now, hit the firepower."

   Countless rays of light shone, and the sky was bright, and Li Yao's eyes were locked on the boss: "You can't get it."...

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