MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 849: Yesteryear

With the Peerless Demon Fairy on the court, the entire arena is boiling.

Playing is a death knight from the European administrative region.

And seeing this death knight, countless people also called out the name of Kazakh. Obviously, this Kazakh is not an unknown person.

Following the words of the countess, a ten-second countdown appeared in front of the two.

Kazak coldly provoked the rune sword and pointed at the Peerless Demon Ji and said: "I thought it was a worthy opponent, but I didn't expect it to be a **** from China. You just give in, so as not to waste everyone's time."

The Peerless Demon Fairy didn't seem to hear the other party's provocation, but faintly said: "I won't surrender. If I have the ability, I will defeat me beautifully, thinking that by acting like a peerless master and letting others surrender, you can show your height. It’s so naive, how can you be like an unweaned child. Sorry, forget it, it’s not easy for you to become famous. You shouldn’t tell the truth in front of your fans.”

Originally, the two parties shouted their names to each other in the arena, but when they heard this, the entire arena burst into laughter, while the audience in the European administrative region stared at the Peerless Demon Girl with fire-breathing eyes.

"Very well, originally you are a woman. I didn't want you to lose too ugly, but if you are looking for abuse, don't blame me." Kazakh's face was extremely cold: "Tell a joke, China Electronic Sports."

Peerless Demon Ji's complexion also changed coldly and said: "Sure enough, it is a baby who has not been weaned. You know how to use words to attack your opponents. I don't know how ridiculous this method is. China has always been a country of etiquette. Of course, like yours. Orangutans will not understand the meaning."

"Hmph, it's useless to say more, my little girl, watch me kill you in seconds."

With the two people fighting each other, the countdown to the game is over.

Kazak rushed towards the Peerless Demon Fairy holding the rune sword, and the Peerless Demon Fairy also greeted her gracefully.

Peerless Demon Fairy was named the No. 1 charming beauty in e-sports that year. Although Peerless Demon Fairy was masked, the kind of looking forward to life, that kind of upside-down posture of sentient beings could not be blocked even when she was masked.

Not to mention anything else, just this elegant and charming posture makes countless men's eyes shine, and even the European administrative region has forgotten to shout for cheering with the figure of the peerless enchantress, and the women have given birth to a kind of embarrassment. thought.

Everyone didn't realize that the Peerless Demon Fairy had such a change while still moving.

Not only the people at the scene, but almost all the audience were immersed in the beautiful figure of the Peerless Demon Girl.

The so-called smile in the city, then smile in the country, even if you can't see the smile of the Peerless Demon Fairy, this effect has been achieved.

Even Kazak, who was so embarrassed and angry, bit his tongue before he woke up. His rune sword even leaned while running without realizing it. Of course, the audience did not notice.

Li Yao looked at Kazakh's blood volume reduced by a dozen drops, and suddenly showed a playful smile.

If the Peerless Demon Fairy can enter the top three this time, then the Peerless Demon Fairy will become the second sign of the Starfire Guild.

The appeal of a peerless beauty will definitely be stronger than her own. What's more, with the growth of age, the charm of the peerless demon girl has not diminished, but has become more charming. It was originally a little smart and young, but now it is more. A mature flavor.

With the establishment of Team Xinghuo, not to mention the influence of himself and Peerless Demon Ji can make the dragon a large number of loyal fans, which is quite the key to the club.

"How silly to look at it, is it because your former girlfriend is more beautiful, and now you regret following me?" A jeweled woman asked the handsome man next to her sourly.

This woman is also very beautiful, she is even more beautiful and incomprehensible against the backdrop of a piece of jewelry, but when compared with Peerless Demon Fairy, she looks like a star under a bright moon, dim.

The man's eyes were so enthusiastic and he said, "Which do you want, my wife, she is not as attractive as my wife, otherwise why did I follow you back then, don't you think?"

The man thought in his heart, if it wasn't for your family's property, or if the woman in the arena was too stubborn to let him touch him and fell out with the family, the ghost would be with you, a secular woman.

"Hmph, if you are acquainted, you say you, good company, no matter what game you have to watch." The woman frowned and continued: "This place is dirty, and you have to spend a lot of money to reflect the actual clothes. In the game."

"Isn't it because our guild members got recommended places? I'm the boss anyway, always come and see." The man said cautiously.

"What your boss, I am the boss, you are just a soft meal, and you just pretend to be a big head of garlic in front of me." The jeweled woman said dissatisfied.

"Yes, yes, I will always be a slave to the little baby." The man quickly laughed.

The people around looked sideways, but the woman didn't care at all, and said, "It's about the same. I am very tired today. Go back and give me a toe tonight."

A trace of humiliation flashed in the man's eyes, but the emotion was fleeting: "Well, my tongue has become more flexible recently, not just my toes."

A hint of charm flashed in the woman's eyes: "Okay, if I am satisfied, I don't mind letting you have more rights, don't be like that guy Tie Let her wash my old lady's feet and actually shake her It's an old lady, a mean man."

"Don't worry, it will definitely satisfy you." When a man hears that he has more rights, his humiliation was wiped out. In order to become a master, isn't it just to serve a woman? Isn't this what he is best at? What.

A trace of pride flashed across the woman's face, and a trace of cold light flashed in the eyes of the Peerless Demon Fairy.

She used to be Peerless Demon Fairy's best best friend, but she was not convinced of Peerless Demon Fairy since she was a child, and even hated Peerless Demon Fairy.

Why are all good things owned by her? My family is not as good as the other party, and the appearance is not as good as the other party, and the wrists and brain are not as smart as the other party.

In fact, he didn't necessarily like this man much, but who made him the man of Demon Ji, of course, this man still satisfied her in some aspects.

She came here today, naturally not to watch Demon Ji win, but to watch Demon Ji lose, and then taunted her opponent.

The people around suddenly felt a nausea, and sighed that the world is getting worse, the young people now...

In the arena, the two have fought for several rounds.

It's just that both sides are testing, on the surface they seem to be in contact with each other, regardless of the outcome.

But with the trial, the two sides gradually learned the strength of the other side.

Kazakh was more and more frightened by the war. Originally, in his opinion, the Peerless Demon Ji had only come to this step by charm. With his mind, it is not difficult to win as long as it is not affected by her charm.

However, he found out that the opponent was almost invulnerable.

"The bragging ability is not small. It turned out to be nothing more than that. It is meaningless to continue." Peerless Oji's mouth showed a beautiful arc, but under the face towel, no one could see...

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