Sakura Phantom Kill!

Not far behind Li Yao, the petals of the cherry blossoms quickly condensed into a ninja exactly like Xiao Saburo, who could not tell whether it was true or false. .The fastest update

When the ninja appeared, he held the sword and slashed towards Li Yao with lightning.

At the same time, Xiao Saburo's figures appeared in the petals in other directions.

"Liaoyuan-jun, guess which is my real body." More than a dozen Xiao Saburo rushed towards Li Yao from different directions.

The Huaxia audience exclaimed that Li Yao is too dangerous now, and many people are beginning to worry.

The Japanese players cheered in the opposite direction, thinking that Li Yao was too big, and now he does not even call pets.

"Don't guess, kill them all."

Li Yao replaced the scatter bow in his hand, and clusters of arrows shot.

One by one rushed up to endure being defeated directly, Li Yao stood there, a few seconds later a dozen of welcomes were killed directly, but there was no real body of the other party.

The sound of the rain drops even more urgently, and Xiao Saburo doesn't know where it is, but the audience sees very clearly that Xiao Saburo's real body is far away from Li Yao's left, and he has not rushed forward at all.

As all the phantoms of cherry blossoms disappeared, the other party slowly approached Li Yao under the cover of rain.

When Li Yao was still more than ten yards away, everyone suddenly saw a dazzling white light, and the other party finally drew their swords.


Xiao Saburo's body suddenly disappeared in place, and then appeared in front of Li Yao, the dazzling Bai Guangzhan slashed towards Li Yao's neck like thunder.

"It's over." Li Yao turned around abruptly while speaking.


The dazzling white light directly hit the back of Li Yao's head, but turning around and shooting Invincible just to offset the damage, Xiao Saburo's figure suddenly collapsed.

And Li Yao released his fingers, and five arrows shot out.


Five huge damage figures appeared, and Xiao Saburo's sword drawing figure appeared in front of Li Yao. His sword had been drawn out, just like a round and a half, and it was extremely dazzling.

But at this moment the arrow had already attacked him, and his movements stopped abruptly.

"how can that be……"

Xiao Saburo's eyes were full of disbelief. You must know that although the one just now was a phantom, its attack power was exactly the same as the real sword drawing technique. It was said to be a phantom, but in fact it was no different from him.

And the body he appeared in the other direction was actually the second-stage damage of the drawing sword technique, and the damage would be even higher. He had tried this skill on the stakes, and it could definitely kill the Crispy professional in seconds.

In addition, he has never released this skill to players at all. He is very confident in himself, and he wants to save this skill for the last three games.

It's just that he met Li Yao. The last game Li Yao was so shocking that he had to leak the hole card in advance. However, he still failed.

"Nothing is impossible." Li Yao smiled and put the bow and arrow directly on his back.

His attack is too abnormal, and there is no problem with killing the tank in a flash. This still does not have the effect of blessing the necklace, otherwise his attack will increase by a lot.

Xiao Saburo's eyes were full of unwillingness, but Li Yao did not satisfy his curiosity until his body fell to the ground and Li Yao did not explain.

The countess appeared: "This time, Liaoyuan wins. It's noon, the game has been suspended, and the rest of the game will start at 2 in the afternoon."

Many people are excited to go offline to deal with things in reality, and people from Xinghuo also go offline to rest.

The forum has gone crazy. Two Chinese players have advanced to the top sixteen, and looking at the momentum, the eighth is not the end. This hasn't happened in China for many years.

What's more powerful is that these two players are from the same guild, which makes countless players talk about it.

Especially the Peerless Demon Fairy. After many years, the Peerless Demon Fairy appeared on the stage again. Although she did not show her appearance, countless previous photos of her were turned over.

At this moment, Peerless Enchantress has become the e-sports goddess in the eyes of all Chinese players, and her appearance is definitely worthy of the title of goddess.

Her popularity even surpassed Li Yao, and not only Chinese players, but also players from many other administrative regions began to be interested in her, and many people even started to tie her with Edward.

The popularity is not even weaker than that of Li Yao. As for Li Yao, although he is not ugly, he is handsome. Some people are handsomer than him.

But no one paid attention to this, Li Yao's stunning one was hailed as the arrow of the gods.

Countless hunters began to look for Necromancers to test, but without exception, it is very difficult to pass through a skeleton, and neither can be done.

"I tested it for half an hour. I don't know how many arrows I shot. I only successfully penetrated two skeletons twice."

"The same test for half an hour, the best luck is to penetrate two and a half."

"It's not an exaggeration to say that the arrow of the gods, if it were not for gods, I really can't think of how it is possible to penetrate so many targets in all the skeleton movements at once."

"As a former Olympic shooting champion, I have always been very confident in archery and dismissed the so-called game archer. However, this time, I only have one word, serving, half an hour, and one arrow penetrates two skeletons and three. Only one arrow among the arrows can do it, of which only two successfully penetrated three, and the four skeletons did not appear at one The comment of the last Olympic shooting champion ended the sigh of countless people.

This video was directly posted on the official website. Note that it is the official website, not the video website.

You know, there is only one real official website homepage, but official information and news such as official announcements and events appear. The official website hangs a video for the first time.

The huge title, one of the arrows of the gods, is particularly eye-catching. The number of clicks on this video soars at a terrifying speed. In just one hour, the number of clicks exceeded one billion.

It is the top anchor, the most popular video, placing a top-notch video with three to four billion views.

And this video surpassed one billion views in an hour, and it is still soaring at a terrifying rate.

Not only the existing players, but also people who have not played the ancient gods for the time being, these people want to enter the game to experience this battle.

The high-level officials were happy, especially those old professors who came to Li Yao personally.

Li Yao finally sent away the old professor, and then clicked on the communication.

The ghosts of Sister Li and Qin Fengyi appeared.

Sister Li's stern face was full of spring breeze: "This time is really unexpected. We made a lot of money."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "How much do you earn?"

Qin Fengyi asked: "You haven't watched your video on the official website?"

"I'm not in a hurry yet." Li Yao suddenly fought a cold war with the burning eyes of several old men.

"With your video, the official paid a copyright fee of 500,000 yuan, which is not much." Sister Li said.

"Then why do you still say you made a profit?" Li Yao frowned, according to his guess, at least one million.

Qin Fengyi also smiled and said, "Guess, you know, it's just that we will make a lot of money if we don't give us a little copyright fee this time."...

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