MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 859: Artifact Fragment

"I play Nima.??"

Accompanied by the scream of grief and anger from the tree shepherd, he was hit by the spider tank on the edge of the arena.

The entire arena was shaking, and all players were stunned.

"You big guy, rob me again, **** it, bully me to move slowly on the ground, don't have the charge skills, right." The ice snake is extremely depressed.

The eyes of the ancient gods directly in the spider tank gleamed faintly, looking back at the Hydra.

"Damn it, don't look at me with the eyes of the ancient god." The Hydra suddenly wilted, and he has been living in the shadow of the ancient god.

As the spider tank left, the tree of wisdom also fell to the ground, but the original beautiful tree was torn apart, looking like a pile of dry wood.

The tree shepherd is dead and can no longer die, and the druid's combat resurrection cannot be used on himself.

The countess said directly: "Liaoyuan wins and enters the semifinals."

The audience now wakes up from the shock just now.

"Liaoyuan, invincible!"

"Liaoyuan, invincible!"

The audience in the Huaxia District went crazy, not only because Li Yao entered the semi-finals, but also because Li Yao's powerful pets made Huaxia players see the hope of the championship.

You know, even the group of retired people won first place.

Champion, this is very far away from the players in the China Administrative Region.

The countess directly waved to teleport the other three players over, and said: "The next is the final. If the prairie prairie does not need to rest."

Li Yao shook his head: "No."

The countess nodded and said, "Well, I'll just talk about the rules of the finals, which are slightly different from the original..."

"and many more……"


A lizardman priest and a lizardman player teleported down, beside, there was an ogre mage and an ogre player who teleported down. The two players are from different planets and will be aliens. .

Li Yao recognized the lizard man priest at a glance, the young lizard man shaman who watched the battle when he became a vampire and the son of the general.

The countess frowned: "I'll talk about anything after the game."

The ogre player sneered: "What breaks the game, let's play, it's a real laugh."

The shaman also said: "If this represents the highest combat strength among your recruits, then I am embarrassed, it is really not worth seeing."

The ogre player sneered: "Obviously, it's just a peck at each other."

Except for Li Yao and Edward, Gufeng and Jackson were both furious and scolded them one after another.


The countess was angry. Although she felt that apart from Li Yao, these recruits were very immature, but an outsider said she couldn't accept it.

The pressure of a strong man directly shook the two players back several steps.

The ogres and the lizard priests were surprised, but the countess was so strong.

"Sorry, my disciple is a bit upright, but what he said is not unreasonable." said the left head of the ogre.

The lizardman priest also said: "This kind of game is really boring to watch."

The countess was also angry, and the NPCs of other planes all looked at it with a smile, obviously not wanting to participate, and would not help.

In fact, these sub-plane races have begun to group together because they have seen the strength of the two camps.

If they want to survive on the main plane, they find that they can only hold together. They are not talking now, but they are actually supporting the two people.

With a wave of the archangel, the king and warchief were also teleported down.

"Then what do you mean by your excellency." Although the archangel is actually neutral, he also disagrees with the creatures of these sub-planes, which is not in line with his purpose of borrowing troops. It is precisely because of their arrival that restrained the forces of the original two camps.

"It's very simple, isn't it in the so-called finals? Although my disciple is not the strongest among the younger generation in the clan, but it is almost the same, so I want to learn about the power of your strongest recruits." The right head of the ogre Said coldly.

The face of the boss of the three camps changed, the planes invaded, and the recruits are still contesting. The quality of the recruits here is much worse than theirs. This is an undeniable fact.

To propose a contest on this occasion is obviously to hit them in the face. This kind of contest, losing no good will greatly damage their morale, and winning no good, there is really no need to proceed.

"Why, do you have no confidence in your recruits?" A dangerous light flashed through the Lizardmen's vertical pupils: "Of course, if you think you are inferior, it's no better."

If it was before, they would definitely not compare, but the three of them looked at Li Yao at the same time, and the warchief smiled: "Okay, then compare."

The king directly took out a big sword glowing with dark gold: "This is a soldier who has been with me for many years. If I lose, I will use it as a winner."

The warchief also nodded, holding the warhammer in his hand and said: "This is the hammer of destruction, the legendary peak weapon, and it is not weaker than some ordinary artifacts. It should be used as a fortune."

Everyone's complexion has changed. This is your sister's bargaining chip. Up to now, the player has no dark gold equipment let alone an artifact.

Moreover, the warchief and the king, as the leaders of the two camps, can have anything in their hands. They are definitely peerless magic soldiers. This bet is simply an explosion.

Both the ogres and the sacrificials looked gloomy. This kind of peerless treasure, one for each race, would be good. If you take it out, it really hurts, but if you don't take it out, they put forward the competition. If they are counseled, how will they be mixed up in the future.

The ogre gritted his teeth and said: "There is a shard of an artifact stored in my clan, the Death Scythe. If you win, you will immediately offer it. I promise it will not be weaker than the value of your treasure."

The lizardman also said: "There is a dragon horn horn containing the blood of the dragon king stored in my clan. If it loses, I will offer it immediately."

This time the leaders of the two or three major camps are not calm. The **** of death in this world has been killed. The former ruler of **** was killed by the faces and pits of the seven demon kings. This is the **** of this plane second only to the true god, his weapon , Even fragments are definitely peerless treasures.

As for the dragon horns, the dragons in this world can't be offended, not to mention the horns of the dragon king's bloodline. Although the attributes are not visible, it is definitely very powerful.

Both heads of the ogres are bleeding, and they have lost money this time: "The rules of the game are very simple. As long as any of the four people defeats my disciple, I will lose."

The lizardman priest also said: "Me too. Among the four of them, as long as they can defeat my disciple, I will lose."

The three of them looked at each other and said, "Okay, that's it. If none of the four of them can defeat your disciple, we will lose."

Then he said to Li Yao and the others: "Listen clearly, whoever wins the other party's loot is whoever has it. We don't want it."

In fact, these are two betting games. Four people, including Li Yao, have red eyes when they hear who wins the spoils...8

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