MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 867: Death sickle

Alien players used a few games to break their hearts to comfort their pride, allowing them to fully recognize the strength of alien players. ??

Even some of the strongest humans are not opponents, making everyone's faces hot.

If even Li Yao loses, then the last fig leaf will disappear, and everyone will be looked down upon by the aliens and made them laugh.

However, now all worries can be put down, because Li Yao won, and it was such a beautiful victory.

Those who thought Li Yao was pretending to be compelling, expressing disdain and dissatisfaction, were overwhelmed in an instant.

Deafening cheers for Li Yao echoed throughout the arena.

Li Yao just stood there quietly, watching all the summons of the warlock disappear, and looking at the endlessly surging heads, Li Yao was full of emotions, and he finally stood on the top stage openly.

At this moment, this stage belongs to him.

The big brothers of the three major camps also smiled, this win is really beautiful, and very shocking.

The king said with a smile: "I think this kid is a bit pleasing to the eye now."

The others rolled their eyes and ignored him.

The cannibal magician was resurrected, his eyes fixed on Li Yao: "How did you do it."

Li Yao returned to his senses with a smile: "What?"

"Why did you flash the mage? What kind of equipment is this?" The cannibal magician listened to cheers, his expression was extremely gloomy, he actually lost, or lost to the human beings with technical scum, how would he see people in the future.

"Guess." Li Yao showed two rows of white teeth.

"Nima!" The warlock roared second.

"Why, can't afford to lose?" Li Yao said lightly.

"I'm not convinced, I want to compete with you again." The cannibal magician was extremely unconvinced, he felt that he was careless, otherwise, how could he lose to humans.

Li Yao didn't bother to talk to him, just smiled and looked in the direction of the ogre in the stands.

The ogre also looked gloomy, but still sent the unconvinced ogre magician directly with a wave of his hand.

Brush brush brush...

"We ogres are the most trustworthy. I have brought things just now." With a wave of the ogre, a hazy shadow turned gray weapon directly into Li Yao's feet.

A sickle shrouded in black weapons appeared in Li Yao's hands. Li Yao glanced at the attributes, and then took in his backpack contentedly.

There was no jealousy this time. Everyone looked at Li Yao enviously, but they thought in their hearts that Li Yao deserved this artifact fragment.

Li Yao looked at the attributes and shared them directly.

Reaper's Scythe Fragment

Quality: color artifact

Attack: 258-298

Strength: 123

Intelligence: 123

Agility: 122

Stamina: 122

Sensitivity: 13%

Mastery: 112

Almighty: 111

Supernatural power: 5oo%

Unpredictable, can be combined into a huge two-handed scythe, can be split into one-handed double scythe, can be further split into a dart sickle.

The avatar of the **** of death, transforms into the form of **** of death, his attributes are increased by 15o%, and he is immune to any damage by 5o%.

Soul harvesting, every time you kill an enemy, you will randomly get an ability of the killed enemy, o/1o. The ability to survive can exist for up to twelve hours.

Death servant,? ? ? ?

Death spread,? ? ? ?

Canopy of the dead,? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

Equipment requirements: A career that can control the undead.

Attribute requirements: 600 strength, 600 agility, 600 intelligence, and sensitivity 600.

Feature: It can only be controlled in close combat, the legal system occupation control sickle changes all skills and becomes a close combat occupation.

Note: Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Titans left and the gods rose. Death was the first group of gods. He was born in **** and controlled the entire hell. Even in the face of the Moon God, he dared to speak and fight, and he was one of the most powerful deities. But he was cunning and insidious, and extremely cruel, and was besieged by the gods. In that battle, the **** of death cut more than a dozen powerful gods, causing them to fall. There were countless severely wounded gods, and the gods retreated from then on. The **** of death was also calculated by the seven demon gods of hell, and since then he fell, shattering his companion god, the sickle of death, when he was dying. From then on, the death sickle disappeared.

Seeing this attribute, everyone is crazy, this attribute is really great.

Just look at the attributes, all classes can be used, and the attributes are too overbearing.

Although it is equivalent to golden equipment, the special effects are too fierce, and it can be improved as the level increases.

The form can be changed, the heavy sickle warrior can be used as a two-handed weapon, the legal system can be used as a staff, and the one-handed sickle thieves can also be used It is extremely overbearing.

The incarnation of the **** of death is even more complete, increasing all attributes by 15o%, and is also immune to half of all damage. Whether it is life-saving or explosion, it is the best skill.

Not to mention soul harvesting, killing a person to live a skill, is there anything better than this.

In other words, many professional skills can be obtained. If the boss is killed, the skills to obtain the boss are even better.

The remaining attributes are not visible, it may be insufficient fragmentation, or insufficient level, but don't think about it, as long as it is unblocked, it will be strong.

If countless people's eyes are burning here, but everyone is desperate behind.

The profession that controls the energy of death is actually limited to professions, and there are only death knights, dark warriors, undead warriors, death thief, necromancer, dark animal husbandry and many other professions, and there are many players.

But the attribute limitation below makes people a little desperate. With such high requirements for light power and intelligence, no one can equip it. What's more, there is a sensitivity of six hundred, which is just a joke.

Moreover, after the equipment is equipped, the skills will be transformed into melee combat, which is uncomfortable for many people.

It is equivalent to changing the profession and disappointing countless players. This is simply an artifact that can only be seen but not used.

The only comfort is to see a corner of the time of the gods through the notes.

Only Li Yao was very satisfied. There was no problem with his basic attributes, just poor intelligence, but as long as the equipment had intelligence attributes after casting the demon, it would definitely be enough.

Li Yao showed a smile. If he hadn't obtained the Black Lich, that is, the form of Death, his attributes would not be equipped with this equipment.

However, now, it is simply the equipment specially built for him, that is, sensitivity. Li Yao believes that no one but himself can reach 600 at this stage.

"Enough to see, it's up to us." The battle of Mocha was awe-inspiring... 8

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