MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 877: Fengshen kill

"The result is obvious. I don't know if you are satisfied with my mentor's 30% ability..."

Li Yao put away the Blue Moon Bow that he hadn't used for a long time, and ‘kneaded’ his slightly painful head.

"Huh." Vereesa snorted very proudly, before continuing: "Who are you bluffing? In terms of archery, I know more about her archery skills than you, although I used to be better than me, But it's limited. Maybe I'm almost like her now."

"Then you are wrong, but think whatever you like. It's better to live a dream so that you don't get hit." Li Yao said with a smile.

"Fart, **** it, you are looking for death." Vereesa was about to vomit blood: "Don't think that if you know a little archery, you feel invincible. You are still far away. I will kill you now. It's as simple as dying an ant."

"Then you kill it, let me see how a Tier 6 camp leader bullies and kills a Tier 3 scum like me. It's best to spread it out, so that your wise martial arts will be known to everyone. It will add luster to the surname of Windrunner." Li Yao still does not show weakness.


Vereesa's temper was too hot. She just couldn't help but want to shoot. Li Yao was too irritating. However, when Li Yao mentioned the surname of Windrunner, she suddenly gave up. She doesn't care about the reputation of bullying, but the reputation of the family.


A silver ‘color’ arrow shot out from Vereesa’s hand, and the sky was illuminated by this silver light for a while.

A silver ‘colored’ pike directly straddled a distance of several thousand yards, directly bombarding a huge two-footed flying dragon.

The huge body of the two-footed flying dragon was hit by the silver ‘color’, and it paused for a while, then there were countless traces of cracks in the whole body, and then endless silver ‘color’ light emerged from these cracks.

Then this powerful two-footed flying dragon turned into ashes directly, no, not even ashes to be accurate.

A faint shadow of Fengshen appeared in the air, she seemed to be composed entirely of silver ‘color’ light, and she looked extremely holy.

The lizardman on the two-footed flying dragon let out a scream of earth-shattering screams, and fell down, with the silver color attached to his body, like a burning flame, no matter how he rolls, it can’t be extinguished, and it keeps burning. vitality.

Everyone took a breath, and this arrow was too sturdy, a high-level racial-grade oss two-footed flying dragon just like this, there is no more scum left by the spike.

In addition, a senior racial-level jackal was also seriously injured, and his breath was constantly weakening.

"This is the legendary slaying of the gods. As a hunter, I can see this arrow in this life, and I will have no regrets in this life." Tyler looked at Vereesa's eyes full of reverence and enthusiasm.

Fengshen kill!

Li Yao was also dumbfounded. In his previous life, this wind-killing was a god-level skill that all hunters dreamed of, but only one hunter had learned this skill, which made countless hunters envy and hate.

Li Yao sighed at the lack of chance, and one of the biggest regrets was that he did not learn Fengshen Kill.

But at that time, he was not strong enough to obtain clues to the task, and he was reluctant to do this task himself, coupled with the obstruction of Shengshi, his task failed, and Fengshen killed by mistake.

Later, after he became stronger, he never found a chance to learn Fengshen Kill. He always regretted it, but he didn't expect to see this skill from Vereesa.

What this means means that Vereesa will one day become a world-class leader and will have a chance to teach a person to kill Fengshen.

Li Yao took a deep breath and calmed himself down. It was undeniable that he needed this opportunity, even though she could not teach it to others.

But at least it was a clue to the mission, and he had to wait a long time for another opportunity, maybe there were some variables.

But this is what I saw in my eyes, and there was no skill task researched by hunters in the previous life.

God-level skills, although they are not true **** skills, they are also legendary powerful skills. It is said that they are simple magic skills that can be used by mortals who have been transformed by the gods themselves. At least they were the most overbearing before they learned the skills of the true gods. One of the skills.

Moreover, after becoming a god, there will not be many magic skills learned, and this skill will not be out of date for long.

Li Yao decided in an instant that Vereesa's personal favorability must be brushed up this time.

Li Yao accidentally glanced at the necklace between Vereesa's neck, and a flash of lightning flashed in his mind: "Ahem, in fact, the instructor still misses your sister very much."

"Hmph, my sister, I know better than you, she will think that my eldest sister and I are weird." Vereesa's tone eased a little.

Li Yao didn't refute but asked: "As the sister of the mentor, you are not surprised, how did I become the disciple of the mentor?"

Vereesa raised her eyebrows. Yes, based on her knowledge of the'female' king, she could not accept the inheritor. However, she accepted Li Yao. If it is said that because of Li Yao's archery skills, other people might be like this, but Her sister would never subordinate Li Yao because of this. She has successfully aroused curiosity.

"Because of a necklace, there is a line of small words on the top: To Sylvanas, love your sister forever, Alleria. I found this necklace. The instructor was melancholy for a long time. She left the necklace still there. On the ground, but I picked it up by myself and couldn't bear to throw it away anymore. I saw the instructor wearing this necklace many times later."

The expression on Vereesa's face became soft and melancholy. She gently held the necklace between her neck, a trace of remembrance flashed in her eyes, but then there was endless melancholy.

After a long time, she said faintly: "If you see her next time, you can bring me a sentence, I don't hate her anymore."

Li Yao nodded solemnly: "I will bring it, but you'd better go see it yourself."

"Now it's different." Vereesa shook her head slightly.

Li Yao also As the leader of the silver'color' covenant, even if he secretly untie his heart knot, he will not behave very well, otherwise the'female' king will still treat her and It is not a good thing for the other high spirits of the silver covenant.

"Okay, let's rest. The payment will be settled after departure tomorrow morning." Taylor greeted everyone to rest again. Except for the sound of some caravan members cleaning up their bodies, the camp became quiet again.

Only Li Yao, Vereesa and Ronin, who still bowed their heads, remained silent in the bonfire.

But Vereesa's mood is not high, she is also looking at the stars in a daze.

Li Yao drank a glass of Dongquan Fire Wine by himself, and found it tasteless, so he handed a bottle to Luo Ning.

Luo Ning was taken aback and took the Winter Spring Fire Wine. He took a sip and coughed with the fire wine, but still smiled and said, "Happy, it is Winter Spring Fire Wine. It's a pity, you shouldn't give it to me. of."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

Luo Ning's face was full of loneliness: "Because I am an ominous person, anyone who approaches me will be unlucky."...

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