MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 886: madly slaughter

Puff puff……

The four sickles that Li Yao threw directly in mid-air, while Li Yao was also under attack by spells. .

Four players with low sensitivity and slow reaction were directly killed in seconds, and Li Yao's blood volume that was bombarded by the spell instantly returned to its full value.

"That's right, he is a soul body, immune to the spell control of the ‘Essence’ gods." The players of Shengshi were going crazy, and they prepared a bunch of control spells.

And just now, Li Yao didn't dare to face their control spells directly, making them think that Li Yao was afraid of their control spells, and then he was killed directly.

But at this time they discovered that Li Yao's blood volume was less than that of their siege, but in fact it was not much less. What made them speechless was that Li Yao was not afraid of the control spells of the ‘essence’.

What kind of fear, what kind of ‘essence’ control, soul flogging, Li Yao, who is in a state of undead, is all immune.

With a lot of blood, they are not afraid of them gathering fire, undead state, not afraid of control, they only realized it now.

In fact, they can't be blamed. After all, the opponent is a player. In their impression, the player faces control and sets the fire directly.

These were all conscious behaviors, and Li Yao seemed to hit them with a ‘stick’ on the head.

"Paladin, get ready for your Holy Light control spells, and control him in an instant" Cousin Shengshi said loudly.

The Paladins directly prepared the hammer of sanctions, but their spells were only fifteen yards away, and the farthest one was only forty yards, and they couldn't reach them now.

Of course, Li Yao would not give them a chance to control. If he didn't know his state, Li Yao would not let spells contaminate him at all.

He also sent it without injury, but the efficiency was too low. This kind of close combat method is more straightforward.


Just as the Paladins threw out the hammer of sanctions, seeing Li Yao about to be hit by the dazzling light hammer, Li Yao's figure disappeared.


Heavy sickle cut!

Li Yaomeng appeared behind a priest, and the tip of the huge sickle sank directly above the priest's head.

The priest was killed in an instant, and then the huge sickle swept away, and the heavy blade swept away three nearby players. Only one of them released invincibility in time to save their lives, and the other two players in the long-range flourishing age were also directly killed.

It’s not a problem for Li Yao to kill their crispy skins when they are of the same grade. What's more, it’s several grades higher than them. Plus, they use the domineering Death Scythe, let alone crispy skin, that is, shield warfare and anti-riding are not invincible. Skills are also the fate of being killed in seconds.

"This guy is killing and treating him, killing him."

The prosperous players who reacted immediately poured out various skills.


Li Yao Mengran turned, and the two chains turned wildly, each with a sickle at the tip.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

Countless skills fell on Li Yao, but he was not under any control under this skill state, just like when a soldier charges or uses a whirlwind.

Players around Li Yao fell down in circles. Originally, Li Yao's chains were more domineering. With the sickle, it was like a tiger with wings. Under the rotating blade, any player was like a paper.

"The day is coming, get out of the way, don't resist his skills. His skills can't last forever, wait until his skills are over to control him." The face of Shengshi's cousin was green, and the loss was too serious.

What made him even more speechless was that Li Yao's blood volume kept going up and down. He seemed to be frightened, but in fact he was always above half blood. This guy's blood sucking ability was really terrifying.

He just hopes that his members are smarter, and try not to let the opponent attack, so that the opponent can't **** blood, even if the blood volume is thicker, they will be besieged.

"Hahahaha, you scumbags, don't you want me to come down? Now I am right in front of you, but you are running like a dog. It's really ridiculous." Li Yao spins like a whirlwind, actually like A nebula is moving.

One by one, the players of Shengshi were hit and fell, causing the cousin of Shengshi to "desire".


Li Yao's speed finally slowed down after more than ten seconds, and all the players in the prosperous age were shocked. They were about to breathe fire in their eyes, and they waited for the opponent's skills to end their revenge.

In just over ten seconds, Li Yao had slaughtered hundreds of them. Not only the players in Shengshi were frightened, but also the nearby guilds where you could see the battle scene.


With the end of Li Yao's skill, another ‘wave’ control skill also ‘shot’, but Li Yao’s figure disappeared again.

This time it directly turned into black fog, and the black fog spread like a shock wave.

"What kind of ghost state is this."

"Looks like poisoned."

"What is this thing, it reduces sensitivity even if you lose blood."

"Run out of the poisonous mist."

The players in the prosperous age were about to cry. When they thought they were going to win, the opponent disappeared again. Not to mention all their spells, they were also caught in this poisonous mist.

However, before they could reflect on the occasion, all the poisonous fog disappeared in an instant, and then Li Yao's figure was condensed.

More than two hundred prosperous players found that their eyebrows were connected to a grey ‘colored’ thread.

"Continuously cutting, but feel bound."

"It feels so uncomfortable, what is this."


"This will send you to heaven." Li Yao ran the chain and pulled all the threads tight.

The players of Shengshi screamed sternly, as if their souls were torn apart.

In an instant, all the players in the prosperous world died in battle, and one by one fell to the ground in pain.

Only a few marginal players were not shrouded, but they were also stunned.

Puff, puff, puff, puff...

But Li Yao didn't froze, the sickle in his hand turned into afterimages harvesting the remaining players on the prosperous side.

Cousin Shengshi evaded this skill with invincibility. UU read He avoided the crowds of other guilds. He saw that Li Yao almost killed all the players of Shengshi here, and even casually dropped their equipment. Putting it in the backpack, he didn't have the courage to go up and go desperately.

The scene just now was really shocking. Although the whirlwind-like trick was also very awkward, the shock was far less shocking than this.

Killing two hundred players at once, what a horror, is this still something players can do.

They had complained about Li Yao's snatching him, and they wanted to take revenge. Now that they saw this situation, they just gave up the idea in their minds.

Your sister is too terrifying, it's even more terrifying than real. They still have tasks. It's a bit unwise to provoke such an enemy now.

"Who are you?" Cousin Sheng Shi asked Li Yao while arranging manpower on the team channel. In fact, this was participating in the so-called war. He brought more than five thousand elites, and now there are still three in Shengshi. Qianduo's elite, in his opinion, still has the power to fight.

Li Yao didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, the touch of darkness and chains crazily threw the fallen objects into the backpack...


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