MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 888: Li Yao's Arabian Nights

What surprised everyone was not just her oppressive size and the overbearing Dragon Wei, or her violent fighting power. ,:.

It was the wound on her body. Her wound was really terrifying. The body seemed to be divided into two parts. One side was a normal dragon's body, and the other half was like an underground, filled with viscous lava.

The whole body seemed to be elementalized, and she could even imagine her pain without thinking.

"Ten thousand years, I have been suffering unbearable pain all the time. I have given everything to the dragon clan, but in the end I have got something. Now even my sons and daughters have to betray me."

The voice of the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen became distorted because of anger, and she turned her eyes on the Count'female' and Nexus.

"Now you have to destroy the revival plan of my black dragon clan, no matter what your purpose is here, you will all die."


The black dragon dragon queen suddenly spewed out a strong breath of the dragon with a sulphur smell. The breath of the black dragon is different from that of the red dragon.

The red dragon is pure flame, and even has the characteristics of the fire of life.

On the other hand, the black dragon is like erupting magma, but the temperature is higher than that of magma.

With the spray of magma, countless orcs besieged her turned into ashes, and Nekruz and the Count of ‘female’ joined forces to withstand the attack with a magic shield.

"My dear mother, when you become the body, your pain will increase tenfold, and your injury will become more serious. Why do you need to give up, go back to your underground abyss, where is suitable for you." 'The earl also suddenly recovered his body.

Her body is also very huge, at least more than twice the size of the red dragon warrior, but the black dragon queen must still be too small. It's like the gap between a truck and a toy car.

"I will let you know that even the seriously injured dragon queen is not something you can profanity at will."

The black dragon dragon queen waved its wings, and the airflow in the entire hole and cave was chaotic. The wind in the hole and cave was suddenly violent, and ordinary soldiers and players could not even stabilize their bodies completely. , Coupled with the flying'chaotic' rocks, made everyone fall apart.

In the field, only a few people were able to maintain their original position, and even the red dragons of the Red Dragon Knights were forced to land crookedly, not knowing how many people were killed.

Li Yao’s chains and the touch of darkness were firmly nailed to the top of the flashing. He directly chatted to Shi Na Fanghua in private: “If you believe me, you’d better leave now. Of course, this is just my personal suggestion. If you want to pick up the bargain, or have confidence in your own strength, you can treat it like I didn't say it."

"How could this black dragon dragon empress be so strong?" Instant Fanghua asked'confused' suspiciously.

"This is strong, that is, some demigods with weak combat power dare not provoke this guy. You think the first person under the demigod is a joke, and this is when she was injured." Li Yao explained and continued. : "And you haven't seen it yet. This'female' earl is the Black Dragon Princess. You will know who this is by looking up the history of Stormwind Kingdom. You are completely deceived. You'd better treat it as a simple upgrade. Now, if you still want to get a reward from the black dragon princess, that would be too naive."

"Thank you." Instant Fanghua didn't say whether their guild should leave or not.

Li Yao shook his head slightly and didn't say much. He reminded the flame red'lips' again, but the attitude of the other party was also ambiguous, but he only had to do his heart. Not even reminded.

The two mothers and ‘female’ fought wildly in the ‘caves’ and ‘caves’, and Nekros kept summoning his own demons to join the fight and bombarded the black dragon queen with magic spells.

But the black dragon queen is like magic immunity, his attacks do not have any effect at all. As for his summoning demons, the reminder is too small, basically one claw, the strength looks very strong and even the same level and rank as the black dragon queen , But it’s actually a food delivery.


The Black Dragon Queen took the opportunity and slapped her paw on the back of the Black Dragon Princess. The scales on the back of the Black Dragon Princess suddenly shattered like paper. Following the screams of the Black Dragon Princess, her body also flew out. There are deep marks on the ground.

Countless players and soldiers screamed that they were crushed into ‘meat’ and they had no ability to resist.

The Black Dragon Princess has become a human form, her body has been stained red with blood, even at this time everyone still feels noble and elegant from her.

Li Yao's dark touch and chains danced wildly, the flying dragon blood was absorbed by the death sickle, and the dragon scales were also absorbed into Li Yao's backpack by the dark touch. A single ‘hair’ did not fall.

The players below who were taking risks and prepared to take advantage suddenly cursed.

"Your sister, why are you so greedy after robbing so many bosses."

"Brother, do you want to point your face? We risked the prestige to die, half of the scales are there."

"Dogday, there is not even a drop of blood left, I am your ancestor."

"I'm so annoyed, can you eat'meat' so we can have a mouthful of soup?"

No matter what they think, Li Yao simply ignores them. All his thoughts are on the battle.

Li Yao already has a detailed plan, not only to obtain a huge harvest beyond imagination, but also to find a breakthrough for this exploration mission.

"Sure enough, I am not my mother's opponent, but I am not unprepared." The Black Dragon Princess stood up holding the staff and said lightly: "Mother, you are out of date, let you taste the gadgets made by your brother."

A glowing aperture appeared in Princess Black Dragon's hand, and Princess Black Dragon suddenly sprayed a sip of blood onto the aperture. The originally fiery red aperture directly emitted illusory flames.

The black dragon princess throws directly at the black dragon queen, the aperture suddenly increases, and the temperature of the whole "hole" rises more than ten degrees in an and it is still rising, whether it is a soldier or The players all felt as if they had entered the furnace.


The huge halo of flames almost soared into the sky, making it impossible for people to look directly at it. The halo was directly set in the sky above the black dragon queen, and then she sprinkled countless flame chains to bind the black dragon queen.

"It's useless, this kind of little thing wants to kill me, it's ridiculous." The black dragon queen looked at the chains entwined with disdain, but in everyone's eyes, the hot flame did not harm her at all. On the contrary, those flame chains are constantly breaking.

Li Yao even saw cracks in the flame aperture, and the cracks continued to increase.

"I didn't expect this little thing to kill you, but just a few seconds is enough to trap you." Black Dragon Princess: "Necklus, what are you waiting for."

"Killing a strong man who almost became a demigod with his own hands, this sense of accomplishment, hahahaha." A green ‘colored’ flame emerged from Nekruz’s body, and the evil energy on his body burst out in an instant, with a mighty momentum.

And Li Yao was also extremely nervous, and the plan he had conceived became impossible. Look at the next moment...

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