MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 903: Rune language

It only took Li Yao less than five seconds from the battle to kill the orc warlord, which was really staggering. ?·??Books?·

Although Ronin was confident, it was impossible for him to win this warlord in such a short time. But Li Yao, whose combat effectiveness was so much lower than him, did it.

Faced with so many opponents better than himself, he used this kind of thunderbolt, which really made him admire.

Even Vereesa looked back at Li Yao who was standing firmly on the red dragon, and Li Yao once again gave her a surprise.

"What are you doing in a daze? Killing these craps, you can't lose to this guy." Vereesa was aroused to win.

Several demons on the red dragon also recovered, and the two sides immediately fought together again.

And Li Yao caught the sickle that flew back, and then jumped directly off the dragon's back, and then walked to the side of the orc warlord's body full of expectation, he wanted to see what this super boss would drop.

Li Yao's eyes lit up and saw two dragon eggs shining red.

Eggs of the weak red whelpling

Quality: Golden Legend

After hatching, you can have a little red baby dragon whelp.

Incubation conditions: life force, strong flame

Variation conditions: unknown

Li Yao was taken aback, and then he was overjoyed. This is a pet he can own.

If it is a normal dragon egg, the dragon clan will not let them live in the outside world, and it takes too long to hatch, and it is useless for outsiders to get it.

However, this kind of dragon egg dragon clan, who was basically sentenced to death, would not care. In their opinion, this kind of dragon eggs are basically defective products, and they are weak when hatched, and even young dragons can't grow up.

In the previous life, many players outside the gates of Grim Batol used to spawn red dragon babies there. In fact, these are these young dragons that never grow up. The red dragon clan simply does not recognize them as dragon clan. ??? One reading???·???·

So players are very keen on spawning this kind of eggs, but Li Yao knew that he got this one more attribute than the little pets spawned by the players in the previous life, which is the mutation condition.

In fact, in ancient gods, mutation is a kind of reversion phenomenon, it is the transformation of blood. Evolution is the acquisition of a certain special ability and change, which is more in line with the definition of mutation in reality.

In other words, although this baby dragon is not a battle pet, it has the potential to become a battle pet.

Of course, Li Yao owns the Black Dragon Queen, and basically doesn't need such a weak dragon boss, but he can spend a certain price to turn this baby dragon into a guardian beast of the guild.

The Nightmare dungeon has obtained the World Tree seedlings and has grown up in the continuous missions of the Spark players. Although it is only a seedling, it has at least survived.

Others don't know the conditions of mutation, but Li Yao knows many ways, one of which is to be nourished by the tree of the world.

Of course, this is only the main condition. When the world tree is almost nourished, the world tree can incubate him, and the red dragon, as the dragon clan that controls life and flames, can also benefit the world tree from its growth. This is a complementary effect. process.

As long as the World Tree becomes a small sapling, then Spark will also have an extra class of troops, the Sapling of Life.

Druid’s normal healing form is this form, which is a very good auxiliary unit.

In short, although this dragon egg will keep Xinghuo members busy for a while, it will also benefit Xinghuo a lot.

However, the surprise was more than that. Li Yao looked at the second item and was even more shocked and surprised.


Rune Word Fragment 1/3

Quality: Dark Gold Legend

The dragon roars and destroys the solid obstacles within 15 yards in front. If there is an enemy blocking it, it will knock the enemy back.

Equipment level: Tier 3

Conditions of use: extraordinary physique

Li Yao took a deep breath and directly equipped this Rune Language, and then he had one more unstoppable skill.

The language of runes is something that only has a chance to get after the third rank. Basically, these runes are divided into several parts, which need to be put together. The more you put together, the better the effect of the skill.

It can be regarded as a supplement to many professional defects, but the position of Rune Language is limited. Initially, there are three positions for Rune Language.

You can get a position for every tenth level, and you can get a position for one level.

In other words, the 30th level is the initial stage and has three positions. Li Yao is Yinying, and both elites and Yinying can get one position. In fact, they have five positions.

Moreover, the language of runes is also divided into different types and types, which are divided into quality as well as equipment.

The top rune language, such as dragon roar rune, devil rune, angel rune, titan rune, ancient gods rune, gods rune, etc., are all runes above the legendary level, and the effect of a fragment skill alone Very powerful.

If you get it together, it can become a super skill at the bottom of the box.

However, these top runes are very rare and difficult to obtain, and they can only be dropped in the main missions or special related super bosses.

The second-level runes are the Golden Legendary Rune Language, which are generally special runes for creatures and races of the sub-god.

Then there is the more common purple Rune Language, which is also the lowest level of Rune In fact, many Rune Language skills are also average, and the effect is not comparable to Dragonmaw Rune, but the problem is that passive skills Even if it requires special occupations and blood, active skills can often allow some occupations to acquire special skills outside of the occupation, which can greatly enhance the ability of the occupation.

For example, the language of dragon roar rune requires extraordinary bloodlines. In fact, among the ancient gods, only ancient elves and high elves can be called extraordinary bloodlines.

Of course, high elves are not omnipotent, for example, they cannot be equipped with rune words like heaven/angels.

As for the remaining one is a superb gold necklace for the treatment department, although it is a good thing, but Li Yao himself can't use it, naturally it is not a surprise.

The last two merit cards cannot be described as surprises, they can only be said to be so-so.

When Li Yao packed his things, Vereesa and Ronin had already killed several demons, and several red dragons were flying quietly in the air.

"let's go."

Luo Ning flashed onto another red dragon, Li Yao still flew directly to the place where the red dragon queen was on the red dragon of the warlord.

There was no obstacle on the way, and then everyone flew to a stone gate.

The red dragon at Li Yao's feet said, "This is the entrance. It has been closed."

"I come."

Vereesa bends her bow and shoots an arrow, a silver ray of light like a shooting star impacts on the portal. The portal trembles, but it does not appear to split.

"It's interesting, let me try." Ronin waved his staff, and fireballs the size of a grinding disc kept bombarding the portal, but also no cracks appeared.

The two looked at each other, their attacks were clear to them, and there were no traces of them.

Li Yao said at this time: "I will try."...

(To be continued...)

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