MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 905: Advent

Even in the face of such a violent attack, Nexus remained unchanging. The huge meteor bombardment formed the magic shield on the magic circle, terrifying. 23US. Fastest

The ground was trembling violently, and there were signs of large cracks around the circle.

What's more weird is that these flames are not ordinary flames, the flames are not so hot, and even look a bit illusory.

But no one doubted the fierceness of the flame. Just watching the meteor burst and the place where the flame sputtered quickly melted to know how terrifying the flame was.

Although this is not a pure fire of life, it is not much different.

"You are so naive. If you want to destroy this magic circle, even a demigod can't do it, let alone you." Although the small magic circle at Nekros' feet can only cover a small area under his own feet, it looks incomparable. Is weak, but it is actually very strong.

With the bombardment of the meteor, the circle around the circle has become red, but the area of ​​the circle is still the same as before.

Instead, as the spell was cast, the expression of the Red Dragon Queen became more painful.

"This is a perfect circle, **** it." Krasusu was a little bit ashamed and angry, not that he felt ashamed that he couldn't break this formation, but because he saw the pain in the eyes of the Red Dragon Queen and felt that he was powerless. Not reconciled.

"Let's come together."

Ronin and Vereesa also joined the ranks of the attack. The three of them launched a storm-like attack together, and the entire space was echoed with the sound of crazy skills and magic madness.

A magical storm has formed in this area, especially the fire element, where the rich fire element reveals its form, like a little magic dust floating and gathering.

"Hahahaha, it's really ignorant and ridiculous. It's up to you to break through my magic circle first, or I can urge the artifact to control the queen to kill you first." Nekruz was completely relieved and concentrated on urging the queen who was hanging on the neck Black disc.

"Cinestra, do it." Li Yao lightly shouted.

The Black Dragon Dragon Empress coldly snorted and said: "It's really ignorant. This is a perfect circle, and it's still arranged in advance. Unless the real gods make a move, no one wants to break through before the energy is exhausted."

"I said, cooperate with me." Li Yao's eyes became sharp.

The others looked at Li Yao in surprise, especially the Red Dragon Queen and her two spouses.

They also discovered that the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen had been contracted by such a weak person.

"Although you can order me, my instinct is enough to overcome ordinary scum, but as long as I don't cooperate, my instinctive attack will not work." A ray of light flashed in the eyes of the black dragon queen: "I said it. , Don’t want to really control me."

"Really, I'm sorry, I didn't want to do this." A strange light flashed in Li Yao's eyes.

"Damn, you an ant, you dare to control my body with your mind, you are a scum, even if you control my body, you can show me a bit of strength, it's really ridiculous." The black dragon queen has already felt that she can perceive, But he has lost control of his body.

"Shut up." Li Yao shouted angrily, and the body stepped towards Necruz, and the Black Dragon Queen could not only perceive, but also the right to speak was deprived by Li Yao.

"You are waiting for the opportunity to cooperate with me." Li Yao turned around and said to Vereesa and Ronin.

Li Yao was a recruit, and he knew this when he first came here. In his opinion, the current recruits are not at all suitable.

And Li Yaoneng appeared here, he felt strange, he was amazed just when he noticed the Black Dragon Queen’s contract, and now what makes him even more surprised is that his disciple and the elves of the Windrunner family actually obeyed his words. , Temporarily stopped the attack.



Li Yao once again mobilized his unstoppable force, following the Blue Dragon King phantom to send out the dragon queen.

Accompanied by the faint blue air wave, the perfect-level magic circle fluctuated, and then there was a trace of stagnation, and Nekruz was hit by the air wave and took two steps back, almost out of the magic circle.


At this moment, a ray of light flashed in the eyes of the black dragon queen controlled by Li Yao, and a section of crystal-like thorns appeared on the ground diagonally.

Vereesa released the Fengshen Arrow, Ronin and Krasus's staff directly rose from the middle of a flame whip with a scream and threw it on the circle.


As if the sound of broken glass sounded, and then the shield of the magic circle burst into shattering, Necruz flew out directly, and a lot of blood spewed out during the inverted flight, but the blood mist had evaporated before it fell.

Boom, boom, boom...

Then the sound of explosion came from other parts of the city, this is the sound of the hidden magic circle node bursting.

Although the black disc in front of the Red Dragon Queen still imprisoned the Queen, there was no pain in the Queen's expression.


Two slightly ethereal laughs appeared, and then the rocks above the city area melted like ice and snow, as if they had never existed.

Li Yao looked up to the scene of the scorching sun, followed by two figures full of shock.

Two huge dragon shadows appeared, one body was like a huge dragon king cast in bronze, but the body of the dragon king looked transparent, as if it did not exist in this world.

The other one is almost exactly the same as the Red Dragon Queen, except that the eyes of her whole body are green, so dreamy, seeing her huge figure seems to evoke a nightmare in her heart.

The Bronze Dragon King is Nozdormu, the Guardian of Time, and the Green Dragon Queen is Ysera, the Guardian of Dreams.

"My dear sister, you have suffered." Ysera's voice is very but her eyes are full of anger.

"Stop talking nonsense, now that the person is not there, we are just working together to destroy this evil thing that shouldn't exist." Nozdormu's voice is vicissitudes of life, as if traveling through infinite time.

"Okay, the three of us work together." Two red rays shot from the eyes of the Red Dragon Queen, and different colors of rays shot from the eyes of the Green Dragon Queen and the Bronze Dragon King.

Six rays converged on the black disk at the same time.

"No, you can't." Nekros' eyes were full of fear, and he deeply felt the horror of the two dragon kings.

Not only they, but the battlefield outside has also been silent. Hundreds of thousands of players and the orc army stared at the shocking dragon shadow in the sky. This was the first time the Dragon King truly appeared in front of players.

"Damn it, I knew the task of this product was not easy." There was an inexplicable light in the eyes of Susuna Fanghua.

Flames red lips also thought of Li Yao entering inside at the same time...

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