MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 910: Fight hard

"Damn mortal, you completely offended me. 23US. The fastest" Deathwing roared: "It seems that you were prepared long ago. Who made you do it? Ysera is brave and brave, this guy. Nozdormu was absolutely wrong, he even began to doubt his responsibilities. Malygos, this idiot is not good. It must be Alexstrasza. Hehehe..."

Following Deathwing's words, a thick and heavy armor of the earth began to emerge on his body, and this armor covered his body.

However, Li Yao continued to attack, and was not affected by the armor of the earth.

"It's useless. You have a total of 382 large wounds on your body and 1,686 small wounds. The location of each wound has been printed in my mind, and your armor can cover me. Sight, but it can’t blind my heart, and it can’t stop my penetrating bullets. You have been silent for thousands of years, and you certainly don’t know what a gun is. I will give you a lesson about what is a bullet and what is a penetrating bullet. The penetrating bullet is specifically for you. This large creature has been researched..."

Li Yao spoke endlessly, but never stopped attacking. Although the Black Dragon King was chasing and fighting with the Black Dragon Queen, the more and more cursed energy burst in his body broke his body balance, which made him extremely painful.

Everyone was stunned. This Nima, is this a fight against one of the powerful bosses? This picture made the dragon kings look at each other.

"This guy is really hidden..." Luo Ning leaned in a safe corner and sighed.

Vereesa's eyes were also full of complicated, but her eyes were burning.

At the same time, because of the war here, the top leaders of the three camps were also alarmed.

Although they couldn't catch up, they all could see the situation here through spells.

The archangel looked at Li Yao with thoughtful eyes, and the king of the bright camp exclaimed: "Why don't we have such a powerful recruit."

The other chiefs all smiled bitterly and shook their heads. What jokes, letting them go up to fight with Deathwing is also a matter of giving away food. This is still a recruit, just kidding.

In the chieftain's hall of Orima, the warchief smiled bitterly: "Your disciple really brings us surprises all the time. After being strengthened to Tier 6, he dared to fight Deathwing, and insisted on it for so long, which is enough to be proud. "

The leaders of the other dark camps all smiled and nodded. Such recruits belong to the dark camp, which is a good thing.

Especially Lor'themar smiled even more happily. Anyway, Li Yao is a high elf. His only regret is that this guy is a disciple of his old boss, so much of this glory is divided.

The players are even more complicated, especially the peripheral players. They ask themselves, they have also been strengthened to Tier 6, but why is the gap so big.

These so-called top masters can only understand the real gap between the third and sixth ranks when facing the sixth-order boss, not just a matter of attributes, but also the difference in combat awareness and skills.

So in the face of Tier 6 bosses, they want to kill a higher price than ordinary bosses.

However, the starting prairie fire of others is already challenging the most powerful boss, slaughtering 100,000 players under a roar, making trouble.

Many people screamed in their hearts. They were both players and masters, so the gap was so big.

The keel on the body of the Black Dragon Dragon Queen has also broken in many places, and it looks even more miserable, and the blood volume is less than half, but Li Yao has protected himself very well and has never let himself be touched.

He knew very well that his own kind of scum, being touched by the other party would be able to kill himself.

And he didn't dare to let him have time to send out the dragon roar when he played again, otherwise he would be able to second himself.

"Scum, do you only avoid it? If it weren't for the blood of the ancient gods, your attack wouldn't even be enough to tickle me." Deathwing was extremely angry.

He waved his wings and caused hurricanes and turbulence, even the weaker dragon warrior flight was a problem.

That is to say, a huge dragon like the Black Dragon Dragon Queen can survive and survive. Even so, if the dark touch danced wildly to protect Li Yao, Li Yao would have been blown away.


Li Yao controlled the Black Dragon Queen to avoid the Black Dragon King's attack dangerously and dangerously, but before he recovered, he heard the Red Dragon Queen shout: "Be careful behind you."

Behind him, Li Yao was puzzled, Deathwing was right in front of him, and he was careful behind him.

Then his expression changed, because the extremely real Deathwing body shattered unexpectedly, and Li Yao had a bad heart.

The Deathwing that wanted to attack him just now was just a phantom.


Jump back!

The body even entered the emerald dream.

Kaka Kaka...

There was a huge fracture sound. The black dragon king’s huge tail bombarded the black dragon queen’s back, crushing fractures all the way, the black dragon dragon queen uttered a scream and was shot down to the ground, and was directly killed by a spike.

Even in a complete state, the black dragon queen would be seriously injured, not to mention the fact that there is no protection from the scales and dragon skin muscles, and it is impossible to resist the attack of Deathwing by relying on bones alone.

And the huge dragon tail penetrated Li Yao's body. If it weren't for this life-saving skill, even if he flashed and jumped, he could only move a hundred yards away. He wanted to avoid the wings of death for hundreds of yards. It's impossible.

Li Yao spread his wings behind him, and he kept attacking. Without the touch of darkness, he would retreat for a certain distance when he fired a shot, and his blood volume was decreasing, but his powerful blood sucking ability was also supplementing his blood volume. .

"Little bug, die!"

Deathwing didn't attack at all, just waved its wings diagonally above Li Yao.

Without the black dragon dragon queen, Li Yao's small figure was blown down like a meteor.

Everyone sighed. Although they knew the result sooner or later, everyone still sighed. But in this battle, Li Yao was defeated.

The power gap between the two sides cannot be Even if the bullets soaked in the blood of the ancient gods are used to trigger the energy balance of Deathwing's body, it is not how much damage it causes.

In fact, Li Yao's damage was not low, but for Deathwing, this damage was equivalent to not breaking the defense.

Just when everyone thought Li Yao was about to fall to death, Li Yaomeng, who was about to land, started a shadow turn.

The body directly reversed the power, and the body moved horizontally. Then everyone saw Li Yao constantly turning the shadow wheel to reverse the powerful force.

In the end, Li Yao stumbled to the ground, and even rolled a few dozen yards away on the ground, but although Li Yao's blood volume was low, he did not die.

Although he kept turning the power with the shadow wheel, the black dragon king was too strong under the wind, and fell extremely powerful. Even though most of his power was removed, there was a slight deviation in the end, and his physical strength could not keep up. , Rolled out directly, although he was seriously injured, but he did not die.

"Little bug, you are very good..." An accident flashed through Deathwing's eyes...

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