MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 928: Anti-customer

The people of Xinghuo understood what the president said, and they were surrounded. ?Huo Ranwen???????`

The audience also knew for a while that Xinghuo was too strong and made many people dissatisfied and uneasy.

Xinghuo's recent limelight is too strong, making many guilds jealous, and singing all the way to achieve good results.

In other words, the existence of Spark blocks the way of others.

Many of the guilds surrounding the Spark Fleet are Huaxia’s guilds. Some people may say that Huaxia is not qualified to compete in the world. Xinghuo can enter the world, shouldn't China support it?

That's how it is said, but in fact, most of the people who have enemies with Xinghuo are many guilds in China, and the excellence of Xinghuo makes them faceless, proving that they are wrong.

People in other administrative regions are simply jealous. They don't want to see Spark expand so unscrupulously. Many people don't want Spark to reappear as it was many years ago.

Originally, China was the most populous administrative region, even occupying a fraction of the world's population.

If sparks rise, the cake of e-sports will not be enough.

Under the entanglement of multiple interests, these guilds are united in the prosperous age, and even many guilds that were still at war just stopped fighting and turned around to deal with Xinghuo.

Of course, there are still many guilds with this kind of thinking, but many people have not joined the siege.

A European commentator laughed and said, "It seems that Xinghuo is really in the limelight, so it has heated up the anger."

The look on Qin Fengyi's face was not good, and said lightly: "Is it so simple to provoke the anger? I think some people in certain guilds are too narrow-minded."

The European commentator shook his head: "Why is it so complicated? Xinghuo is too powerful. Don't you Huaxia pay attention to restrained and humble? Your Xinghuo style does not match the words handed down by your Huaxia."

Qin Fengyi's expression changed: "It seems that Tata is also very researching on our Huaxia culture, but you are still not good at learning. We have another word in Huaxia, which is to do your part. I will not explain it to you. Go back and go back. Research and research may yield good results."

Several other anchors looked at Tata like an idiot. This idiot uses their culture to argue with others. Isn't this mentally retarded?

In fact, they know why they are besieging Xinghuo, but they can't talk about struggle in this kind of situation. People who are besieged can't say anything. If you say a shit, just discuss the outcome of the battle. If you have to take humiliation, you can't explain it.

Moreover, I heard that the government took a lot of effort to invite this Qin Fengyi, and it would be more detrimental to the future for people who offended the government to pick things like this.

The upset in Tata's heart. Just now she was conscious of the impulse, and the result was directly embarrassing. Watching the barrage, she was directly screened by the vast Chinese audience, and many audiences threatened to directly want a photo of her in bed, Tata's face. It's all green.

She smiled reluctantly and said, "The witch, how do you think this battle will be won?"

Qin Fengyi calmly said, "Why don't you need to talk about it? Naturally, these clowns came back with their wings."

The anchors in other administrative regions were immediately unhappy, and they retorted Qin Fengyi one by one with facts and reason. Of course, the spark difference was too far in terms of apparent strength.

"Since you are so confident, why don't we take a gamble." Tata said with a smile, she was a little proud and felt that she had recovered the situation.

The audience was immediately excited when they heard that they were going to bet, especially Qin Fengyi seldom went abroad. What is rare is that Qin Fengyi who relies on sound to eat is still so beautiful.

The audience would like to see such an embarrassment of beauty.

Qin Fengyi showed a slightly mocking smile: "Bet, it's okay, but first of all, I will not make any jokes about me personally. We Chinese women are reserved, so you have to say who loses, who exposes bed photos, or streaking? Yes, sorry, you don’t care, but this is a very insulting behavior in China, so you’d better think of a normal bet that everyone can accept."

Qin Fengyi's meaning is very simple, you don't know how to love yourself or shame, I still know.

Tata can naturally hear that this is not just calling her a little bitch, but in this case, she can’t get angry at all, she can only suppress her anger and say, “That’s it. If Xinghuo wins this battle, I will openly In the commentary, I apologize to all Huaxia audiences and acknowledge Huaxia’s strength and your own ignorance. Of course, if you lose, then you have to admit in the commentary that Huaxia’s strength is not enough. Don’t be so arrogant and think that you are invincible."

Qin Fengyi nodded: "It's so good. More than one billion viewers testify. Who else wants to join?"

Then three commentators joined the gambling game, and the audience directly started a curse war.

Although Huaxia has only one administrative district, the number of people is no less than that of other administrative districts, and the war of curse has not fallen behind.

During the battle, Li Yao naturally didn't know that Qin Fengyi was run on by other administrative districts to accept a bet.

He is laughing wildly now, because Sheng Shi Kuang Shao directly let Xinghuo You Xinghuo is completely besieged by a fleet of nearly one hundred guilds. Is there still room for struggle? It is best to give in immediately, and still Save your twenty battleships. "

Li Yao laughed wildly for a while and then said: "It's a big joke. You can assert victory before the war begins. Do you really think that you are the **** of war? If you want Xinghuo to admit defeat, you can, unless Xinghuo's twenty warships Sank."

"Then you just wait." Sheng Shi Kuang Shao sneered.

Setsuna Fanghua frowned and said, "What should I do now."

The other two presidents were also a little helpless. They didn't expect to encounter this situation. With dozens of times the strength comparison, how to play this so special.

"Just hand over the command power. I guarantee that your ships will be at least doubled after the war. However, there is one thing that players in your guild must obey the command." Li Yao said firmly.

"Anyway, I can't see hope. If you toss, you will know that there is nothing good to do with your alliance." Instant Fanghua said helplessly.

"This is not necessarily." Li Yao then said to the guard officer: "The rest is up to your performance."

"As long as the deck is not lost, I promise not to lose." The guard said firmly.

"I will command the deck battle. I promise that it will not affect your control of the battleship." Li Yao said firmly.

"Well, these extra ships are also useful. We charge while the other party is not encircling." The guard asked: "The boss hates that fleet most."

Li Yao always said, "Look, that fleet of flourishing ages."

"Well, listen to my order to adjust the formation and attack the fleet of flourishing age." The guards kept giving orders, and the formation of the combined fleet changed again.

Then, in the stunned gaze of all the audience, they did not defend themselves, but rushed towards the fleet of flourishing age as if they were against the guest, as if Xinghuo was the attacking party...

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