As Ban Yue took a lot of fleets away, the battle situation became clear here. Burning Wen Xiao? Say?????????`

At this time, the audience still had a dreamlike feeling that Spark, which could not have been defeated, had won miraculously, which was too unexpected.

Xinghuo is quite strong, but facing dozens of nearly a hundred times the enemy, he can finally win. This battle is like a miracle.

And soon, someone on the forum marked the battle of miracles and put the battle on the forum.

Of course, the audience is full of enthusiasm for watching. After all, although the current technology is watching, the viewer can choose an immersive mode as if they are on the battlefield.

This battle is really exciting for the audience to watch and feast their eyes. Whether it is the stunning appearance and hole cards of the early Star Fleet, the large-scale naval battle, or Li Yao's final strike, many audiences feel that it is very rewarding.

Many people have the idea of ​​buying ships, especially those guilds inside the land hesitate to get a station by the sea, even if they change their station.

As for the land game, it was broadcast live next door, but the audience must be far behind the naval battle. Most players are watching the naval battle, and the faces of the commentators on the other side are green.

The popularity of the next door is more than a billion, and it will soar to two billion. There are only a few million people on their side. The difference in this number is really huge.

Li Yao stood on the sea monster, watching the fleet slowly move away, and then looked towards the half-moon that hadn't left.

"President Banyue is really a believer, and he is indeed a hero of the female middle school."

Banyue smiled and said, "The siege of Xinghuo with them is to stop at any time. Who made you Xinghuo too eye-catching? There is only one site, which allows the guild to have a second resident. May I ask which guild is not interested. For this, the siege is united. Xinghuo is also inevitable. Who will let President Liaoyuan always bring miracles. As a result, we did not expect that this time we also became the supporting role of President Liaoyuan."

"If this is the case, then Ban Yue will give up halfway again." Li Yao asked very curiously.

Half a month took a deep breath and said: "It is still in order to get this turf. I started to join the alliance to eliminate a strong opponent. It is impossible to do now. Why should I die unwisely? After all, our ultimate goal is to want Get the site, not to fight Xinghuo. The battle has been going on now, even if we can finally hit Xinghuo, but what about it, then we will be finished too. Isn’t it a waste of money for those spectators who watch the excitement and don’t think it’s a big deal? . Now I have to have fun with them."

"I have long heard that Ban Yue will be long and good at making good judgments. I have never had the opportunity to contact before. I saw it today and it really deserves its reputation." Li Yao bowed his hands sincerely.

"I can't afford it. Chairman Liaoyuan is really amazing. Both your own personal strength and achievements are admirable, not to mention the rapid development of Spark, which is even more unpredictable. "Ban Yue also compliments. After Li Yao looked upright, he said: "However, let the ugly words go ahead and admire to admiration. Spark is still the biggest stumbling block to the Ban Yue Guild's second territory. We are not as good as we are in the first game. In this second game, Ban Yue will still be polite."

"It's so good, that Xinghuo is waiting for the ride in the second game, and I am also trying to learn the next method of the Ban Yue Guild." Li Yao didn't worry.

There is only one territory, and it is naive to want to obtain territory in peace.

Li Yao looked at the battlefield, and the remaining fleet was still struggling.

However, the outcome was no longer affected, and Li Yao directly joined the battle.

In addition to this, other areas also began to fight fiercely, competing for the final victory.

"System: The top 100 land warfare companies have already competed, and the top 100 have entered the stage of black consideration."

Hearing this prompt, the guilds of naval battles were taken aback, and it was normal to think about it. Land battles were obviously much simpler.

After making up for the system prompts, the naval battle became more intense.

Currently, Xinghuo is still at the top of the military merit list, with a terrifying military merit score of 68.25, which means that nearly 70 guilds out of the 500 guilds are almost eliminated by Xinghuo.

The second guild is only 9.36, which is too far behind Spark, and the second guild is almost crippled.

Although the members of Xinghuo lost more than half of them, all the warships were there, and the NPCs that controlled the artillery were not affected at all, and there was no shortage of players that controlled the Hundred Crossbow. Therefore, the combat power still exists, plus the dozen or so Starfire core members who have all become boss forms, the combat power is also extremely strong.

After such a long period of high-intensity fighting, they all rely on perseverance to support them.

"System: The battle lasted for six hours. The battle in the sea area shocked the naga lurking in the sea area and the blood-sail pirates in the surrounding waters. Both the naga and the pirates attacked."

"System: The invasion of pirates and naga is not only a crisis, but also an opportunity. Destroying the pirate ship, there is a chance to get artillery production drawings and pirate clippers construction drawings and related equipment and facilities."

"System: Destroy the naga team, there is a chance to obtain rare deep-sea specialties, and even more likely to obtain the bow statue and the treasures of the naga first."

After six hours, the eyes of the remaining players were bright, and I didn't expect this kind of welfare after six hours of battle.

Both the artillery and the pirate clippers drawings are rare good things. They have seen the power of the artillery through the fleet of Starfire, and their eyes fired when they heard the killing of pirates.

As for the naga, the statue of the sea monster bow, many people are not so interested.

Xinghuo had already allocated the trophies, and no one fell on the boat to rest without an image. Everyone was tired to death, and didn't want to move their fingers.

On the intermediate battleship, several decision makers were sitting around a table, each resting.

Several of the presidents all showed red light and were very excited. They thought they were going to be eliminated, but they didn't expect such a reversal.

And in this battle, they also got too many benefits.

Not to mention other things, the number of seized ships that could be repaired was nearly 800. The final result was that each of the other three guilds received 100 ships, while Xinghuo received 500 searches.

There is no objection to this distribution, which is divided according to the ratio of military merit. A hundred ships have made it difficult for other guilds to digest.

"President Liaoyuan, look quickly, there are pirates over there, so the guild rushed past, why don't we move." Susuna Fanghua asked.

"That's right, that's Kuaizhou's drawings and artillery drawings."

The presidents of the other two guilds said anxiously.

Li Yao shook his head and said, "If you believe me, don't move, just watch the excitement. If you want to participate, I have no objection, but I am not interested in Xinghuo."...

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