In comparison, the Xinghuo stronghold is very quiet here. ? Can't see the slightest enemy. Those who think of Xinghuo are puzzled as to what is going on.

In fact, Xinghuo also sent a lot of scouts. The so-called scouts are hunters.

At this stage, although hunters are unwelcome, they are organized to fight monsters.

There is no doubt about the role of the hunter when the legion fights.

Either eagle eye surgery or flying pet detection, both play a very critical role.

Compared with thieves, the hunter's detection has more advantages. Moreover, the hunter is not in danger, and can pass on the scene he sees at any time.

This battlefield is small but not big.

With the start of the battle, the scouts have been sent out and can basically understand the situation in this area.

After the game started, the war broke out, and the various guilds began to attack each other.

But there is really no one on Xinghuo, which makes Xinghuo ready for the war feel very weird.

"Are these people frightened? They didn't attack us." The guardian angel was speechless.

"If the enemy keeps not attacking, we will be eliminated if we guard." Sister Li said worriedly.

It's not that there is no such possibility. After all, the final point is the points, not survival.

"It's just right not to attack. We just take a break and regroup." Li Yao didn't worry at all: "In this case, everyone will raise a bonfire and make corresponding dishes. I'm afraid we won't be easy in the war, so prepare more. Some physical cooking."

There are many bonfires on the Xinghuo side, and the barbecues and the cooking of the rice are starting to make the audience very speechless.

Other places are fighting to death, but they think the most exciting place is extremely peaceful, which makes them somewhat disappointed.

Although Xinghuo was idle, Li Yao and the others listened to the scouts at any time, and Li Yao also let the Fire Eagle out to find the battlefield he cared about.

The other core members of Xinghuo were not idle either. Following the return of the scouts, they recorded the cards displayed by each guild and the special items they possessed.

Then it came down to the hands of Peerless Demon Ji and Sister Li, who then worked out corresponding strategies and preventive measures in detail.

In this way, the people of Xinghuo felt that it was a great gain, but they did not feel that they were wasting time.

Indeed, many guilds have surprisingly won. Use their own ingenuity to the extreme.

Li Yao used a lot of strange props to accomplish a lot of unfinished feats, which also opened up everyone's thinking.

For example, there is a guild, they are best at small-scale team operations.

Of course, this is the shortcoming of almost all players, the players are too individual, although the formation of the army, but the players and the npc army must be too loose.

And this guild's first stage ranking is not high, they used all the points to exchange for cheap small earth scrolls and terrain shaping scrolls that almost no one exchanged.

They use scrolls to divide the enemy. For example, they separate the tank from the output, and separate the treatment from the output.

Let the players not form any cooperation, but they still keep the small team intact, thereby dividing and eliminating.

This guild is also a large guild, but it is not a member of the first-level guild, and its combat effectiveness is far worse than that of the first-level guild.

But with this kind of tactics, the level guild that originally wanted them to operate was broken.

This level of guild exchanged siege engines, catapults, and crossbows, but under this kind of terrain shaping scrolls, these things are simply useless.

Especially the strong crossbow, if it can really play a role, it can completely destroy the army of this large guild like cutting grass, but they don't have this opportunity.

After the guild confronted, it implemented the division tactics. It was impossible for them to escape, and they were directly defeated.

These level guilds don't talk about the exchangeable things, but they are a lot of good things that are slack in themselves, such as various potions and potions, and special props, but with the reputation and cooperation, these props have limited effects.

This battle attracted the attention of most people, and the audience sighed with all their faces that a first-level guild was destroyed by a large guild, and the large guild had basically no loss.

This large guild directly began to slowly resurrect the dead teammates. Although the battle resurrection time is slow, but when there are many players, there are many means, and the loss is not large, so the supplement is quickly completed.

What's more, their gains are also huge. The big guild points that have obtained crossbows, siege vehicles and other items are all collected by them, and the strength of this large guild has soared.

Other battlefields also showed a lot of amazing tactics. For example, there is a guild that is entirely a stealth profession, which is composed of either cats or thieves. They exchanged some potions to strengthen invisibility and many additional scrolls, and they came and went like wind.

They wandered the battlefield, taking advantage of which guild did not pay attention to attack directly, they did not love the battle, a round of attack, no matter how many battle results will directly retreat.

The guild’s points are also rising, ranking among the but they are too cunning, and they don’t give a chance to get entangled. Many guilds hate their teeth, but there is no way for this thief team. .

There is also an army of Paladins, all composed of Paladins.

The Paladin III originally included output healing and tanks, plus various business class variants, it was also very powerful. It was simply a mobile fortress, and no guild could take advantage.

The various auras of the countless invincible holy shield, lay healing, hand of protection, and halo knight have caused headaches for countless people.

And many uncles and aunts in the neutral camp, yes, those who choose the neutral camp are either underage children, uncles, aunts, or even grandparents.

They use more tactics to gain points, such as using terrain, using some art of war or something.

Although he is getting older, in this kind of melee, the guild of the neutral camp is the most dazzling. Many middle-aged and elderly players who were interested in the game but did not join the ancient gods due to their age also burned up, and many people made up their minds to enter the ancient gods.

Of course, the most powerful and overbearing is the guild formed by alien players. They have no methods or strategies, just use their strength to crush them upright.

As long as it is not a large-scale war, the gap in strength is still obvious.

Those alien players are basically killing the Quartet, many of the three camps are not convinced by the alien guild, but after contact and fighting, they really understand what the gap is.

Alien players are extremely arrogant, and they threatened to slaughter all terrestrial guilds.

In this way, one day has passed, and there is still no movement on Xinghuo's side, but as the day goes by, one third of the guilds have been eliminated.

Li Yao and the others analyzed for a day. In the darkest time, Fire Eagle saw a legion quietly approaching Xinghuo...8

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