MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 945: Kill streak

The ogre magician who was still very energetic just now fell to the ground, and the ogre players who saw it were full of disbelief.

Even on their planet, the combat effectiveness of cannibal magicians can rank top. It is famous among the younger generation, and this reputation is not spread, nor is it because of his identity.

The clan of ogres is savage and primitive, they are aggressive by nature, and all creatures except the ogres themselves are real objects.

This kind of strength is even more vividly reflected in a more free game. His fighting quality is extremely powerful. This is also the reason why many people follow him. Their clan respects the strong.

In the tribe of ogres, even if you are the son of a patriarch and a priest, it is of no use if you are not strong enough, and life will be even more difficult.

The cannibal magician is one of the leading figures of the younger generation, both physical and magical are extremely powerful.

This is one of the future leaders of their clan. Although the ogres have lost once, they have not seen many ogres. In fact, they did not believe it.

However, they really saw that their leader was killed now, and it was still a one-shot kill, without even a chance to react.

This kind of visual impact stunned the ogres in an instant, and it was hard to believe their eyes.


"It's horrible, the **** of this B costume can't pass it."

"I'm so laughing, I can't even pretend a B."

"Strongly protest, I think for the effect of the show, Liaoyuan should wait for them to finish before killing."

"Pretending to be struck by lightning, if you don't believe it, look up, who is forgiven by the sky."

The entire public screen has gone crazy, it is too dramatic.

The expressions of the other two presidents changed in an instant, but it was too late, and Li Yao's arrow did not stop at all.

The shocked moments arrows of the other two guildmasters have hit their throats. A tauren and a jackal. Both of them are melee warrior-like professions. The super high blood volume is also emptied in an instant. Fell to the ground.

There was a moment of stagnation and calm in the entire battlefield, and the Spark players on the city wall saw this scene.

"The president is invincible!"

"The president is invincible!"

"The president is invincible!"

Hunting and killing the guild leaders of the three guilds in an instant, although there is not much effect in the actual sense, after all, there are fighting resurrection skills.

But the so-called general is the courage of the army. Although the game is a bit exaggerated, it still has some effect. The impact on morale is huge, especially for guilds composed of clans such as gnolls and ogres.

Li Yao was beside the ogres, but at this moment they looked foolishly and even forgot to attack Li Yao.

"A group of tigers want to kill me just like you scum, it's really a battle of heaven."

After Li Yao finished talking about the world, he turned around and walked out of the ogre's army. The ogres automatically gave way.


"President, be careful."

The spark on the city wall was shouting, but he quickly reminded Li Yao of the situation below.

The leader of the Jackal who had fallen on the ground suddenly recovered a lot of blood, and he hurriedly stood up and raised his weapon and launched a charge against Li Yao.


A thick blood came out of the jackal, he had already launched a rage, and his attack power and speed had been greatly improved.

The audience was also extremely nervous, and no one had expected that the Jackal could launch a charge at such a distance.

And the speed of the charge is too fast, it has reached an incredible level.

Everyone squeezed a sweat at Li Yao. If they were dizzy by the charge, Li Yao would definitely be besieged and killed.


Li Yao didn't look back at all, the light in his hand flickered, and an arrow tower suddenly appeared behind him.

The charge of the leader of the Jackal directly hit the arrow tower, his face was shocked, and the cruel expression on his face did not disappear.

But his reaction speed was very fast. The weapon in his hand was shining with lightning. He wanted to launch a shock wave to stun Li Yao, and then take Li Yao away.


A red light passed, and everyone saw that the Thousand Chance Bow in Li Yao's hand turned into a long sword burning with illusory flames, and the long sword swept towards the rear with an afterimage.

The long sword was drawn directly on the jackal man's arm. The blow was not heavy and light, and anyone could see that there was basically no attack power.

Just when they thought Li Yao was in a hurry, they saw the jackal scream, then the weapon in his hand crashed to the ground, and then he himself fell on one knee.

Everyone was stunned, Li Yao unexpectedly broke a super master without turning around.

It's horrible, does your sister have eyes behind her back. This is what everyone thought, it was extremely difficult to break the move head-on, and Li Yao was then and lightly without much energy. That's it.

The audience understands that all alien players who can be the president are the strongest in the guild. Those who can talk and laugh with cannibal magic are of the same level, and everyone knows the strength of cannibal magic, except for Li Yao. The masters of the earth are not opponents.

Such an existence was actually broken by Li Yao in this way, and it was difficult for everyone to accept and believe.

It was Li Yao who killed them. That was because Li Yao was in the dark, coupled with Li Yao's archery skills, killing them was not surprising.

"Scum is scum, no matter how hard you struggle, you will die, why bother."

Li Yao slowly turned around, slowly cutting down the long sword in his hand, and the head of the Jackal President directly rolled to the ground.

Then Li Yao's figure became illusory and dim again, and disappeared in place.

"Save people, revive the president soon."

They didn't react until Li Yao disappeared, and those who had resurrected from fighting quickly resurrected the three of them.

The three resurrected faces were extremely gloomy, and the cannibal magician roared even more.

"Idiot, you bunch of wine bags and rice bags, just watched him run away."

"Damn it, do you still want to be warriors of the clan, **** it."

The ogre magicians roared with both heads, and the ogres were silent.

"Liaoyuan, there is a kind of you who come out, sneak attack is what kind of ability, the dignified President Xinghuo can only build his power through sneak attack, it is really ridiculous." The Jackal President also screamed frantically.

Several other new guild leaders also clamored, trying to restore morale, as long as Li Yao did not show up, then morale could be restored.

Sneak attack is nothing, this is what they mean.

Of course, they also believed that Li Yao did not dare to appear, and now the ogres would not be as stupid as they were last time and would not attack.

"If you still want to die, then I will fulfill you."

Just as they scolded vigorously, Li Yao's voice re-introduced into their ears, and accompanied by Li Yao's voice, there was a shrill arrow...

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