MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 950: Violent killing

At the same time, the three Li Yao, who were firmly fixed on the dragon's back by the touch of darkness, also launched a storm-like attack.






With all the states enabled, Li Yao didn't need to aim at all, just simply and rudely scattering.

Along the way, Li Yao kept changing the shape of the Thousand Chance Bow and the arrow, choosing ten most useful skills and buffs.

Being bloodthirsty alone increased Li Yao's sensitivity and bloodthirsty by nearly 50%, and finally Li Yao's sensitivity reached the critical point of qualitative change again.

The audience could no longer see Li Yao's movements, and everyone saw a flame arrow illuminating the dawn sky.

The formation of the guild players below is too dense. Li Yao is on the back of the dragon. Three fan-shaped flame arrow barrages spread out almost forming a circle in three directions.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

Eight arrows in one second, this is the state that Li Yao has reached after hearing the qualitative change, the arrow fell crazily in the crowd.

The elites of the guilds fell down with disbelief. They never understood why Li Yao's range attack skills were so fierce that many tanks couldn't stand their eyes.

The black dragon queen dashed over the guild. The magic shield of her body was shattered, and a large number of steel arrows bombarded her. If the black dragon dragon in the full state was behind this kind of crossbow arrow, all its wings would be fluttered. But she is only Tier 3 now and can't do it at all.


The black dragon queen's wings were also full of steel arrows, and her body couldn't keep her balance and rolled down in the roar.


The black dragon dragon queen hit the ground, drawing a long trace, and all the people blocking her body's sneaking way were crushed into mud.

Bang bang ......

The three Li Yaos started a shadow turn, fell to the ground, and then rushed in three directions.

Behind the three figures are the seriously injured Black Dragon Queen and the corpses of players on the ground. There are a total of five thousand players. In less than three seconds, their remaining players are less than two thousand, and the remaining two thousand are full of sluggish faces. Can't believe it.

However, before they could reflect, the harpy's overwhelming attacks also followed.

The harpy did not stand still, but was bombarded by magic as always, and their target was always Li Yao with their idol.

Harpy passed by, only a few invincible players who reacted quickly remained, but they were already desperate.

Even the tribal smiles that had just been triumphant and confident still remained on their faces, but now, there are only twenty remaining members of the tribe, and they have been eliminated.

The harpy roared in anger, and they felt the breath of a totem **** from the three Li Yao's figures.

The Harpy directly divided into three waves and continued to chase Li Yao.

"Damn it, you shame me."

Over the remaining battlefield, the black dragon queen who just got up was left roaring. She knew in her heart that Li Yao had a way to prevent her from being injured, but he didn't do it at all.

This was a warning and punishment for her calculation of Li Yao. She was going crazy. It was not the serious injury and pain that he was annoyed with. After all, she had endured the curse for thousands of years. This bit of pain was nothing.

But what she cares about is her face. She doesn't allow herself to be so embarrassed. Even if she is destined to be contracted by Li Yao, she is no longer the black dragon queen who is the first person under the demigod, but the pride in her heart is not Can easily give up.

"You scumbags have some tricks, but do you think this is the end."

The black dragon queen looked at the eyes of the players who survived on Invincibility, and the remaining twenty or so players were ashamed. They originally had props to slowly revive their teammates, but with the black dragon queen, they only remained. Despair, your sister, shameless.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast here have been shocked by the scenes here, and watched the screen for a long time without speaking.

They were not shocked by the harpymen's cover of the sky, nor were they shocked by the strength of those continuous crossbows, nor were they shocked by the tyrannical and domineering black dragon queen.

They were shocked that Li Yao actually wiped out two to three thousand players in a short period of two or three seconds. They knew that Starfire's military merit suddenly increased by several thousand, and the military merit surged by six to seven thousand in an instant.

What the Harpy destroys is also counted as Xinghuo's head.

The slow playback screen appeared, and the system statistics also appeared in the hands of the commentator.

"Eight dollars per second, is this a **** human."

"More importantly, this is scattering, only half of his attack power, that is, half of the attack even the tank is instantly killed, it is terrifying."

"It's too fierce. Liao's original equipment was extremely powerful. The rapid shooting and bloodthirsty allowed his sensitivity to exceed the limit, reaching eight times per second. And the blood burning, bloodthirsty and other thousand-for-one bow transformations made him The attack power of Liaoyuan has reached a terrifying level, the fire range of Liaoyuan itself is terrifying, and the formation of this guild is so dense. With the addition of three shadow warriors, it forms an all-round scattering of almost three hundred and sixty degrees, and only the black dragon dragon queen Those players below were spared."

As the same commentator said, Li Yao's attack was too fast and too fierce, and there was no reaction time for them at all, and it was not just them. Everyone would not have thought that Li Yao was so cruel. This strength was simply against the sky.

After all, one-on-one in the ancient gods is the norm. Even if a master faces a siege by two people, it will be in a mess. Even the top master faces a siege by a small team.

Let alone one-to-hundreds or one-to-thousands, even one-to-ten is very difficult.

"Damn, is this still a human."

"It's a monster, you can kill at this critical moment of life and death."

"This is the best I have ever seen."

"Killing is like cutting grass, Nima, are we playing a game."

"Simply, this Liaoyuan will not be GM, right?"

"Go ahead and hang up, this is."

"It's not that cruel to open it."

"A group of idiots ~ attack high, we can all pile up, the key is not to attack."

"Finally, there are smart people. Liaoyuan’s power is not about attacking high and killing many people. It is because he is facing desperation. However, in the face of another crisis, he can think of a way to destroy the opponent in a short time. This fighting consciousness And the brain is simply inhuman."

"It's horrible. It's obviously a big crisis, and it's a dead end. As a result, he turned over his life, scattered the harpy, and eliminated five thousand people to get massive points. The unobedient black dragon queen completed the one against the sky. Three arrows, I take it."

"I never had an idol, nor did I understand people who worship idols. Now I understand, I also have idols."

"Starfire Guild, I must join in."

"I always thought that Liaoyuan was just a hype. Now I only have one word for service."

"It's really sad for the professional players who lived in the same era with Liaoyuan."...


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