Seeing Li Yao staggering Mercedes-Benz, those players were in a panic. Li Yao's performance just now completely shaken their confidence. r?anwen??????????`???

"The president is invincible!"

"The president is invincible!"

"The president is invincible!"

The morale of the members of Xinghuo is like rainbows. What Li Yao has done is really exciting. They are even more convinced that joining Xinghuo is the right choice.

"Damn it, kill him for me." The cannibal magician shouted.

"Is there any way to quickly think about it, or we will all be finished."

Those guild leaders looked like ants on a hot pot, and the wave of hawks was completely messed up just now, not to mention there is another wave now.

"I can curse him, but ten pieces of golden equipment are required to sacrifice. Our union cannot produce so many golden equipment." A guild leader said coldly.

As a big guild, ten pieces of gold can be gathered, of course, but isn’t this a trouble, he only has one. The members are all suitable ones, and he wants to kill Li Yao when he collects them. The price is too great.

Moreover, with so many guilds present, why did he sacrifice his own interests to facilitate everyone.

"As long as you can kill the Liaoyuan."

The two-headed cannibal magician threw out a gold suit painfully, and then the president threw the gold suit, but more pretended not to hear.

Gold outfits are too few, especially if you use them easily, it is even more rare, and gold outfits are not measurable by gold coins.

Soon, ten pieces of gold were gathered.

The guild leader gave the equipment to a high priest next to him and said, "It's up to you."

"Guild leader rest assured, as long as the sacrifices are enough, I can completely curse him." The troll priest smiled coldly.

The troll priest said that he took out a white bone statue of a flying snake. The flying snake in the statue was very evil. Although it was a statue, it seemed to be alive.

As the troll lowered the statue, the statue suddenly became three yards in size, and a strange atmosphere spread, and everyone around was jumped by the cold breath, and couldn't help taking a few steps back.

All looked at the statue suspiciously.

"What kind of creature's idol is this?" the cannibal magician asked.

The president laughed and said: "This is a one-time copy that our guild found. In order to open up the wasteland, we paid a lot of money. We thought we had paid a lot, but we finally got this statue. This statue is the blood god. The idol of Hakkar, it is said that this idol was the image of Hakkar after his death."

"Blood God Hakkar." The cannibal magician changed his face and said, "Is it a **** or a demigod?"

Another sub-plane president said: "I have heard of the blood **** Hakkar, and I heard that I have also come to our sub-planes. Legend has it that the blood **** Hakkar was also a very domineering demigod in the ancient times. He was once a troll empire. One of the totems to worship, once brought the troll empire and the sufficient Yaqi empire to fight, with a fierce reputation."

"Well, yes, in the ancient times, it was under the leadership of the demigods that the troll empire dominated the world of the ancient gods. But then the ancient elves approached the Well of Eternity and changed. They did not admit that they were trolls, but changed their names to the children of the night. He no longer believes in the demigod, but instead believes in the only true god, the Moon God. The two-headed war for the hegemony of the ancient gods broke out again. It is said that the blood **** Haka was jointly killed by the **** of the wilderness, the demigod couple and the storm crow Aviana. Hakkar’s heroic soul is not scattered, and this is the bone totem."

The others looked at the totem in amazement. The statue was of dark gold quality, and the breath alone felt extraordinary. Each one's eyes were full of greedy looks, this kind of thing was more precious and rare than the equipment of dark gold.

The troll priest took out a spell knife, then cut off his finger, and drops of blood fell on ten pieces of golden equipment.

Then the troll priest took out an old bronze mirror with his eyes, and then the troll used the bronze mirror to illuminate the unstoppable Li Yao.

Li Yao's figure appeared in the mirror, and the troll priest placed the bronze mirror in a groove on the base of the stone statue.

Then he knelt on the ground and chanted the spell, and as the spell progressed, everyone saw it. Those golden equipment became rotten as if they had gone through countless years.

The golden light entangled Hakkar's idol, and then a golden wind snake bone wind snake phantom appeared.

The golden phantom's indifferent eyes glanced at everyone, making everyone feel cold.

The golden figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in front of Li Yao.

"Mortals, don't kneel down when you see the great blood god."

The Valkyrie who was killing her was taken aback, seeing the transparent Haka, and muttered: "Bloodthirsty Curse, Haka, the blood god."

"For the sake of your knowledge, I won't cause you much pain." Haka said and rushed directly to Li Yao.

"Sorry, I like suicide."

Li Yao stepped back as he said, and then he was overwhelmed by a large number of lightning bolts and lightning balls. He attacked while avoiding the attack of the Harpy, without stopping at all.

Haka appears Li Yao knows that his Valkyrie attribute is against the sky, but it is impossible to defeat Haka.

And he knows very well that the loss of the Blood Sacrifice Haka can be said to be very large. If Haka succeeds in cursing himself, although it is a Valkyrie clone, it will also increase the attributes of the successful Haka statue. This is something he doesn't want to see.

So Li Yao not only did not evade, but was overwhelmed by magic before Haka attacked him.

Everyone looked at Li Yao blankly, and Li Yao's words came to mind: Sorry, I like suicide.


The blood **** Haka disappeared again and appeared above the statue.

"Mortals, you should know the truth about killing yourself if you don't kill people if you curse to kill."

The troll priest's complexion changed drastically, and he turned around to run. He was frightened. If he was killed by the blood god, he would lose two levels of luck if he was lucky.


The red light of the blood **** Haka turned around the body of the troll priest twice, and the body of the troll priest fell directly to the ground.

The **** red light sank directly into the statue.

Everyone was stunned. This is your sister, it's too fierce, kill yourself if you don't kill.

And they were incredible, as if Li Yao knew the result and committed suicide directly.

The rescued troll priest has a bitter face: "After dropping three levels, it becomes thirty again."

Others also had a chill. The level was too difficult to rise. It was really cruel to drop to level three at once. This evil thing is powerful, but it is also a bit too awkward.

They just didn't wait for them to be happy, they saw another Li Yao running over, with a harpy still behind him.

The guilds that besieged Xinghuo were crying, and it was not over yet.

"This must be his real body. There are at most two Valkyries. Killing this is our victory."...

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