MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 959: Non-war crime

"Nima, it's okay to meow. r?anw?e?n?`"

"Uncle's, this is a substitution."

"Fuck me, is there anything else Liaoyuan can't do."

"Surprised Mao, haven't you seen the previous video of Liaoyuan? He has always been a master of crossbows."

"I also remembered that Liaoyuan seemed to have used a bed crossbow in the first kill of the mine boss."

"Nonsense, many guilds try to get a crossbow or kill the boss with a crossbow, just watching the video of the Great God of Liaoyuan."


The audience who are not familiar with Li Yao no longer know how to describe the mood at the moment. Li Yao has given them too many surprises.

They all watched Li Yao continue to use the shadow wheel to turn the road to launch each of the crossbow machines, and each launch represents the disability of a sacrificial group.


The surface of the water rose, and the lizard man shaman stared at Li Yao fiercely.

"I have to admit that you are very strong. We have overestimated you as much as possible, but it is still not enough. You are more against the sky than we thought."

Li Yao didn't bother to answer at all, fine-tuned the crossbow machine, and then launched it suddenly.

The sharp steel arrow pierced directly through the neck of the lizard man shaman, his head soared into the sky and fell directly onto the water.

"Just you talk nonsense."

Li Yao didn't even look at the result, he had already hurried to the next crossbow machine.

Hula la...

The lizardman shaman was resurrected, and his eyes were full of anger: "This is the bearing of Liaoyuan, is this the bearing of President Xinghuo? It really made me see it, it was barbaric and unreasonable."


The steel arrow penetrated his throat again, and his head flew high again.

"Say, you just talk a lot of nonsense." Li Yao cursed: "Idiot stuff, it's war now, who has the skill to beep with you, how about a few people every minute?"

The people of Xinghuo suddenly burst into laughter, and at the same time raised their middle fingers at the alien players in the river.

"Liaoyuan, you are deceiving too much, I kindly remind you, really we have no other means." The lizard-men shaman who was resurrected again was going crazy.


Li Yao was not polite at all, and aimed at him again. Not surprisingly, the steel arrow penetrated his throat for the third time, and the head of the lizard man shaman flew up for the third time.

"You can use it if you have the means. What kind of gentleman's demeanor you are still playing? Look at your fierce and brutal eyes. There is no way to match the gentleman, and you can just pretend to be forced and choose a good target." Li Yao continued to shoot with crossbow arrows. Sacrifice group: "Use whatever means, we are afraid that you will not succeed."

"Well, you wait. You must not be attacked by those guys on the land. After half an hour, we will inevitably wash out the Spark Station."

This time the lizard man shaman sank directly into the water after finishing talking, but the steel arrow followed. The lizard man shaman who sank into the water felt safe and felt pain in his back. Then he saw the steel arrow pierce through his chest. , Steel Arrow's strength was undiminished, and it directly shot and killed the men who had rescued him.

"I hate being threatened by others in my life."

After Li Yao finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to the lizardman shaman. Someone kept resurrecting him, and it didn't make much sense to keep killing him.

While the people of Xinghuo laughed presumptuously, it was so refreshing and relieved, men take it so.

"Liaoyuan is quite powerful, but the hostility is too heavy." A commentator sighed.

"Yes, it's too overbearing. There is a saying in China. I remember that it seems that it is easy to break when you are just a gang. Is it a witch?" The European commentator looked at Qin Fengyi.

Qin Fengyi smiled faintly: "Is it hostile? I don't think so. Now that the two armies are fighting, do you want him to stop hunting and drinking and chatting with the enemy? As for the dominance, I don't understand. We are being hit by so much. The guild besieged, if there is no thunderbolt method, how can you deter these young people, you say."

The other commentaries were immediately evasive. They actually wanted to mislead the audience and give Xinghuo hatred. I didn't expect Qin Fengyi's words to be so sharp. Not only did they see through their ideas, but they also touched them in a few words.

"The stupid commentary actually misled the audience."

"Dogday, don't you think we are good in China?"

"Scum, we at Huaxia finally have a guild rise, facing the siege from all sides, you are still cynic."

"Being besieged like this, can you not be a bit harsh."

"It doesn't matter to the official, if this kind of commentary can be on the international commentary platform, are you blind?"

"Is this fusion or provocation, the official can't tell?"

"Fuck me, don't be ashamed, okay."

"I'm from the European Administrative Region, and I can't stand it anymore. It's really shameful."

For a while, the crowd on the public screen was exciting. In addition to the Huaxia players, there were also many audiences from other administrative regions who were conquered by Spark and Li Yao's technology.

Xinghuo was besieged by aliens, even if it was besieged by the enemy camp, and it was also besieged by the guild of the China Administrative Region. It can be said to be the enemy of the world, this kind of lonely hero is easy to touch.

What's more, Xinghuo Energy has not only persisted until now, it has also achieved brilliant results. A small part of the five thousand people are players from other administrative so that audiences from other administrative regions are not repulsive, so they naturally blend in.

There are people who are still fanning the flames at this time, and the audience can't help it. Countless people condemned together, the two commentators were embarrassed, and the other commentators looked like a good show.

The so-called colleagues are enemies, and the truth applies in any line.

Then a huge scarlet barrage appeared on the public screen: the official gave two commentators a serious warning, and the warning will be filed with the relevant department. The foreign enemy is on the side, and the overall harmony is unbreakable. Any public figure must be responsible for his own remarks, and only those who repeat offenders will know what the real thunderbolt means.

The audience cheered as if they had won a battle, and the public screen suddenly burst into joy.

The two commentators were pale, severely warned, and filed for the record, which means that if they destroy harmony or make mistakes, they will probably be out of play in the future.

Qin Fengyi sighed faintly, took a sip from his teacup, and then began to explain the wonderful scenes of other parts of the battlefield. Although the sparks were fierce, they were relatively calm.

Now everyone is looking forward to the ultimate move that the lizard man shaman said in half an hour.

And the audience also knew that Xinghuo had come to an end.

Half an hour later is the decisive moment. If Xinghuo can survive and successfully retreat, and then escaped from the pursuit and persisted until the time, Xinghuo would basically be the first.

But if you fail to persist, or even fail to retreat successfully, then the legend of Xinghuo is over.

But for the audience, this time of watching is really worth it. The perseverance of the Starfire Guild, the morale of many opponents is still high, Li Yao's amazing performance against the sky made them amazed.

In their view, Xinghuo is basically going to be eliminated. But they did not see the meaning of Xinghuo clearly, this is a crime of non-war...

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