MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1744: Sky Demon Battlegear Mold

"Huh? What is this?"

Just as everyone scorned Jamir with his **** upright, Wang Yu found a strange statue.

The statue is only the size of a slap. From the shape, it looks like an armor. The armor is gray and not conspicuous at all.

Wang Yu frowned and dropped a detection technique, and the attributes of the armor appeared in front of Wang Yu.

Strange statue (unidentified)

Not identified! ! ? ?

Seeing the unidentified three words, Wang Yu couldn't help but feel shocked.

In Rebirth, the good things are not necessarily unidentified, but the unidentified attributes are certainly not too bad. The unidentified thrown by the big boss of Jameel is obviously not a mere thing.

"Who has the appraisal scroll?" Wang Yu turned his head and asked everyone.

"I have I have." Wuji took out a scroll and threw it to Wang Yu.

Wang Yu slapped the scroll on the statue.

"Uh ..."

A black ray of light came on, and the gray disguise outside the statue slowly peeled off and faded under the light, revealing its true colors.

This armor has bright black hair and looks very thick. The surface of the armor is engraved with layers of magic runes that look very strange, and there are two more flags behind the armor, which look like wings at a glance. general……

Heavenly Demon Battlegear (Mold): Valuable.

Item description: The armor of the demon lord Jameel was destroyed and fell asleep during the war of gods and deities 10,000 years ago.

"God ... artifact mold !!"

As soon as Wang Yu showed the attributes of Heavenly Demon Battlegear, everyone's saliva would be running down.

The equipment drawings in "Rebirth" are divided into two types, one is the blueprint and the other is the mold.

The blueprint, as the name suggests, is a design drawing. The player blacksmith can create two pieces of equipment according to the design drawing and then assemble it. As for the quality of the equipment, it depends entirely on the player's craftsmanship and forging precision.

The higher the forging technology, the smaller the tolerance of the parts produced, the more precise the equipment, and the higher the quality.

The mold is a drawing that is above the blueprint, because this mold is the body of the equipped parts, and it is sealed by the system for some external reasons. There is no such thing as precision and tolerance.

In layman's terms, the mold belongs to the original seal of the original factory, and the blueprint belongs to the original design. One is the body and the other is the copy. The difference is obvious.

Therefore, the equipment made with the mold can restore the original attributes of this piece of equipment. It is usually called awakening. The only drawback is that the ordinary player blacksmith ca n’t create it at all. Wake up as equipment.

After doing a mission with Wang Yu, everyone has new insights into the equipment.

Although both epic equipment and legendary equipment are artifacts, it is not difficult to see from the angels of the Garden of Eden. The epic equipment is actually the ordinary Mao God ’s standard weapon, which belongs to the ordinary artifact, while the legendary weapon is the equipment used by the god-level BOSS, naturally higher than that. A grade.

As the armor of Jamir, the demon armor, is a mold of legendary equipment.


Armor is a big piece, especially for the warrior knight profession, the role of armor is no less than the weapon in his hand. Fortunately, other people are just envious of the artifact, and Bao Sanyin's second child and Beijing's three young people, that look It's naked possessiveness.

"I will look handsome when I put on this equipment! Xingzhu will also come back to me by then." Bao San touched his chin and looked at Wang Yu expectantly, with words in his mouth.

"Get out!"

Wuji slapped the bag three times and said indignantly: "How many times have I told you that licking a dog doesn't end well? What do you need such a good armor for a weapon battle."

"Weapon wars have no future. I want to wash some shields." Bao San fisted excitedly.

"Go! Your shameless look is really boring!"

Everyone put their middle fingers together, and one piece of equipment made Bao Sangan willing to fall into a shield battle. It was really nothing to do.

"I am a defensive profession."

Seeing everyone despise Bao San, the young man in the capital came together excitedly and proposed: "Me and my second ROLL."

"Oh?" Wuji raised his eyebrows and despised: "How much do you contribute to the team and dare to come to ROLL with a cheek?"

"I can pay for it!" The second generation of Shifu, the capital city of Huacheng, deserves to be prepared early in the morning to speak with confidence.

When paying money to buy artifacts, the rich generally dare not say this, in the end it is to spend money to buy the local tyrants of hidden occupations.

"That Chinese younger brother." Wang Yu Wenyan persuaded: "I don't doubt that you have money, don't you think it's a bit awkward for you to be a Templar warrior?"


Listening to Wang Yu's words, the capital city Hua Shao was suddenly speechless, and then there was an extremely disappointed expression on his face.

Wang Yu is right. The reason why the Templars are Templars ~ ~ is because they have a very high belief in the God of Light, and they are the dog legs of the God of Light.

The **** of light is wearing the equipment of the dark god. This is not a question of faith, it is a question of IQ. When the **** of the system is a fool?

There are a total of three front-row occupations in the team. Package three is a weapon battle. The role of wearing armor is not too great. The capital city is young and cannot be worn. Finally, the mold of the Devil's battle armor was thrown by Wang Yu to Yin.

Yin Lao Er is naturally not an ignorant person. After getting the mold, he handed out a big red envelope of 120,000 on the team channel.

Although no artifacts were obtained, everyone was very happy to get 10,000 gold coins.

After cleaning the battlefield, Wang Yu's group walked out of the Dark Council, and the Dark City was still in chaos.

There were people in that camp who were robbed by muddy water and fish.

Players of the Bright camp naturally led to some guys who like to stab the knife in the back. Everyone took advantage of the chaos and complained and avenged.

As a result, the players of the light camp retreated directly after Wang Yu's group entered the dark council, and the ugliness of the players of the dark camp was on the bright side.

While others were fighting with a knife in the back, the target of the fight ran away, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw his own family's knife.

Originally it was the battle of the dark dogs chasing down the bright pigs to maintain the dignity of the camp, and it instantly turned into a farce that must be settled.

Playing games, that person is not a hostile person. The dog bites the dog's mouth and hair, and in an instant the city is stormy again.

The players of the Dark City players are incapable of dealing with each other, while the gang of Quanzhen who did the evil did leave the Dark City with chaos.

Dawning in the morning and Huashao in the capital are naturally beautiful. They took their men back to the Holy Light City and handed over the tasks. Wang Yu and the Quanzhenjiao people arrived at the battlefield of the gods and demons according to the mission guidelines.

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