MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1747: Kill out

"Ha ha!"

Faced with the attack from Hellboy, Wuji smiled and took a half step back without panic.

At the same time, Wang Yu made a mistake and moved sideways to the position where Wuji was standing. He lifted his left hand and arrived first. The tiger hit the axe handle of the baron of hell, and the palm of his right hand poked the baron of hell.


Unbiased, poked on the vein of Hellboy.

The Hellboy's hands were involuntarily loose, and the weapon in his hand was directly captured by Wang Yu. At the same time, Wang Yu's right foot slammed forward, with a dazzling light, firmly stomped on the hellboy's lower abdomen on.

Wang Yu's thunderbolt is so powerful, BOSS will have to lose a layer of skin when he gets a foot, not to mention the players.

If Baron Hell is a shield warrior, there is still the possibility of surviving, but it is a weapon war ...

Wang Yu went down, and the Hellboy was kicked into a white light on the spot.

All the players of Hell Red Lotus Guild present were stunned.

They never imagined that this group of guys surrounded by dogs dared to fight back in this case. What was even more terrifying was that this guy dressed as a fighter even kicked the Hellboy.

As a weapon war, **** baron does not count a lot of blood, but as the boss of the **** red lotus guild, let alone the entire guild on the equipment of **** baron, even the entire demon fortress, no one can control it.

The best in this body was attacked by a fighter who is famous for his weak attack, which is simply incredible.

Even more incredible is that the weapon of the hellboy was also robbed by the fighter.

Ability to grab equipment in the hands of players ... But all gamers know how terrifying this behavior is.


Under everyone's horrified gaze, Wang Yu glanced at the giant axe of Hellboy and said unexpectedly: "It's still a dark gold weapon. You scum, you're quite successful in fighting robbers."

Although, Wang Yu dropped the battle axe into his backpack, and then glanced at the players around Hell Lotus.

The players in Hell Red Lotus Guild that were caught by Wang Yu's eyes were shocked. They subconsciously grasped the weapons in their hands and feared that they might be taken away by Wang Yu.

At this time, Hellboy was also reborn in the resurrection point.

Looking at the surroundings and empty hands, the Hellboy finally broke out, and immediately ordered on the guild channel: "Kill them and keep one!"

Across the guild channel, players of Hell Red Lotus Guild can feel the murderousness in the tone of Hellboy.

Being able to stand out in a scum gathering place like the Demon Fortress, the game of Hell Red Lotus is certainly not an easy generation. As the president of Hell Red Lotus, the Hellboy is even more conceited.

Since the game started, Hellboy has brought his men to kill a sky in this disorderly main city. On this land, he has only been bullying others, and no one has ever dared to object to Hell Red Lotus. .

Now **** baron is not only killed, but also robbed of his weapon. How can **** barren.

With a single order, the player of Hell Lotus waved his weapon and launched an attack on all the real people in the circle.


At this moment, Wuji also issued instructions to Quanzhen's group.

I saw Wuji took out the magic snake and threw it on the ground.


A plume of pink smoke rose and shrouded everyone.

At the same time, Wang Yu's left hand Chun Xiang's right hand was unscrupulous, his arms were thrown, and the two were thrown into the crowd. Then Wu Shenqiang kicked on the shield of Yin Lao Er. Yin Lao Er retreated with Wang Yu's strength Ran into the crowd.

When Quanzhen saw the others, he also made supernatural powers and ran to the crowd.

The famous swordsman Xue and Beiming have two fishes sneaking into the path, Yang Na and Linglong Dream running belt dodge, pack three or three sections, send a proud blow, Ming Yu Wang Yu flashes ...

Waiting for the attack of the Hell Red Lotus players to fall, dozens of people taught by Quanzhen have been crowded into the crowd.


The sky-long arrow magic fell and slammed into the powder mist, and the unscrupulous hand of the crowd took a slight hook to summon the magic snake back.

The powder mist disappeared, and the surrounding circle was empty ...

"This is dead? Why didn't anything explode?"

The players of Hell Red Lotus have extremely rich experience in killing and buying goods. Seeing a wave of attacks, they took away a dozen well-equipped masters. These guys were also a little surprised.

After all, there is a shield warrior in the team of Quanzhenjiao. It is reasonable to say that a wave of attacks can kill other players. The shield warrior, a thick-skinned guy, cannot be taken away so easily.

"They are here!"

Just when everyone was wondering, the players at the entrance of the Demon Fortress suddenly screamed loudly.

Hearing exclamations, everyone quickly turned around.

However, at this moment, the player who blocked the door was hot.


A sea of ​​flames rang out, and the player at the door didn't know what was going on, and was instantly swallowed by the tongue of fire.

The white light of death and the color of flame are intertwined, and the visual effect is extremely gorgeous ...

The crowded city gate at the far gate ~ ~ was also emptied directly under this magic.

Under the cover of the flames, all the real people swung out of the demon fortress. Before leaving, they did not forget to put down the cruel words: "Tell you President Hell Evil Spirit, prepare 500,000 gold coins, we will return soon! "

"It's the **** baron!" The player of Hell Red Lotus knew that his president was the most annoying family who couldn't remember his name and quickly corrected it.

"Got it, your president calls the **** three-headed dog!"

"Go to your mother! Follow me! Don't let them run away!"

The president was humiliated, and the player of Hell Red Lotus was also dull, and he chased after roaring.

As a result, as soon as he reached the door, a wall of earth rose from the ground to seal the gate of the Demon Fortress, and all the people went away without looking back.


"What about people? What about people? What about the bastards?"

Just when Quanzheng's group forcibly broke through, Baron Hell rushed from the resurrection point to the gate of the city. When there was no trace of Quanzheng in the scene, he looked around and asked.


Seeing this picture of the boss, everyone in Hell Red Lotus didn't know how to answer.

Said to kill? The resurrection point is not deceptive.

Say it's gone? Hundreds of people can't surround what a dozen people are doing?

Hellboy was not a fool. When he saw the expression on his face, hellah felt a shock in his heart. He quickly looked at the door and saw the mess at the door. Hellboy instantly understood what was going on.

The anger of Hellboy hit his head directly.

"Boss, don't worry first ..."

Seeing the baron **** was about to scold the mother, only then the red armor warrior quickly came together and said: "They can't run away."

"Oh?" Hearing the anger, the Baron Hell asked: "Red Devil, what can you do?"

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