MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1750: It's our style to fall down

"Thank you!"

As soon as the player of Hell Red Lotus pulled away, Wang Yu rushed to the crowd. Before the player of Hell Red Lotus reacted, Wang Yu thanked him and rolled into the crowd.

"????? !!"

Hearing Wang Yu's words, the Hellboy was slightly stunned, and he hadn't figured out what was happening. The monster behind Wang Yu had rushed to the front of Hell Red Lotus players.

"? !!!!"

The **** baron and the monster face each other, and a cold sweat flows down the forehead.

"Brothers, listen to my explanation ..."

"Cunning villain! Justice will prevail!"

"You were a gang !!"

The Baron Hell just waved his hand to explain what he was about to say. Half of the words were overwhelmed by the roar of the monsters who chased Wang Yu. These monsters did n’t make any sense. Seeing Wang Yu hiding in, he immediately confronted the players of Hell Red Lotus An attack was launched.

There are forty or fifty of these angels and demons, and one can imagine Wang Yu's ability to run all over the ground.

A face-to-face kung fu, **** red lotus players were scored dozens of seconds on the spot.

The Baron Hell is certainly not good. Although these demons and angels are fierce, there are also hundreds of players in Hell Red Lotus, and naturally they will not sit still.

After a wave of attacks, the baron **** gave his men a command to fight back without thinking.

"Fuck, call me!"

With the order of the Hellboy, all players in Hellian Red Lotus formed a formation again, and attacked the frontmost angel and demon.

Baron Hell is not stupid, of course, he knows that he was pitted by Wang Yu, but now this situation may be defeated by the fight back, if not, it will definitely be wiped out by the team.

After all, there are so many people, no one wants to stand there and wait for death. It does n’t matter if the group is really destroyed, it ’s all dead, and at least it ’s more dignified to die in battle.

Wang Yu ’s chasing strength is certainly stronger, but in the end there are only dozens of them. In contrast, although the player level of Hell Red Lotus is lower, it is better than many people, and there are not only Coordination, and formation assistance.

For a time, it stopped all the monsters chasing Wang Yu.

The hate mechanism in "Rebirth" is based on hurting hatred.

These monsters chased Wang Yu at the beginning, because Wang Yu killed the leaders of the two camps and opened the battlefield of the gods and demons. It belongs to the task hatred. In the final analysis, Wang Yu has no output, so these monsters' hatred against Wang Yu is step by step. Forms.

But when the hell-red lotus player fought back, the hatred was actually defeated ... The original target of these monsters was Wang Yu, and now after a wave of attacks, the target of hatred is directly transferred.

Dead friends do not die poorly. Since the players of Hell Red Lotus are so loyal, Wang Yu is still willing to give them a chance.

Seeing that these monsters were inseparable from the players of Hell Red Lotus, Wang Yu smiled happily, circumvented the battlefield silently, and turned back when he turned around.

However, not far afterwards, Wang Yu encountered a group of people who were caught up.


Seeing Wang Yu retreating from the whole body, all the people were shocked and couldn't help but wonder: "I rely, you solved the monsters so quickly?"

The monsters chasing down Wang Yu are all question mark monsters. The strength is self-evident. Rao knows that behind Wang Yu, everyone is still a little unbelievable.

It's only a few minutes from Wang Yu's journey to the present. With so many advanced monsters destroyed in such a short time, is this kid still human?


Wang Yu smiled and waved his hand with a smirk: "Meet the baron of **** ... he helped me stop the monster."

"Hell Baron will help you?" Jiao asked with a skeptical sneer.

"Yeah, hey." Wang Yu smiled and said: "As for reluctance, he can't help him."

Speaking of which, Wang Yu went on to say: "Let's go, don't wait for the monsters to catch up."

Thinking of the overwhelming monster just now, Wang Yu also felt terrified ...

What's more, Wang Yu has been playing games for so long, and the monsters that can surpass Wang Yu in speed are more than double digits, but this time a group comes out directly, more than Wang Yu has seen in the past. Such troublesome monsters can of course be avoided.

Moreover, Wang Yu ’s mission prompt is to escape from the battlefield of Gods and Demons, not to kill these monsters. It can be seen that these monsters have no oil and water. It is a thankless thing. Wang Yu will not do it.

"Don't go ..."

Seeing Wang Yu's departure, Wuji quickly stopped him and said: "Let's go watch the excitement."

"You're crazy, what's so funny about it." Wang Yu said silently: "Are you afraid of being killed by monsters?"

"Afraid of anything, anyway, their goal is not us ... you are not able to run away from them." Wuji smiled and smiled.

"Your uncle!" Wang Yu despised: "How busy you are, even this hilarious ~~ ~ hehe!" Wuji hehe laughed: "It's not to join the hilarious, we are going to collect the bill, **** baron also We owe us money, and of course we ca n’t just leave that way. It ’s the style of our true teaching that we burn the fire and let the rock fall.


Wang Yu lamented sincerely that this was the first time he had seen someone say such awe-inspiring arrogance.


Soon, Wang Yu brought all the true people back to the place where he met Baron Hell and others.

Not to mention that the group of men brought by the Hellboy is really strong enough. Hundreds of people pulled the formation and hit the killers back and forth, regardless of up and down.

There were nearly fifty hunters, but now there are only more than forty people left ...

No way, these hunters have bright camps and dark camps, all fighting for the war.

The players of Hell Red Lotus divide hundreds of people into dozens of squads and a big squad. The small squad is responsible for containment, and the big squads each break down.

If this continues, it is only a matter of time before these killers are killed one by one.

"Yeah, these guys have good tactical cooperation."

The group of Quanzhen teachers hiding aside saw this scene and couldn't help but be surprised. Wuji even couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder they can be a local snake in the place where this person is piled up. It seems that these guys are still some level. "

"It won't work like this. These monsters don't cooperate. It's a matter of time before they are eaten." Ming Du felt his chin and said, "Would you like me to add a fire."

"No need to!"

Wuji shouted Mingdu: "Tianhuo doesn't make sense, you have to solve the problem fundamentally."

"Fundamentally? How to solve it?" Wang Yu asked puzzled.

"Of course, let these monsters cooperate."

With that, Wu Ji took a stab in his arms and pulled out a radiant cross.

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