MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1769: Brothers, do you buy points?

Wu Shenqiang kicked this skill as Wang Yu's big move, and the damage is still very explosive for the current people.

The three of them had been attacked by Wang Yu according to their different blood volume. At this time, they were kicked and kicked by Wu Shenqiang, and the blood strips on their heads all became red blood.

Waiting for the blow-off of the broken sky, a cheap three people fell, Wang Yu has followed, and the thunder of his feet flashed on top of the three people.


With a deafening thunder, the three were trampled into a dead body by Wang Yu on the spot.

"Spray him kill!"

"You have surpassed God!"

The system's prompt sound floated again above the demon battlefield.


Looking at the prompts from the sky system, Watch Green Leaf has been completely forced.

Take the five kills in the tower game, and watch the green leaves is not unseen, but it is only in the late stage of the player, when the equipment level skills are all up, it is indispensable.

But the player grabbed one of the five online in the early stage! The result was destroyed by the opponent team to get super god! This record watch Green Leaf is absolutely unheard of, even more terrifying is that Wang Yu has produced a rough denim glove from the beginning to the end.

In other words, Wang Yu does not have a slight advantage in equipment.

This can be counter-killed, it is definitely not just so simple to suppress the level and skills, it is clear that this operation technology has reached the peak of reaching its peak.

Originally Overwatch Luye was still suspicious of Wang Yu's self-proclaimed legendary Iron Cow. At this moment, Overwatch Luye could not find any reason to question.

After all, this kind of operation can't be played by ordinary players unless it is a top professional. Even if the iron bull in front of him is really a counterfeit, this skill alone is enough to make the watchman worship.

Recalling that I had spoken badly to Wang Yu just now, the face that watched Luye directly turned to the root of the neck

"You turned out that you really are the Iron Bull?"

After a long time, Watch Green Leaf asked in fright in the channel.

"I always said that I was real." Wang Yu smiled.


For Wang Yu's answer, Watch Green Leaf had nothing to say, and had to silently play a string of ellipsis.

Watching the green leaves is the same. Those guys who were opposite Wang Yu alone lay in the hot spring to doubt life.

"Shit, really fake? Isn't it a dream? We were destroyed by the regiment?" Until now, the sad arrow has not believed his eyes.

"Nonsense! Or can we stand here?" Forgive man said with a sneer.

The forgiveness of Xia's death is the most in the audience, and the most points will be settled later. Forgive Xia will naturally not have a good mood.

"Do you want another wave?" The chrysanthemum fish just died a little unwilling, thinking that if his magic was released, Wang Yu would definitely be killed, so this would be eager to try.

"Go to your uncle!" Po Tianyi was horrified and said: "Whoever loves who to go, I don't fight this beast anyway, it's terrible."


Hearing Po Tian Yi Ye's words, everyone looked at Po Tian Yi Ye's speechlessly, and leaked a sympathetic look.

At this time, the poisonous milk tea that had not spoken suddenly shouted in everyone's channel: "Is the opposite order the iron cow?"

"That's right!" Wang Yu hadn't spoken yet, and Watch Green Leaf began to pretend to force: "This is the legendary iron master of the world's first master, why? Are you afraid?"

"It's really him!"

After confirming Wang Yu's identity, a few people at each other looked at each other and said helplessly: "Then push it quickly!"

This sentence is definitely one of the most helpless words on the battlefield.

Fight, surely you can't beat it. The more times you die, the more points you lose. If you don't fight, you can't surrender at the beginning of the game. You can only silently squat in the hot spring and close your eyes to die.

It was only a few times when I met the legendary Iron Cow God that I died a few times later.

A few minutes later, the crystal of the opponent's base exploded, and Wang Yu and others won the first game.

In this round, Wang Yu double-killed, triple-killed, and once-killed. He collected ten heads. The points converted into ten points. After the victory, the points doubled. The total is 20 points, the best in the game.

There are four defensive towers on the lower road and the middle road, one defensive tower is two points, and the doubling is 32 points. Since the green leaves are guarded all the way, one person scores 16 points, and Wuji and Yin Lao Er are eight. Minute.

The child of Jiao was the worst. The child had just cleared his own wild area, and the other side was pushed inexplicably. Jiao took only two points of each guarantee.

Judging from the battle just now, it takes at least 30 minutes for the two sides to play a game, and each person has an average of about 10 heads in each game. This is not counted as the number of deaths, so that is to say, a game can take More than twenty points is already quite high.

However, a piece of material will get 30,000 points, and at the speed of 20 minutes in 30 minutes, even if everyone can win the game, if you want to put together a piece of material without eating, drinking or stopping, it will take almost a year.

No wonder there was someone on the first day who was eyeing the business of selling points. If you use your own skills to brush, the materials needed by Qi Yin's second child might be in doubt. This inefficiency is simply outrageous.

"Do you still brush it?"

After glancing at everyone's earnings in the list, Wuji asked with a frown.

Wuji is a person with a strong sense of time, but he is unwilling to waste his time in this endless and meaningless battlefield, but because of Wang Yu and Yin 2nd, they do n’t want to stop directly. After all, Yin 2 ’s materials There is currently only one way to get it. Who would n’t want to quickly make an artifact?


Sure enough, Wang Yu, who had just won a battle, is now very excited. Hearing Wuji's question, the one who is anxious will come again.

Of course, Yin Yin saw the meaning of Wuji, but Wang Yu was also for himself, and Yin Yu definitely would not pour Wang Yu's cold water.

"Then one more sentence!"

Helpless, had no choice but to click on the match again.

This time, the match speed is obviously faster than the match, and in two seconds, it matches the opponent.

"Welcome to Shenmo Canyon!"

Along with the system prompt, everyone was sent again to the God Demon Canyon ~ ~ However, the system prompt just dropped, and Wang Yu and others heard a harsh voice next to his ears: "Brother, do you buy points?"


Wang Yu and others looked back and heard an assassin standing behind him. The assassin's pointed-billed monkey in a black suit looked 180 times more intractable than Chunxiang. At this time, he was staring at Wang Yu People, his head still flashed a line of people can not help but can not help but id: "De pump all roast duck"

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