MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1772: Want to die? Not so easy!

()? Just in the kung fu of duck blood tofu and cola duck wings, De pump full roast duck has come to the road, without any pause, running towards the duck blood tofu under the tower.

Duck blood tofu is naturally also polite, holding a big sword and chopping it off.


Just when the big sword of duck blood tofu was about to chop the whole roast duck of Sino-German pump, suddenly a fist with a big sandbag was hit by an oblique thorn, not evenly, just hit the big sword side of duck blood tofu.

This sudden punch is really a bit unexpected.

Duck Blood Tofu only felt his hands tremble, his arms tremble, and he was hit in the wrong direction with a punch, rubbing the shoulders of the De Pump Full Roast Duck and chopped to the ground.

Duck Blood Tofu was taken aback and quickly turned around to see Wang Yu's sharp eyes staring at himself.

Wang Yu has been studying martial arts for many years. How could ordinary people develop the momentum that he can resist from childhood. When he saw Wang Yu's eyes, duck blood tofu was so scared that he was in shock.

Wang Yu took the opportunity to stretch out his hands and grabbed the hand of De Pump Full Roast Duck, and then turned his back to make a tiger attack.

The assassin's judgment is lower than that of the fighters. The tiger strike is a grasping skill, and its judgment is irresistible.

The De Pump Full Roast Duck was killed three times on the line, and none of the equipment was on his body. The attributes were much lower than Wang Yu's. Wang Yu pulled and dumped the De Pump Full Roast Duck.

Wang Yu shot very quickly, and the De Pump Full Roast Duck didn't have time to react. He only felt that his body was weightless for a while, and it didn't hit the ground until he hit an obstacle.


Just when De Pump Pumping Roast Duck was about to rejoice, a loud noise suddenly sounded above his head.


De Pump's roast duck looked startled, and quickly looked up, and saw a dark turret standing behind him, and a huge magic crystal shell fell down in the head.

The attack on the turret is unavoidable. In the face of the shells that were smashed down, the German pump full roast duck can only pull its legs and run outside the attack range of the defense tower.

De pump full roast duck is just a first-class assassin, where can it run the cannonball?


With a muffled sound, artillery shells hit the back of De Pump's full roast duck.

The attack power of the early battery turret was quite terrifying to the player. With this gun down, most of the blood strips on the head of the German pump full roast duck fell directly.

"Come on the knife!"

To say that this German pump full roast duck is also dedicated, knowing that it is dying, and not forgetting to send a message to duck blood tofu, let duck blood tofu give yourself a look.

As long as the duck blood tofu casually gives De Pump full roast duck, this head is duck blood tofu.

After being roared by De Pump Full Roast Duck, another **** tofu of duck duck was relieved. He took out a medicine bottle and was thrown at De Pump Full Roast Duck.

Wang Yu's fighting IQ is so powerful. Seeing De Pump Full Roast Duck running towards duck blood tofu, Wang Yu guessed the intention of De Pump Full Roast Duck. When De Pump Full Roast Duck shouted to make duck blood tofu make up, Wang Yu A vigorous step rushed up.

After waiting for the medicine bottle of duck blood tofu to hit the De Pump full roast duck, I saw a shadow flashed over, and Wang Yu appeared between the medicine bottle and the De Pump full roast duck.

When it was said that sooner or later, Wang Yu blocked his left hand, and the medicine bottle was shot down to the ground. At the same time, his right foot stretched out sharply, and a pedal was placed on the chest of the De Pump full roast duck.

The De Pump Roast Duck was kicked back by Wang Yu several times.


There was another gunshot, and a red magical shell flew out of the turret and hit the back of the De Pump full roast duck.

The blood strips on the head of the De Pump Full Roast Duck were emptied directly and turned into a corpse.

The system prompts: The defensive tower killed the De Pump Full Roast Duck.

If you are killed by the defense tower, there will be no points, so this time the De Pump Full Roast Duck is dead.

After only two rounds of fighting, duck blood tofu has learned Wang Yu's methods.

The De Pump Full Roast Duck is dead. The duck blood tofu knows that he can't get the head. Of course, he won't let Wang Yu get the head, so he starts the collision and runs down the tower.

How strong is the strong king Yu in the defensive tower, but it is clear to see clearly, at this time, he will not let duck blood tofu run away.

When the duck blood tofu was about to run into the attack area of ​​the defense tower, Wang Yu rushed forward.


Seeing that Wang Yu was so fierce that he dared to collide with himself, the duck blood tofu thought Wang Yu had any killer skills, and he was shocked.

At this time, evasion is definitely unavoidable and can only be bludgeoned.

However, when the two were about to collide, Wang Yu was short, with his feet sideways on the front of his head and his feet kicked on the ankle of duck blood tofu.

In the state of speed running, a small stone can make people fight, not to mention the kick against the ankle.

"Oops ..."

Duck blood tofu screamed and was kicked to the ground by Wang Yu.

"Boom !!"

Duck blood tofu huge body, smashed the ground smoke.

At the moment when duck blood tofu fluttered on the street, Wang Yu turned over and rode on the back of duck blood tofu. His hands were staggered, and fist shadow was waste. It became a corpse.

System prompt: Iron Bull killed duck blood tofu!

Duck Blood Tofu had once killed the De Pump Full Roast Duck. Now that someone has the head in hand, Wang Yu will kill him not only for the economy of 300 yuan, but also for the reward of 100 yuan.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing the road, not only did he not get the head, but gave it away, Coke duck wings frowned and asked aloud.

"Damn, that kid really didn't cover it!" Duck Blood Tofu mumbled and said: "When I crashed, I stumbled and threw me alive."

Obviously, this kid didn't know how he died until he died.

"Falled? Exaggerated?"

Others heard contemptuous expressions after hearing the words of duck blood tofu.

"Don't you believe it?" Duck Blood Tofu was angry.

"Are you scared to death!" Coke duck wings sneered: "It seems useless for you to be economical on the road, just drag the kid under the tower!"

After talking, Coke Duck Wings privately talked about the whole roast duck pump: "Let Zhonglu ~ ~ give me the economy."

"it is good!"

De Pump Full Roast Duck has been resurrected at this moment, and after receiving the news of Coke Duck Wings, he went straight to the middle road.

Wuji also whispered privately about Mid Road: "You go to the road, and Mid Road throws it to the old cow!"


Wang Yu knew that the behavior of the De Pump Full Roast Duck to send people's head would not stop, so after killing the duck blood tofu, Wang Yu did not go home, and was waiting for the De Pump Full Roast Duck. Even when he went to the middle road, Wang Yu simply dropped the road and ran straight to the middle road.


De Pump Full Roast Duck also noticed Wang Yu's behavior on the map. He was shocked and hurriedly sent a message to Coke Duck Wings: "That kid is coming to the middle again." (S :)

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