MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1776: Guild Battlefield Mode

Wuji can be seen, this dog-speaking battlefield is a pit father.

It took so much effort to come down in one game. In the end, only six points were scored in the whole game. Why do I still play a fart?

Even Wang Yu, who was very interested in the new gameplay, was very depressed to see the poor rewards.

"No more, no more!"

The proud young man even waved his hand and said: "This is not a waste of time. With such a little brush, you must not brush the day when the server is shut down."

"Isn't it." Wuji also said: "Now that we offended the group of studios selling points, this time they must have been on their blacklists. It's okay to be pitted this time. It ’s really a waste of time for us to continue playing. ”

Wuji said that it still makes sense. The group of points-selling studios did n’t care how much their points were. If they saw Quanzheng teach a group of people, they would be forced to quit the game. Less than one credit.

I have to say that in this situation, the studio has already occupied the main part of the battlefield. This group of king **** has been walking around the edge of the rules. There are systematic rules. Wang Yu and others can't take them no matter how strong they are.

"What about then?"

Wang Yu said depressedly: "Isn't that the case? Don't you get the points?"

Everyone came to the battlefield in order to brush the material for Yin's second child.

"of course not."

Wuji touched his chin and said: "Since the 5v5 small battlefield is not suitable for us, let's fight the big battlefield."

"The big battlefield?" He Wuji said, everyone else was shocked.

"Good!" Wuji said: "It's the battlefield!"

Wang Yu glanced at the battlefield and said, "The minimum battlefield requires a thousand people. Where are we going to find so many people?"

"Isn't there a guild mode ..." Wuji pointed at the last battlefield mode: "This minimum requires only ten people, and the previous game will not appear in this mode."

Indeed, everyone on the battlefield in the guild mode is a guild guild. Both sides are their own, and naturally there will be no situation of giving away.

"It makes sense!" Wang Yu said, touching his chin: "Is it faster to earn points like this?"

"Of course." Wuji nodded: "The current guilds are basically 500-member guilds, daring to fight in battlefield mode guilds, guilds with more than a thousand people are likely to be encountered. Can score at least one thousand points. "

"Okay!" Wang Wu said with excitement, "This guild mode, this is called credits !!"

"That bull brother, Wuji boss ..." After hearing the conversation between Wang Yu and Wuji, the sweat of Yin Yin was flowing down, and he couldn't help reminding: "Let's add up to what Quanzhenjiao can fight. It ’s just over a dozen people. ”

Okay, these two lawless guys are all thinking. Ten people beat hundreds of people and they still want to get what they want, but because there are no outsiders here, otherwise they will not be regarded as neuropathy.

Yin Yu will not doubt Wang Yu's strength and unscrupulous tactics, but the battlefield in this guild mode is not as simple as imagined.

If it is a guerrilla warfare, with a commanding ability of unbridled fascination, dozens of people and hundreds of people can't be said.

The map of the feasible mode is large, but in order to prevent those hide-and-seek players from making opportunistic tricks, they will shrink every once in a while. In this way, the unscrupulous and flexible tactics will be greatly restricted. By then, more than a dozen people have just become positive. Hundreds and thousands of people may suffer.

"Hey! It's not a problem." Yin Yin's worries smiled wryly: "The more people attack the target, the greater the number of people will not be covered. We are not afraid of wearing shoes."

The guild battlefield setting also earns a point for each person killed, and the victorious side doubles the points ...

The difference is that the losing side halves the points earned.

For example, if two thousand-person guilds meet, the winning side kills 1,000 people, and the losing side kills 800 people. Then the winning side will get a total of two thousand points, and the losing side will only get four hundred points.

Therefore, the more people, the more heads.

There are a total of eleven people in the Quanzhen religion, and even if they die the most, they will give out 22 points. Similarly, as long as the Quanzhen religion kills forty-four, this wave is not a loss.

Forty-four heads only, this is not difficult for Quanzhenjiao, besides, is there a master of strategy like Wangji, and the ruthless people like Wang Yu and the masters of Quanzhenjiao? Unknowns.

The second Yin Yin is a wise man. Without a word, the worry in Yin Yin's mind disappears and the job is over.

After confirming that the battlefield of the guild was to be played, Wuji immediately sent a message to others: "Everyone is coming to the battlefield, I have already opened the room."

Soon, Quanzhen people sent a message, the content of the message was almost the same: "Battlefield? What is that stuff? How to enter?"

Wuji first briefly explained what the battlefield was, and then told everyone that he did not know how to enter the battlefield. He would find an entrance near the city arena.

Really do n’t say ~ ~ Although the battlefield entrance of each main city is different, but it is very close to the arena, without too many meetings, all the people found the battlefield entrance, and then follow the impunity Prompt, came to the room where Wang Yu and others were.

"Aren't you guys going to the auction?"

As soon as he entered the battlefield room, Mingdu started shouting: "How come I suddenly remembered playing the battlefield? Want pvp to grab the boss, is this meaningless pvp a waste of time?"

This is the thinking of Mingdu, if pvp is not to grab the boss, it is a waste of time.

"What would we do for a shoot?" Wang Yu asked back.

"Buy materials!" Mingdu said.

"So we came to the battlefield." Wang Yu pointed to the redemption option on the wall: "The second child's materials can only be exchanged for battlefield points."

"Is this so dad?" Mingdu opened the redemption option with a questioning face. When he saw the contents in the redemption bar, he couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and immediately shouted: "What are you waiting for, let's start quickly Right. "

"I rely on Lao Li, you didn't say that when you came here." Seeing that there is no principle in this way, Chun Xiang and others also ordered the exchange option, and then everyone was quiet.

Obviously, all the points that can be exchanged for this battlefield are superb ... not only the materials used by Yin Lao Er, but also the props that other people are most eager for.

For example, the two rare materials, Thunder Elemental Stone and Viper Venom Gland, are the indispensable precious items for the Mingdu and Chunxiang guys to enhance the properties of thunder and make poison.

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