MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1778: Favorable terrain

Tactics are nothing but good luck and harmony.

In terms of the number of people, the Chunjiang plumbing duck prophet currently has an absolute advantage, and the hard front is obviously not feasible.

But Wuji said at the outset that the other person's number is not necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, the more people it is, the better it will be for the Quanzhen religion.

After all, the goal of many people is large, and the discipline and uniformity are much worse. The player is only a game house, not a general who leads the war. The command of a thousand people can advance and retreat in an orderly manner instead of coaxing like a group fight It ’s amazing, and it ’s a bit unrealistic to want to follow the instructions.

Compared with the dozens of people in Quanzheng Education who need to cooperate well, the flexible and variable guerrilla tactics that Quanzheng Education has always been good at are more practical in this kind of place.

However, the demands of the guerrilla warfare on the commander are still very high, especially the control of the terrain is the top priority.

Wuji has the ability to never forget.

The airship flew over the battlefield, and the unscrupulous eyes were like a scanner, sweeping the entire map into the brain, and then began to analyze the strategy.

Playing games with Wuji for so long, Quanzhen really teaches people to know what Wuji is doing. Seeing Wuji is doing business, this group of always noisy guys dare not breathe and stay quietly behind Wuji. Silently.

"Let's go!"

After a moment, Wuji shook his hand at everyone: "Let's go down."

"Where to jump?"

Chun Xiang asked carefully.

"Come here!"

Wuji casually marked on the battlefield map.


Chunxiang glanced down at the coordinates marked by Wuji, and couldn't help wondering: "Is there any meaning here?"

The start of the battlefield mode is very important, as long as you control the brief location, you ca n’t open the door when you are close, but the marked location has no bright spots except the road, Chunxiang thinks that he wants to mark his position. Are better than those without taboos.

"It doesn't make sense, I followed the road chaos!" Wuji said.

"I ..." Chunxiang said silently: "Why not mark here or here?" Chunxiang clicked on the map three times in a row.

"Because I am the commander in chief!"

Wuji smiled slightly, took the lead in jumping off the airship, spread the gliding wings and flew to the marked place.

Chunxiang's attitude is unpleasant, but everyone knows that Wuji is such a grandson. His tactics are even pitted by himself. Of course, he will not explain it to anyone. Since Wuji is so marked, there must be his reason.

Unhappy, unhappy, Chunxiang still jumped with Wuji, and others followed suit.


While researching strategies, the Chunjiang Plumbing Duck Prophet (hereinafter collectively referred to as Chunjiang Plumbing, this guild name is too long, it is inconvenient to play and the number of water words is suspected), Chunjiang Plumbing players are also in surprise .

"No, dare you to confirm the guild of eleven people?"

Obviously, Chunjiang Plumbing players were very surprised by the choice of Quanzhenjiao and others who clicked to enter the battlefield.

It stands to reason that the power disparity is so great that the opposite should be re-matched, but Quanzhenjiao chose the most unlikely answer. I do n’t know if this group of guys is courageous or intellectually handicapped.

In fact, the Chunjiang plumbing players are also very resistant to Quanzhenjiao's behavior of "death to death".

There are nearly a thousand people on my side, but there are only a dozen people on the opposite side. I wo n’t be honourable and wo n’t say, even these eleven points are not enough points. It ’s a waste of time.

"Why is it true teaching? These unscrupulous guys are also famous."

Just as everyone was surprised and sighed, the spring river plumbing boss "Fei Tiande" saw the three characters of Quanzhenjiao but couldn't help but raised his eyebrows.

For so long in the game circle, Feitian De has of course heard of this group of gangsters, especially after the team of the Wuzhen team under the name of Quanzhen took the professional league management, Quan Zhenjiao is even more famous, although some people later questioned, but The fame of Quanzhenism is now well known.

But a dozen people just worked hard for nearly a thousand people, and it was indeed beyond Feitiande's expectations, Feitiande's expression could not help but solemnly.

"Boss, do you know these people?" Seeing Feitiande's expression dignified, a fat man named Mike Laoya next to Feitiande asked wonderingly.

"Hmm!" Feitiande nodded and said: "You know the Wuhezhi clan, it is the team under the name of Quanzhen."

"Know" Mike Laoya heard and said: "Isn't it the team that won the national service championship in the fake match ... who doesn't know."

"Fake match?" Fei Tiande laughed: "I don't know if it's true or false, but Quanzhen teaches these guys but it's quite distracting. I'm afraid we will be punished by them."

"Is there such an exaggeration?" Mike Lao duck surprised: "Just these dozen people?"

"Fighting head-on, a dozen people will naturally not be able to turn over the storm." Feitiande said lightly: "I'm afraid they will play with us."

"Play rogue?"

"Good." Feitian De said: "They have few people, we have many people, as long as they occupy a favorable position and casually kill dozens of us, they will be able to pay back even if they lose. "

Had to say that Feitiande could eat the bowl of rice in the studio, and his vision was still very venomous. Even at a glance, he could see the thinking of this group of guys.

"What about then?"

Mike Duck thought about Feitiande's words and immediately frowned and asked.

"Of course it is necessary to destroy them fundamentally ~ ~ Feitiande turned his head to look at the map and said:" We will divide into three roads later, we must occupy these three positions. "

As he said, Feitiande marked the map three times.

If Chunxiang is here, he will be very surprised, because the position of Feitiande is exactly the same as the position of Fang Caichunxiang, which refers to the three places of city ruins, mountain tops and woodlands.

Do n’t look at Feitiande as a game house, more team fights still know the role of terrain.

There are many bunkers and many houses in the city, which makes it an excellent place to fight street fighting.

The mountain top has a wide view and is a stronghold. It is a stronghold for guarding. There are only potions in the game. As long as there are enough potions, a few people can hold the position.

The visibility of the woodland is low, suitable for ambush and roaming field operations. The small and flexible group Quanquanjiao definitely has a huge advantage here.

These three positions are easy to defend and difficult to attack, but if Quan Zhen teaches to grasp any point, it is possible to become a difficult bone by attaching to the terrain.

So if you want to annihilate the Quanzhen religion in one fell swoop, you must occupy these three positions before the Quanzhen religion forms combat power. At that time, as long as the Quanzhen religion people dare to land here, they will directly fall into the encirclement circle. Skills can wipe out this group of guys. ...

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