MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1780: Take the nose


A proud face on the side pointed to his crotch and looked like a chicken mount: "My fire-dancing flame beast is also a god-level, not only a speed increase of 360%, but also a double mount, Aunt Meng, wait for me Sit with you. "

Speaking of which, Jiao hasn't forgotten to show off the exquisite dream on the side.


Ling Longmeng heard Yan Yan with a black face and said: "Either shout dream" milk "" milk ", or shout dream sister, dream aunt your uncle!"


He was embarrassed when he touched his gray nose, and quickly pretended to look around to ease the tension.

But at this moment, I saw Wang Yu walking a few strange animals from a distance ...

The monsters each wore a red "color" pointed hat with white inlays, and around their necks were scarves of "color" similar to the hat, two horns stood on the head like branches, and big eyes flickered. It looks quite cute. Behind these monsters, a sled is pulled. The sled is also decorated with colorful flowers and looks very childish.

The Meng Department is actually nothing. If a beautiful girl is holding these monsters, it will definitely feel very cute, but Wang Yu, an eight-foot tall, murderous master, is holding a group of cute things. Nijun couldn't help it.

"Huh? Then ... what is that?"

Seeing Wang Yu holding the animal in his hand, Jiao directly widened his eyes.

Others saw this expression of Jiao and quickly followed Jiao's eyes. When everyone saw the animal in Wang Yu's hand, they all showed the same expression as Jiao.


A long time later, there was a burst of laughter, and Wang Yu, who was not far away, taunted: "I rely on, Lao Niu, your young girl's heart bursts."


Wang Yu was so stunned by everyone's sudden ridicule, and standing blankly in the place was a bit stunned.

"Why did you get this stuff? What's this?" Wuji asked with a smile.

"It seems like a reindeer." Wang Yu "touched" and "touched" his chin, and sent out the "sex" of the mount in his hand.

Christmas Sleigh (Mount) (God-level)

Movement speed + 360%

Can ride: 12 people.

Use requirements: advanced riding.


Seeing Wang Yu's mount as "sex", everyone's laughter came to an abrupt end, excitedly pointing at the reindeer, who looked very dumb, said: "Ten ... twelve mounts?"

The mounts in "Rebirth" are generally single mounts. The higher the level, the higher the movement speed bonus, and the higher the number of players riding.

For example, it is also a god-level mount with a movement speed bonus of 360%. Although the Fire Dance Liuyan Beast is ugly, because the Fire Dance Liuyan Beast is a double mount, its use value is much higher than that of the Starry Dragon.

Wang Yu was so good that he even brought a twelve-man mount back. Is this kid the legendary protagonist?

Wuji saw the "sex" of the Christmas sleigh next to Wang Yu, and immediately narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that we have to change the style of play this time."


Hearing Wuji, everyone said, "What do you mean Wuji?"

"Hey!" Wuji smiled and said slowly: "Originally I wanted to take advantage of machine power to fight guerrillas. Now we can save a little effort."


Wuji's talking has always been easy to make people feel foggy, and at this moment it is unbelievable.

"Come on, get in the car!"

When everyone was at a loss, Wuji lifted his foot and stepped onto the sled.

Although other people do not know what "medicine" is sold in Wuji's gourd, but this kid is getting used to it, and everyone knows his "sex" style, no need to ask, just follow it, so get on the car, other People also jumped on sledges,


At the front, Wuji pulls the reindeer's reins, screams, and the sled moves forward at a very fast speed.

For the first time on this high-end mount, everyone was still very rare, but soon everyone found something wrong.

"Not right." Chunxiang beside Wuji looked at the direction of the sled and was horrified: "Wuji, you are going in the wrong direction, you are going to be in frontal mode with your opponent."

The direction of the bogey sledding is the direction in which the Chunjiang plumbing players land.

"Ha ha!"

Wuji explained with a smile: "When we first entered the battlefield, we were just head-on, not now."

"Why?" Chun Xiang asked with a frown.

"Because they are looking for us in the mountains and mountains." Wuji laughed.

Fighting is not about group fights, it requires brainstorming. The tactical side is naturally offensive. Those who cannot bear to take the initiative to attack will inevitably leak flaws first.

Don't look at Wuji's never seen Feitiande's face, but as soon as he entered the field, Feitiande's psychology was controlled by Wuji. The following battlefield trend, Chunjiang Plumbing naturally had to lead Quanzhenjiao to lead his nose.

The Chunjiang plumbing players landed in three ways in order to encircle the Quanzhen religion. It is not difficult to see that Feitiande is a very quick-achieving guy. In order to win the battle for the first time, the Chunjiang plumbing was divided into three from a big whole The overall smaller force, although dispersed, is still not a dozen people can handle.

The reason why Wuji did not attack immediately was to find a mount, because Wuji saw through this. He knew that there was no Quanzhenism found after Feitiande landed, and he would definitely order Chunjiang Plumbing players to carpet the Quanzhenism. Search, this time the Chunjiang plumbing force will be completely dispersed. .

Is it a guild with dispersed power? That is a group of small teams that don't care about each other.

At this time, the power of the Quanzhenjia people who have found mounts far exceeds the Chunjiang plumbing players.

It is basically a matter of time to reap these scattered teams by virtue of mechanical advantage.

Of course, the guerrilla warfare has to be full of maps to walk around to find single teams. It takes a lot of energy to be foolproof, but now with this sleigh, everything becomes much easier.


The speed of the sleigh is nothing to say ~ ~ Without too many meetings, Quanzhen and his party came to the periphery of the mountain terrain.

Wuji stopped the sleigh from a distance, took out the glasses frame and glanced at the bridge of the nose. I saw the Chunjiang plumbing players on the mountain scattered around into dozens of teams, walking towards the foot of the mountain.

"Both get off and get off!"

Wuji shouted at Quanzhen people, rolled over and fell off the sled, and rolled into the grass next to it.

Others followed suit and hid in the grass.

"Lao Niu!" After everyone hid, Wuji smiled and pointed at the players on the hillside of the Chunjiang plumbing: "You're going to be a bait, it's okay to lead them over."


Wang Yu smiled slightly, got up and drilled the grass, and ran straight to the hillside.

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