MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1787: Set fire

"Wait for you to float ... Now it's someone else's geographic advantage, okay."

Hearing the words without warning, everyone pouted.

Dozens of dozens of dozens, this is not true that Quanzheng has not done, but that can only be achieved when Quanzheng has mastered the geographical advantages of the battlefield.

At this time, the people in the spring of the Yangtze River occupied the city ruins, and Quanzhenism lost its geographical advantage. In this case, it is not a nonsense to want to destroy the other party without dying.

"You know what a fart!"

Wuji smiled and said, "Why can't land warfare be commanded by one person alone? The one who can defend is called a firm position, and the one who can't defend is called an archer."


Talking Kung Fu, driving a sleigh without impunity, brought all the real people to the ruins of the city.

This city ruin is said to be a city, in fact, the scale is the size of a village, but it is more than enough to install more than 300 people.

"Get off and get off!"

When everyone saw the outline of the city gate, Wuji suddenly fluttered, drove the sled into the grass, and then jumped off the car directly, and urged others to get off the car.

"How? Don't you go in directly?"

Seeing Wuji listening, Wang Yu asked unexpectedly.

"We have to go in quietly." Wuji pointed at the gate of the city gate: "There must be someone ambushing at the gate of the city gate. If we go in this way, we will inevitably become very passive."

On the battlefield, the first party to take the initiative is the active party. If you do n’t know where the enemy ’s hiding place is, you will definitely get a wave.

The area of ​​this ruin is not large. As long as the Quanzhen people expose their targets, the other players of Chunjiang Plumbing will certainly be able to quickly come to support. This map cannot use flying equipment. More than a hundred people, I am afraid that no one can run except Wang Yu.

Wuji is the one who suffers from loss. Even if there is any disadvantage, the initiative should still be in your own hands.

"Then let me see where they are hiding!"

Kendo Xue volunteered to rush forward with a dagger.

"You're back!" Wuji took the famous Kendo Snowy Road: "When you are stupid, the door will definitely be able to detect stealth units and let the old fish go."


Beiming had fish nodded, so that the unearthed escape technique was submerged underground.

After a while, there was a message from Beiming: "There are four entrances to the ruins of the city. Each entrance has a team in ambush. There are about 20 people. The others are standing by nearby, within 30 seconds. Rush to all exits. "

"Did you see it!" After receiving the news from Beiming that there was fish, Wuji spread his hand and said: "This group of guys have opened the bag and are waiting for us to drill inside."

"What about then?"

Seeing this, Chunxiang and others frowned involuntarily.

Had to say that the commander of the plumbing of the Chunjiang River was still very good at it. He even took advantage of the terrain to pull open the cloth bag array and planned to invite him to enter the urn.

The opponent is a witch-like old thief who is more cunning than them. Otherwise, when he enters the city, everyone will start.

"Hey! Simple!" Wuji said indifferently: "This pocket is too complicated, as long as we can enter silently, we can take the initiative, and then we may not know who is the king of the urn."

By saying, Wuji ordered: "Lao Niu, you go to the north gate to" fire ", and others follow me to the south gate."

The so-called arson is to attract attention. Once the target is exposed, it will definitely attract other players to chase down. At this time, Quanzhen teaches others to take advantage of it.

Of course, being chased and beaten by hundreds of people, not everyone can retreat, and it is none other than Wang Yu who can take on this important task.


Wang Yu nodded decisively, and ran to the north gate of the city ruins alone. Others followed behind Wuji and ran to the south gate of the city ruins.


The south gate of the ruins of the city, Duck Si ambushed a team behind the gate. Feitian specifically instructed him not to be exposed to the enemy ’s vision, otherwise it would not be able to achieve an unexpected victory.

With so many companions dead, Duck 4 knows that the enemies he is facing are not easy to provoke, so he dare not slack off a bit, and a group of motionless cats are behind the gate, staring at the gate with all his attention, and daring not to see his eyes. In a blink of an eye, the weapon is also in hand, ready to output at any time.

However, at this moment, a martial artist walked into the gate with a big swing. The martial artist was burly and forceful, and it was not Wang Yu who was the others.

Wang Yu's ability to perceive was so high that he immediately felt dozens of murderous eyes in the dark as soon as he entered the gate, so he walked in the direction of Duck Fourth and others.

"Boss, here you come! Do you want to fight!"

Seeing Wang Yu walked vigorously, the younger brother of Duck asked, roaring.

"Look again ..." Yasi Si cautiously said: "This kid may be the vanguard, let's wait for all of them to come in and get out."

"Oh oh ..."

The younger brother nodded when he heard the words, and no longer spoke. At this time, Wang Yu had walked to the place where the ducks and others were hiding less than five meters away.

While Ya Si and others waited patiently in ambush, I saw Wang Yu staring at the direction of his hiding place: "You all come out, let you die."

"?? !!!"

Hearing Wang Yu's words, everyone was stunned. The little brother was nervous just now: "I depend, this grandson found us."

"Spread money!" Ya Si said silently: "He is cheating us."

Keya's four voices just dropped, so Wang Yu said: "I'm not cheating you, you are their boss."

The word "Boss" exited, and Wang Yu's figure suddenly flicked, and his right arm stretched forward with a white light and rolled over.

Yasi still don't know what's going on, just feel like he was pulled by someone, and when he reacted, he was already put in the hands by Wang Yu ~ ~ you ... "

Looked at Wang Yu in front of him, and the eyes of Dashi Siqi all flew out, shaking their limbs hurriedly, trying to struggle out of Wang Yu's control.

"Ha ha!"

Yasi is just an assassin. Where is Wang Yu's opponent in strength? Wang Yu did not talk to Yasi nonsense, but slammed Yasi with his ankle.


Duck 4's head was directly thrown on the wall by Wang Yu, and turned into a white light on the spot.

"Wow ..."

Seeing that Duck 4 was killed, Duck 4's younger brothers were immediately messed up, screaming in the guild channel: "Not good! The Quanzhen people rushed in at the south gate."

At the same time, Wang Yu jumped into the heap of people with a leap, a thunder stepped on a circle, twisted the flame knife on the ground, and completed the second harvest again. Twenty people didn't know what was going on. The Wang Yu regiment was destroyed.


Feitiande is not a fool. Of course, he knows that Quanzhenjiao is very likely to play Hulishan. After seeing the news on the guild channel, he quickly replied: "How many people?"

But at this moment, Feitiande received a system notification that his 20 people had been destroyed. ...

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