MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1790: Then you still worry about a fart

Warrior is a very powerful profession in the game, not only the defense is second only to the knight, but also the output is only second to the mage and the assassin.

Baosan, as the top master among the fighters, is the first echelon in terms of equipment and attributes, which is not much worse than the professional masters who are serious.

In "Rebirth", hit flying is a hard control. All skills of the player who is hit will be invalid. Of course, this group of shield warriors can't even lift the shield.

Without the protection of the shield, pack three or three big strokes, Rao is a thick-skinned shield warrior, and was directly killed by more than half of his blood.

"Ying Luo Tianxiang !!"

"Milky Way Landing !!"

After three packs were beaten, the voices of the two girls were heard again from the sky. On the roof, Yang Na and Ling Longmeng raised their crossbows in their hands.

The black shadow arrow phantom is all-encompassing.

Silver crossbow arrows like a meteor little bit of mercury.

After being hit by a black shadow arrow, the Chunjiang plumbing player sank his feet and could not move at all. He could only let the silver arrow fall on himself.

It is necessary to say that the late period of the Shield Warrior is really disgusting, and the high defense is depressing. These guys have been taken away by Bao San for more than half of the blood. At the moment, they have suffered a set of skills from Yang Na and Ling Longmeng.

Fortunately, Ji Ao and the famous Kendo Dou Xue then made up their swords, and then just harvested all the front rows.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

The tank profession as the most important component of the team is definitely a survival guarantee for a team. Without the tank profession, the team has lost its survivability.

Now almost all the front-line occupations have been wiped out, and Feitiande has completely panicked. In front of him, Yin Lao Er and others are blocking the road. Feitiande naturally dare not move forward, so he has to direct his men to retreat.


But when the crowd had just retreated to the alley, a black circle rose from the ground, blocking all the people led by Feitiande.

Chunjiang plumbing players are not newbies, of course, knowing the skill effects of the dark enchantment, so it is worth retreating again, but everyone is sinking together, as if pulled by something, even unable to move.

Everyone quickly looked down and saw that there was a piece of thorns under his feet, and his own feet had been entangled with thorns.

"Lao Li! The floor was washed!"

Outside the alley, came the voice of a wretched uncle.

Along with the cry of the wicked uncle, everyone only felt hot under his feet, and there was a sea of ​​fire on the ground.

There is also thunder in the fire.

The thorns on the ground ignited in case of fire, and the two took advantage of each other. The flame suddenly ignited on the roof, instantly swallowing up the players in the alley.

There are more than 200 people in the plumbing of the Chunjiang River, and half of them have been wiped out in one face. Most of them are legal professions with short legs.

Feitiande and others are masters in the end, only in that case, short legs can not run away, archer assassins and warriors still do not lack escape skills.

When the flames of Mingdu rose, Feitiande and others broke free of Chunxiang's control. The soldiers were in front and bowed their heads to start the collision. Escaped.

"Ha ha!"

At this time, Wuji had leaked his head on the roof, looking at the direction of Feitiande and others escaping and laughing: "You guys lost, remember to give money."


Everyone thumped their hands and pointed at Mingdu and scolded: "Lao Li, you are a waste. Dads have blocked them. Why didn't you kill them?"

Fang Caiyin and other people were betting with Wuji to end the fight at once. Who knows whether to let Feitian gang run away and lose to Wuji's old dog? This is really unwilling.

"Nonsense!" Mingdu also anxiously said: "Grandpas, I just threw a magic just over a hundred seconds. Okay, so many of them, how could I kill it all at once? Blame the spring dog, he The control is so watery that it can still be freed. "

"Two dogs, you laugh a fart!" Chun Xiang said unpleasantly: "Why didn't you stop?"

"Stop you, uncle!" Yin Lao Er, who watched Mingdu and Chunxiang pinch each other and saw their fools, pointed at themselves, and also said with excitement: "Lying trough, I am on top of each other's team? Blame the foreskin three is not forceful. "

"Turn me off!" Bao San rolled his eyes and murderously said: "I will only kill people, not block them!"

"Isn't it? Good dogs don't stand in the way, foreskin is obviously much better than your group of stupid dogs." Ji Ao and Ming Jiandao Xue also watched the excitement.

"It's done!"

At the critical moment, Wuji was still a reliable chairman. When he saw that his group of companions had n’t wiped out his enemies, he would start killing each other. Wuji quickly interrupted and said, "That group of guys have run away. You are still there. Here shirk responsibility. "

"Where did they run?" Chun Xiang came up and asked, just now that Chun Xiang was at the other end of the alley, and did not see the direction in which Feitiande and others ran away.

"Out of the alley and ran to the left." Yang Na on the roof replied.

"To the left?" Chun Xiang asked, touching his chin, "Is the gate direction?"

"Good!" Wuji nodded indifferently.

"Sun!" Hearing Wuji's answer, Chunxiang and others were immediately anxious: "Everyone catch up, don't let them run away."

The map outside the ruins of the city is very wide. Everyone finally trapped Feitiande and other people in the city. Once they are allowed to run out of the city, it is not so simple to find opportunities to surround them.

"No hurry, no hurry!" Wuji waved his hand and said: "Let them run."

"Are you afraid of them running away?" Seeing Wuji is so unhurried ~ ~ Chunxiang surprised.

"Hey!" Wuji smiled and said: "Don't you find that we are missing one now?"

"This ..." Chun Xiang froze for a moment, then looked around quickly and was surprised: "How about the old cow?"

"Good!" Wuji smiled and said: "Lao Niu has been waiting for them at the door."

"So many people, can the old cow stop it?" Chun Xiang asked a little nervously.

Chun Xiang will not doubt Wang Yu ’s strength, but killing and running away is not a concept at all. Now there are one hundred and ten people under Feitiande, even if Wang Yu can defeat one hundred, can he stop others from escaping Not successful?

"There are only more than a hundred people across from now." Wuji asked with a smirk.

"Ang!" Chunxiang nodded.

"Their tank professions and legal professions are gone."

"It's gone!" Chun Xiang nodded again. The wave of fighting in the alley just now focused on the tank profession and the legal profession.

Now Feitiande has not only no tanks, output-type wizards, control-type warlocks, and healing-type priests, all of them have been wiped out.

Wuji sneered: "Then you still worry about a fart!" ...

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