MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1792: Reforged Skyguard Battlegear

Of course, Feitiande has no chance to understand these.

Seeing Feitiande with the rest of the crowd surged up, Wang Yu jumped back and jumped outside the city gate.

Although the gate is only three or four meters wide, it is seven or eight meters deep.

Kung Fu of Wang Yu jumped behind him, all the remaining players of Feitiande and Chunjiang Plumbing just rushed under the gate.

Wang Yu landed, luck in Dantian, the golden light flashed on his body to turn on the dragon palm mode, and his palms were shot together.


With a roar of dragons, a huge wave sprayed from Wang Yu's hands and turned into a golden dragon that hit the Chunjiang plumbing player under the city gate.

Dragon Dragon Ai · Shocked Baili

A line of golden Chinese characters lit up on Wang Yu's head.

This shocking hundred miles is powerful, but it is not fast. It is very limited in the face of the agile career of the archer assassin. If it is not certain conditions, it is very difficult to wipe out everyone in one move.

However, Wang Yu had spotted the terrain long ago. When he saw the enemy rushing, Wang Yu retreated, Feitian De and others rushed forward, and just everyone ran under the gate.

The city gates are narrow and long. The hundred and tenth people are very congested here. Facing Wang Yu's skills, of course, they are also inevitable.


The golden dragon roared into the gate, and everyone under the gate was swallowed by the dragon.


Victory! !

As Fei Tiande and others were wiped out by Wang Yu, two huge Chinese characters appeared on the battlefield, and Quanzhenjiao people were sent out of the battlefield.

System prompt: The guild you are in has destroyed the hostile guild "Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet" and earned 1948 points.

System prompt: Your guild is now without losing one person in the guild battlefield. Complete the "perfect" achievement and double the points earned.


With a series of system prompts, the battlefield points settlement was completed, and all the real people except Wang Yu raised a golden light.

In addition to the point rewards, there are a lot of extra experience rewards.

The amount of experience is determined by the number of enemies and enemies. Eleven people of Quanzhenjiao killed 974 people in Chunjiang plumbing. This experience is equally an astronomical figure among the people of Quanzhenjiao.

All the real people who have gained experience have been upgraded to one level. Even Wang Yu, who is already in the seventies, has jumped in the experience bar.

The game still depends on the equipment and operation. The experience level is like a cloud for all true people, but these thousands of points make these guys happy.

Only hit the Shenmo Canyon, and the hard work for half an hour is only a dozen points, and the actor may not even mix a dozen points.

Now that the guild battlefield is down, it is also thirty minutes, and it is so rich, especially in Mingdu, this kid alone took more than half of the points, and at this time Le's back molars came out.

"Meidi is very, Meidi is very ..." Mingdu excitedly began to calculate how many element stones can be exchanged.

At this time, Wuji said: "The next battlefield, we have to give all the heads to Lao Li or Lao Niu."


When he heard Wuji, Mingdu was thrilled. This kind of star-studded treatment was the first time Mingdu enjoyed it.

"Of course!" Wuji explained: "We are going to brush the material drops. If the points are too scattered, it will waste time. Focus on one or two people to brush, the brush is faster."

"Poof !!!"

Hearing Wuji, Mingdu spit out old blood and shivered: "So I am the God of Wealth passing by."

"Nonsense!" Everyone despised: "How many points do you think you can swipe without us?"

"But ..."

"But it's a fart!" Mingdu just wanted to refute, and Wuji directly interrupted: "As long as you are obedient, the MVP is still yours. If you dare not to obey, I won't let you brush."

"I ..." Mingdu is going to cry again.

"Huh?" Quanzhen everyone frowned.


Under the prostitution of everyone, Mingdu had to compromise. As a veteran all-true dog, Mingdu naturally understands his own group of old folks than anyone else. These are the masters of the group, especially the old gangster who dares to dare. If you don't listen to him, it is very possible to let yourself die in the beginning.


Once reborn, and second familiar, with the first battle, the next guild battlefield has also become familiar.

This group of guys carried forward the essence of guerrilla warfare, relying on the terrain and relying on mounts as bait. The enemy enters and retreats, the enemy stops and disturbs me, the enemy flies and flies, and the enemy retreats and chases. Wherever we go, weep everywhere.

However, no one would brush the battlefield to waste the leveling time. After all, the high experience value of the battlefield is different from person to person. There are few people who teach the true truth. The experience is divided on average. The guild experience is relatively rare.

Therefore, except for the Chunjiang plumbing, the matching guilds behind Quanzhenism are all small guilds of eighty or ninety people and hundreds of people.

Everyone brushed up until night, and finally brushed up the materials needed by Yin.

Wang Yu returned to the city of afterglow when several people came, and the demon rampage also brought materials to the station of Quanzhen Religion. Everyone excitedly followed Wang Yu into the forging workshop.


This is the original artifact of Zhenger's Eight Classics ... Although the attribute is not much stronger than the artifact created with the drawings, but it is of great significance. It can witness the artifact regain its brilliance. Ordinary players may not encounter it once when the game is closed. All these guys in Quanzhenjiao are very lively people, and of course it is impossible to miss them.

Even Mu Zixian and Li Xue and others ~ ~ Heard that Wang Yu was about to remake the artifact, he also put down his business and returned to the guild residence.

When money can be made, this thing is rarer than meteor.

Compared to building equipment, recasting equipment does not actually have much technical content, because 90% of the process of building equipment is to make equipment parts, and the remaining 10% is to assemble equipment.

And the recast equipment is directly in accordance with the requirements of the system, just throw the material in. People have the original artifact template. Of course, there is no need for the player to rebuild it again. The difficulty of recasting is difficult to collect materials and find a designated blacksmith.

Yin's second son was extremely lucky. First of all, there was Wang Yu, a friend who was proficient in the forging of the Titans, and a group of old folks like Quanzhenjiao who helped to score points, but it was only a day's work. Everyone helped Yin 2 to overcome all kinds of difficulties. .

Came to the console, Wang Yu opened the recast interface.


There was a sound of wind, and a blazing flame rose from the furnace on the operation platform. Wang Yu followed the system prompts and threw the materials in the backpack into the furnace in groups.

Wang Yu's backpack has less and less material, and the completion shown on the furnace is getting higher and higher. When Wang Yu threw the last piece of material into the furnace, the completion reached 100%. ...

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