MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1796: Cousin

"Hee hee, go home."

Ma Li smiled and asked, "Where are you all? I didn't see you in the tavern."

Mali also had a period of time in Quanzhen teaching, and the habits of Quanzhen teaching this group of guys, Mary, also knew very well, knowing that if this group of guys were online at this time, they basically stayed in a pub.

"Where is the guild." Wang Yu said.

"Give me permission to pull me in." As soon as everyone who heard Quanzhenjiao was in the station, Mary said with a roar.

Be reasonable, do n’t look at Wang Yu joining Quanzheng for so long, but the time at the guild station is definitely not as good as that of Mary, so Mary still has a deep feeling for the guild station.

"Oh oh ..."

Wang Yu responded and threw a permission to Mary.

The Quanzhen religion is a democratic guild. It ’s no wonder that the president is just a name. All Quanzhen people now have the authority to pull people.


"Hahaha! My Hu Hansan is back."

Wang Yu's authority had just been thrown over and there wasn't a lot of meetings, and there was a loud laugh in the guild station transmission array.


Hearing this sound, everyone quickly looked around, and saw that Mary stood with her waist in pride, standing proudly in the teleportation array, and she was laughing in the sky.

Mali was a very cheerful girl. She was like a tomboy on weekdays. It's not surprising to do this kind of behavior, but the girl didn't stand tall a few months ago, but now it suddenly appears, which is very surprising.

"Huh? Mary?"

Seeing Mary in the teleportation array, Baosan stood up all of a sudden, and then quickly greeted him.

"Third Brother!"

Seeing Bao San walked over, Mary, who was originally piercing her waist, suddenly blushed old and hummed with her head down.

"What have you been doing these months?"

Walked to Mary, Bao San frowned and asked.

Bao San ’s feelings for the girl Mary are still complicated, and she did n’t feel anything before. But after Mary left, Bao San always felt empty. At this time, she suddenly saw that Mary was back again. Bao San was surprised and informed. There was a bit of blame in the tone, and it seemed that he was complaining about the girl's farewell.

"Yo! ───_───"

Bao San's anxious appearance made Quanzhen people squint and seemed to feel a sour smell.

Seeing Bao San caring about herself so much, Mary secretly rejoiced in her heart and quickly said: "There is something wrong at home, but it is all right now."

"Oh oh ... it's okay, it's okay."

Baosan grabbed the back of his head and fell into silence.

Baosan, the silly dog, is the spare tire, because this kid is a typical engineering dog, and he doesn't know how to communicate with the girl. Although his face is anxious, he is still talking to Tianer again.

Fortunately, the girl Mary was more outgoing and knew the personality of the elm head of Bao San, so she took the initiative to find the topic: "How are you interested in staying at the Guild Residence today? Look at each of you in a low mood, yes It ’s not because I saw me coming back.

"No ... no."

Bao San panicked and said: "We are worried about Daoxue's feelings again."

"Oh ... are you a single old dog still anxious to others?" Ma Li looked up and down at Bao Sanyi when she heard the contempt.

"What the **** happened? His girlfriend also ran away with others?"

At this time, Mary still did not forget to reveal Bao San's scar.

"It would be nice if I ran away with someone else." Just when Bao San didn't know how to answer, he did not know where it came from. Smiling Bao Bao San unblocked and said: "This way Daoxue will not have to struggle. "


William's words caused Mary to be confused, and Mary smiled and said, "Wooji boss, you still like to say half of the words after seeing you for so long."

"It's not because of the surface arrangement problem."

Mali is not considered an outsider, and she would say the thing about famous swordsmanship roughly.


After listening to Wuji's remarks, Mary knew: "I thought it was a fart thing, it turned out to be because of this ... what's the big deal, you are so clever and helpless?"

"There is a way." Wuji shouted: "Unfortunately, we have limited abilities. We can't find Dao Xue's relatives."

"That's easy to handle." Mary said with a snap: "Brother Daoxue will be my cousin in the future."


Seeing Mary pretend like this, Ming on the side couldn't help laughing: "Sister, don't you understand, Wuji Old Dog said very clearly, you have to find a relative with Dao Xue."

It's not that Mingdu despised Ma Li, because in Mingdu's eyes, although Quanzhen teaches this group of guys to have their own strengths, in front of the dream girl, the average person really can't talk about the face.

Besides, Mingdu also heard that the girls like Mary are still renting a house at Wang Yu's house. Whoever has rows of people will rent a house.

"How?" Mary pouted: "Am I not beautiful enough?"

"It's not a question of not being beautiful." Mingdu was a little crazy.

"You know what a fart!"

At this time, Wuji had a glance at Mingdu, and then turned to smile with a smile to Mary: "Since Miss Ma is willing to help this, then I will mention Daoxue thank you."

"Where and where! It's just a matter of raising hands." Mary waved her hand, her face careless.

"I rely on!" Seeing Wuji and so on, Ming immediately exploded, and quickly chatted privately Wuji: "She has a fart row, Wuji old dog, you are crazy, although we are brothers, but you I do n’t agree to such things as grabbing brothers and girlfriends. "

Obviously, this kid from Mingdu thought that Wuji was going to grab his girlfriend of Kendo Snow, so he had to pit him.

"Go to your uncle." Wuji shouted: "Is it like that kind of person?"

"This is inaccurate"

For a guy who is habitually serving people with lack of virtue ~ ~ Ming dare can't believe 100%.

"Eat you shit!" Wuji sighed: "You fool, Miss Ma is not an ordinary person."

"I believe you a ghost!" Mingdu continued to look down with contempt.

Wuji was too lazy to pay attention to this coin, turned his face and continued to ask: "Pony, you disappeared for so long, and now it suddenly appears, not only to come here to be a cousin to the famous Kendo Snow."

"Of course not."

Mali glanced around and said, "I came back this time to discuss a business with Wuji Boss."

"Oh? What business?" Wuji was not surprised by Mary's words.

"Haha, then I will just say it."

Ma Li smiled and said, "Everyone is capable, especially my brother Niu is a rare talent. Isn't everyone like to seek higher development?"

"Seek for higher development?" Wu Ji Wen Yan asked, knowingly, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"It's very simple." Marie explained: "Someone took a fancy to us and really wanted to sign us." ...

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