MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1802: Take away

"Pay attention." Wang Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at Sanshan Wuyue: "I am not familiar with you, you can insult me, but don't insult Kung Fu."

"How? You come to beat me?" Sanshan Wuyue danced exaggeratedly while expressing exaggeratedly: "I'm so scared ..."

"Huh! That's what you said."

Wang Yu was so big, this was the first time he heard such unreasonable demands. The Sanshan and Wuyue words had not been finished yet. Wang Yu snorted coldly and lifted his feet.


Sanshan and Wuyue didn't know what was going on, so they lay on the ground.

"???? !!!!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Kyushu team was shocked and stood up together, pointing at Wang Yu and saying, "What do you want to do?"

"Did I do anything?"

Wang Yu spread his hands and turned his head to ask Quanzhen people, "What do you see?"

"No ..."

All the people shook their heads together.

"Ha ha!"

At this time, the five lakes and the sea stood up and walked in front of Wang Yu and whispered: "Do you know that you two will be suspended before the fight?"


Hearing the words from all corners of the world, Wang Yu couldn't help but stunned, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

To be reasonable, Wang Yu is just a game white, and the attempt in the game is still learning. The rules of the professional league are naturally blackened.

As for the suspension, this is the first time I have heard.

Wang Yu knew that the five lakes and the sea were smart people. With his IQ, Sanshan and Wuyue should stand up to prevent it from the beginning of the provocation, but now he said this after Wang Yu beat him. Obviously, this matter must have been directed by the world.

Because he knows that Wang Yu is the core master of Quanzhenjiao. With Wang Yu, Quanzhenjiao is a super first-class team. Without Wang Yu, this group of guys in Quanzhenjiao are at most second-tier.

Although Sanshan Wuyue is also one of the masters of the Kyushu team, but the level of the player of the Kyushu team is not large, there are not many of them, there is not a lot of him, and taking Sanshan Wuyue one a for Wang Yu, the king, obviously only earns nothing Losing business.

"Boss of the Five Lakes, you are sinister enough." Wang Yu said lightly.

"Where and where!" Said the five lakes all over the world with a smile: "Compared with Wuji Boss, where am I from?"

"You just said that all fights before the match must be suspended?" Wang Yu asked with narrowed eyes.

"That's for sure!" Said the complacent, "but this is the rules of the game, not what I said."


Wang Yu smiled slightly, and raised his hand to the world.


Although the five lakes and the sea are savvy, they are ordinary people after all. The ordinary people are so frightened that they will of course be subconsciously blocked. The five lakes and the sea reached out and hit Wang Yu without thinking.

"Oops ..."

Wang Yu took two steps back and said sadly, "I'm just scratching my ears. Why are the five lake bosses beating people?"


Hearing Wang Yu's words, his eyes were straight all over the world.

"What are you?" Wang Yu hadn't spoken yet, and he pulled off his mask directly and sneered: "Is playing with me touching porcelain, don't believe me, I have discounted your hands and feet, and you will get out together, who is afraid?" Who. "

Afterwards, the demon ran a fist with both hands and made a "click" sound.


In the end, Wang Yu was a little euphemistic. The devil's rampage made him scare everyone in the Kyushu team back quickly.

Okay, this is a ruthless person.

This group of game masters is a group of otakus, and their physical qualities are not comparable to the two Wang Yu brothers who have been practicing martial arts for many years.

Moreover, the real evil is a big fat man, with a big waist and a round fist, and a big fist. It looks very uncomfortable. You do n’t think this kid is just talking about it.

If you really make the evildoer run wild, people will lose some money at most and ban a game.

Everyone knows what the evil spirits are rampant, of course, they are not that bad, and even less famous.

But if his hands and feet were interrupted, the game career of this group of guys in the Kyushu team is estimated to be over, and at the end it will be crippled.

Five lakes and four seas just want to replace the trump card of the Quanzhen religion. Who knows that the evil spirits are so rampant, and they plan to take the Kyushu team away.

At this time, if there are any bans on the lakes and lakes, it would be irrational.


Seeing that the scene was embarrassing and unable to end, the five lakes all over the world laughed to ease the embarrassment and said: "Tie Niu Boss and Boss Boss are always as humorous as ever. I just want to remind you, can we really report that you are not successful? We are all Chinese, can't we fight in the nest. "

"Where and where." Wang Yu smiled and said: "I'm just kidding."

"That's good, that's good." Wuhusihai wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then kicked Sanshan and Wuyue and scolded: "Hurry back and sit down, something shameful."

Sanshan and Wuyue were so temperamental that they had no choice but to follow the five lakes and the seas and returned to the team.


Seeing the five lakes and the sea ate it again, Wuji smiled and smirked beside the rampage: "How about, I said he didn't have the guts to play for you."

"Haha." The evildoer smiled rampantly: "Or you see it thoroughly, this group of **** is really not a thing."

With this outing, Wang Yu has learned a lesson, and now this social violence really doesn't work ... it might be tricked by others.

After looking at the time, the flight arrived immediately. Wang Yu no longer ignored the Kyushu team, but turned his head and asked, "Are we all here?"

"Dream Girl doesn't seem to be here." Yang Na thought for a moment.

Although the girl of Mengxi is a Quanzhen religion, she has always been alone, and there is a very low sense of existence in the group of Quanzhen religion, even though Yang Na still remembers such a person.

"She has arrived."

At this time, the famous sword Daoxue said a little embarrassedly: "I showed her our uniform, and then she went first."

"No ~ ~ Mingdu tangled:" She is not in the European service, she is farther away than us, why she has already arrived before we have left. "

"She has a private jet." Famous Kendo Snow Road.


Everyone was speechless and silent. It ’s good to have money. Not only is it convenient and fast, but it does n’t have to be embarrassing to follow Wang Yu.


After a day of tossing and falling, the Quanzhenjiao group and the Kyushu team finally arrived in Kyoto in the Wa Kingdom. The reception of the organizer had already been waiting at the airport early.

Seeing the dress of Wang Yu's group, the reception was also slightly stunned. However, they were professional receptionists, and they didn't reveal too many strange looks. Instead, they took two teams to the hotel.

After some setbacks, the two teams finally stayed, and after a night of rest, they will go to familiarize themselves with the game the next day.

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