MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1804: The war is coming

"none of your business!"

Wuji knew that Wang Yu's impression of the Sanshan and Wuyue was not good at all. I was afraid that Wang Yu would go viral here. Seeing that Sanshan and Wuyue came to find another way to mock Wang Yu, Wuji raised his eyebrows and directly went back for Wang Yu.

"I'm just reminding you." Sanshan and Wuyue whispered: "You amplify the words, if you lose, you will not only lose your face."

"Take care of yourself." Wuji said lightly: "A group of men who dare to pretend to lose?"


In the fight, Wang Yu had no opponents. Speaking of the people, he was still adept at being good at it. He went straight to the point of Sanshan and Wuyue, and immediately suffocated Shan Wuyue with a thick neck.

"alright, alright."

Five lakes and four seas hurriedly dragged the clothes of Sanshan Wuyue and said, "Are you free to be poor with him? Are you his opponent?"

After adjusting to the venue in the morning, after eating, all the people returned to the hotel.

Kyoto is not a city of Linhai. It is a place where people are unfamiliar, and the language is not yet available. Bao San Wuji, a social elite like Chunxiang, is not afraid of it. No one else can hardly walk with them. It is safer to stay in a hotel.

In the room of the Kyushu team next door, all over the world are holding a small blackboard and a pointer to perform tactical analysis for their teammates.

Let ’s not say that people are professional masters, and they demonstrate professionalism in every word and deed. Tactical analysis is almost a compulsory course for them, which is like a group of Quanzhen teachings. They are all crooked, either embracing their wives or showing their love. Eating in the room, Mingdu was proud of the two scumbags. At this time, they were wrapped around Baosan and took them out for a long time.

After all, seeing the Japanese girl in the past was on the hard disk of the computer, now it is difficult to come to Japan once, of course, to see the real.


"Everyone has seen the six teams in this competition."

Holding the teaching pointer, the five lakes and the sea pointed to the six teams on the blackboard and said: "The strength of the Japanese nation in e-sports is relatively weak. Both of these teams are also dwarfed from the dwarfs, and they are not afraid, but this is the great country. The strength of the participating teams cannot be underestimated. "

Speaking of which, all over the world pointed to the btr team and other people said: "This btr team is also our enemy. We should play a twelve-point spirit after meeting them. Now we focus on analyzing the tactics of btr."

"What about Quanzhen?"

At this time, Sanshan and Wuyue raised their hands and asked: "Aren't we studying tactics against Quanzhen religion?"

"They don't need to study." The five lakes and the sea looked at the photos of all the real people on the blackboard and said: "I still know the person who is unscrupulous. This person is extremely adaptable and never sticks to tactics. This group of guys has no fixed tactics. It can be said that studying them will be biased. "

Speaking of which, all over the world said: "Furthermore, there are three qualifying places in this theater game. Each server team must have the opportunity to qualify, so we and Quanzhenjiao as the same server team, will not I bumped into one. "

"It's a pity." Sanshan Wuyue regretted: "I still want to end them here by hand."

The last professional league has always been a knot in Sanshan Wuyue. A group of top players lost to a group of amateur players. It is not so easy for anyone to rest. It ’s a cautious guy in Sanshan Wuyue, of course. I'm going to be ashamed.

What's more, Quan Zhenjiao has already made a big bet on the forum. Isn't it a perfect lore to kill Quan Zhenjiao in the group stage?

The war is imminent, and the five lakes and seas also know the importance of morale. Of course, they will not beat the dreams of Sanshan and Wuyue. In the face of Sanshan and Wuyue, a guy who has a good scar and forgets the pain, he has no choice but to say: "There is no need to worry, there is a chance."


The salted fish teams each have their own salted fish, but the professional teams are the same profession.

While the Kyushu team analyzed the battlefield, the same professional btr team was not idle.

The young man with white hair in the btr team is their captain. The game id is called "Aguo", and he is also the chief master of the btr team.

At the moment, A-Guo, like the five lakes and the world, is pointing at the analysis of the major teams on the table: "The U-Guo team is not worth mentioning, and the Arirang team and we can't get together. Our main opponents are the two of Huaxia. Team. "

As he said, Aguo put his hand on the name of the Kyushu team and said seriously: "The Kyushu team is our old opponent. Their strength is very strong. This time it will definitely be our biggest obstacle, but another straight team Does anyone know what it is? "

"Not sure ..."

Regarding the issue of Azerbaijan, everyone in the btr team was blinded.

Quanzhen teaches this group of guys in the national service is naturally a household name, but in the end they are just a grassroots team, this is also the first time such an international professional league advanced event.

Other teams in the national service have also participated in world-class professional leagues, and they are not born in the international arena. However, it really teaches this group of players whether they are the name of the team or the players in the team. See for the first time.

"But it's interesting to see how they dress up." At this time, a young man with pink hair next to the country said: "It should be the same as the Huaxia national team before, all for the Kyushu team as a cheerleader."

"Really?" A Guo smiled while touching his chin. "I think you guessed it right. They should be dressed as professional cheerleaders."

Speaking of which, A Guo raised his hand above his head and made a lion dance.


After A Guo finished speaking, there was a laugh in the room.


"I can't think of it. I can't think of it."

In Wang Yu's room, Wang Yu's husband and wife are infinitely emotional.

Life is impermanent. At this time last year, the young couple was still busy for a meal. This was only a year. Wang Yu has become a well-known game master, and even represented the country to participate in this international In the professional league of the highest competition, all this is like a dream.

"I just want you to play the game to distract yourself ~ ~ Mu Zixian honestly said:" I didn't expect you to distract yourself to a world-class game. "

"Haha." Wang Yu said with a smile: "I don't know. My original purpose was to share the hard work of making money to support your family. Who knows that he has become a professional player, hey."

"Are you disappointed?" Mu Zixian asked a little puzzled when he saw Wang Yu sighing.

It is the dream of how many players can participate in this competition, and it ’s easy to have this opportunity, Wang Yuzao sighed.

"No! I just sighed." Wang Yu said: "Kung Fu such an ancient thing has spread to the new things such as games. I really don't know whether it should be a blessing or a pity."

"Of course I'm glad." Mu Zixian comforted: "It's just a testament to the importance of kung fu in the game, which will soon be valued again."

"I hope so." Wang Yu murmured looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window: "Just hope that it will be rejuvenated, and no more crooks will ruin him."


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