MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1808: Chun Xiang's mental attack


Seeing this scene, Thunder couldn't help but drink a lot of color, and the audience on the field also widened their eyes.

As a relatively short version of a relative warrior, the main output method of dual-armed weapon warfare is combo. The high judgment of the warrior skills, coupled with the general high skills of the assassin, makes the combo of this profession very enjoyable, and the operation requirements Also extremely high.

The action range of the ring sword slash is larger than that of the original spur flash, and the rigidity time after its release is also longer. It is obviously a bit difficult to take the dragon slash, but June Xue can be able to release the ring sword slash skill at the same time. Cancel the skill, and then use the Dragon Slash to cancel the last skill's rigidity. Its quick reaction ability is simply appalling.

Even in the eyes of professional masters, there is a tendency to show off skills. Well, baseball players are pursuing the ultimate operating skills.

As the saying goes, martial arts come out of the corner of the world, and rogues have been used since ancient times.

The effect of Rising Dragon is floating. For high-skilled combos, once the opponent is floating, the opponent can give up resistance.


The game was about to end at the beginning, and everyone could not help but mourn for Chun Xiang.

It's a little embarrassing to be sent back to my hometown at such a large age to participate in the first game of a game.

However, when Jianguang was about to hit Chunxiang Chunxiang, suddenly a green light blocked Chunxiang.

At the same time, a ghost with blue-faced fangs appeared between Chunxiang and June Xue.

"I rely on ... what is this?"

Seeing the evil spirits in front of Chun Xiang, the audience and the two commentators were all surprised.

Only the expressions on the faces of the Wuhe team are still indifferent.

Isn't it just to summon evil spirits? Everyone sees it more, what a fuss.


With a muffled sound, June Xue's sword light hit the evil spirit in front of Chun Xiang.


At about the same time, there was another muffled noise, and June Xue picked a sword on the jaw of the evil spirit.

The evil spirit shook slightly, and was slightly slapped back by June Xue.

"? !!!!"

Seeing his skills hit the wrong target, June Xue was also shocked. If the figure was wrong, he would bypass the evil spirits and attack Chunxiang again.

Isn't Chunxiang standing there to attack anyone?


June Xue just stepped back half a step, the dark enchantment rose from the bottom, and June Xue was fixed on the spot.

Jedi counterattack!

Seeing that June Xue's winning ticket was fixed by Chun Xiang, the professional players on the field suddenly revealed a shocked expression.

The so-called layman looks lively, the layman looks at the doorway.

In the eyes of ordinary people, June Xue is just an accident, defined by Chun Xiang's dark knot, but in the eyes of top experts, it is not so simple.

Being able to reach the highest s-level tournament all the way, Chunxiang will naturally not know that there is a gap in the skill release between the warlock and the warrior.

But Chun Xiang still waited until June Snow started to collide before releasing the dark enchantment.

Is this mentally retarded?

Do not! This is operation!

It can be seen that Chunxiang has clearly calculated the skill difference between the two.

When June Xue was approaching Chunxiang, the evil spirits were released with precision. When June Xue reacted and wanted to avoid the evil spirits, he had already retreated.

Accurate skill integration!

If it is said that June Xue's net income skill connection is based on his own reaction and operation, then Chun Xiang's precision skill connection is based on pre-judgment and calculation.

Such an accurate prediction and calculation ability makes all the top experts present feel horrified.

Of course, this is just a routine operation for our brother Chun.


June Xue was fixed in place, Chun Xiang took a step back with a wry smile, and at the same time, the staff waved and put a cloud of green mist on June Xue's head.


The frozen Xue Xue was directly dyed green and a negative state emerged.

Melasma: 50 drops of blood per second for a duration of 60 seconds. The healing skills are invalid for the duration.

This is the most disgusting place of the Warlock, poison!

Although you can't explode in a wave, you can be tortured to death.

Of course, Xue Xue also knew how disgusting the warlock was. Without saying anything, his arms broke, and a red light burst out of his body. With the red light flashing, June Xue broke free from the **** of the dark enchantment, and his body's malaria was also The earthquake turned into a little green light.


The control skills of the warrior class can eliminate all control effects and negative states on the body.

After a round of fighting, June Xue also realized that the warlock in front of him did not look so vulnerable, naturally he did not dare to stay, and immediately accelerated again to Chunxiang who was retreating.

June Xue's speed is much faster than Chunxiang's big short legs. In a blink of an eye, June Xue rushed to Chunxiang again, his hands raised, and the two swords crossed and thrust at Chunxiang's body at the same time.

But just when June Xue's weapon was about to stab Chunxiang, suddenly, Xue Xue's feet sank and the whole person could not move.


When Xue Xue looked down subconsciously, he saw a thorn that did not know when he got out of the feet of the two and bound his feet firmly.

"Boy, why are you doing me so close?"

Chun Xiang's face once again revealed the iconic frivolous smile.

"Drink, retreat!"

Then a thick sputum of blue and yellow sprayed on Xue Xue's face ...

To say that Chunxiang is also disgusting, and the other June Xue is also a piece of fresh meat. This old thing is a thick sputum in the face of June Xue. Isn't this a deliberately disgusting person?


June Xue almost didn't spit out on the spot, the audience on the stage felt nausea through a dimension, the thunder and wind frost neither swallowed consciously.

"I protest!"

Seeing that Chunxiang was so disgusting, Arirang ’s captain in March finally could not bear it, and raised his hand in protest: “The warlock ’s behavior was too unsightly, and it is recommended to disqualify.”

"Invalid protest?"

As a result, in March, when the remark came out, the system said indifferently: "The player's skill release is correct, and the game continues."

"Skill release?"

March's wind glanced on the stage with a forcing expression ~ ~ As expected, there was another state on his head in June.

Plague: Movement speed decreased by 50%, physical defense and magical protection decreased by 50% for a duration of 60 seconds, and the acceleration skills and defense aura skills are invalid for the duration.

But it's not that people's Chun Xiang is obviously a skill release, how can he behave indecently ... Everyone has to be reasonable.


Seeing that Xue Xue really got the skill in June, the old blood of March spurted out, and this Nima, Warlock still has such a nasty skill casting behavior?

On the other side of the venue, Quanzhen people also had a lot of discussion.

"Lying trough, Brother Chun is so disgusting, set the cast to this posture."

"He's not disgusting for another day or two. This is obviously a mental attack on June Xue."

"It's so dirty ..."


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